2019年11月24日 星期日


後來,或許因為學期太長 (同一般大學),我都知難而退。
英國的三學期制 terms很好。

  • 早就該彈性開放了!三學期制,也可以順推了!

2019年11月23日 星期六

孫康宜與施蟄存:《「童化」與「教化」》(Mister Rogers) :Ben Chen、HC

“He prized gentleness and kindness, but Fred Rogers was a stubborn advocate for children — and his message continues to shape early education.” https://hgse.me/2CVcUsZ

Ben Chen 分享了 1 條連結


How a Documentary About Mister Rogers Turns Him Into a Rock Star for Our Time
It’s difficult, and always has been, for a documentary to break through the clutter and beam itself onto the radar of mainstream moviegoing. When one succeeds in doing so, it’s revealing to l…

Hanching Chung 孫康宜寫過一篇,作為賀施先生90歲大壽文,未收入其文集
Ben Chen 有收入

Harvard Graduate School of Education 正在直播。
This is a special event that will examine how Mister Rogers’ teaching through public television made an impact on the world and how his attention to civility and community are influencing our thinking 50 years after his show’s launch. The documentary

敬贈孫康宜教授。她跟我們介紹Mr. Rogers....
馬龍‧白蘭度 過世
Paul Newman
Bringing intense emotion and raw improvisation to his performance, Brando's talent was said to have outshone his classmates, who included Marilyn Monroe, Shelley Winters and Rod Steiger.
Paul Newman, who was also learning to act at that time, said: "I'm angry at Marlon because he does everything so easily.
"I have to break my ass to do what he can do with his eyes closed."
「……(Fred) Rogers請著名的音樂家馬友友來演奏大提琴,馬友友一開始就閉著眼睛在拉琴,好像很陶醉的樣子;女兒於是拍手叫道:『真好,他在睡覺也能演奏,Good for him!』。」(p.432;孫康宜《「童化」與「教化」》載《慶祝施蟄存教授百歲華誕文集》pp.430-34)
2,389,526 次觀看
Midnight Pulp
Mr Rogers: the most mild hype man ever.

2019年11月22日 星期五

Daily Mile

Daily Mile, 英國小學推廣的方式:每天讓學生到教室外活動、運動一小時。

2019年11月15日 星期五

南韓教育部再揭17 名學者 以孩子名字充研究作者助入大學

南韓教育部最新的報告指,揭發該國再有多 9 名學者即使孩子未有參與學術研究,仍將其名字列為研究作者。教育部 2017 年年末已開始相關調查,連同最新報告,至今發現有造假行為學者數目增至 17 名,受影響研究有 24 份,最早有問題的研究更可追溯至 2007 年。

【造假】南韓教育部再揭多名學者 以孩子名字充研究作者助入大學 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
南韓教育部最新的報告指,揭發該國再有多 9 名學者即使孩子未有參與