2011年4月16日 星期六


最近讀曹永銀洋 先生翻譯的 黑澤明的世界 (台北:志文 新潮 1973)
"......除了我生長的桑梓地--士林 東海曾是我的魂夢之鄉......." (代譯序)

以前讀 破土: 生活與建築的報冒險Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life a...
不過他在Essex 可能沒有寫入其名著中 雖然幾年之後學校可能給他名譽博士
Libeskind became a United States citizen in 1965.[7] In 1970, he received his professional architectural degree from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art; he received a postgraduate degree in History and Theory of Architecture at the School of Comparative Studies at Essex University in 1972.
