(3日更新) 我們看"東海校長遭逼退":This man is lower than I can imagine
I think the Board must do two things right away: 1. terminate Tang's appointment (firing him) immediately, and 2. take concrete steps towards reform of the Board.
It is the Board's prerogative of hiring and firing the president. They don't need approval from anyone else. To justify this decision, however, the Board needs to produce sufficient evidence to substantiate their verdict that Tang has abused/violated his office. Based on what the Board stated, they should be able to do this for the war over public opinion. In the same time, they must also deal with the dirt that Tang threw out to the Board in his cynical plot to cover his incompetence and mistakes: the alleged misconduct by Chiang. Although the Board's decision on Tang is not predicate on the result of the case of Chiang, but the public would demand justice toward the Chiang's case. Thus, the Board would have to deal with it in order to handle Tang properly. Tang is a shame. As for Chiang, I'm looking forward to a full court judgment.
Many alumni automatically placed sympathy and presumption of innocence on Tang, and blamed the Board. I guess, the Board has accumulated considerable negative image over the past many years. Now is the time to reform. If both reforms can be made (good president and Board), then this crisis could become an opportunity for Tunghai.
---- 這篇是3~4天前,1.31的來信。當時我在香港會老友 、新友,來不及補上。
Your energy is incredible. I admire your decisiveness and your confidence in me. I Just think that I should make it clear that I did not intend to openly criticize tang - what I said was meant for you in our private conversation. However, since no email can stay private in this Internet age, and I fully understand your honorable intent in using my opinions to join the current debate for Tunghai, thus I wish to add a little justification to why I think Tang must go.
His OWN doing made him unfitting to the job (and hence my impression of him): He tore the campus apart - evidence includes his harsh (and unprofessional) attack on the legally registered faculty association that appeared in his own Facebook entries in his own words, and his crude and disputed handling of the academic leadership under the presidency. He hastily and abruptly used the politician-staged press conference in a completely political setting to attack the Board only a few days ahead of the official investigation by the Ministry of Education, and hence inflicted immeasurable and unprecedented damage to Tunghai - and he did all this as, in his mind, the president of Tunghai. His official, permanent full time job and allegiance has always be with Chen-Da, not Tunghai. All these are simple facts. And yet, he still waged this "war" to demand restoration to the president's office to preside over the same faculty, students, and campus for a term that has only one year remaining. What does he expect to accomplish? What does he think he can do to Tunghai after all these? What any true scholar and academician would do in this situation? I cannot think of any precedence in my decades of academic career. I can only be reminded of the Biblical story of King Solomon's judge over two women who both claimed to be the mother of a baby. I can only think that some one who is capable of doing all the low things must be motivated by none other than his own self interest alone.
However, granted, how Tang thinks is not for me to see. What I can see is, Tang can bring only further, endless controversies and turmoil to Tunghai and continue to bleed the campus if he returns to his office, or even if the current fight and indecisiveness is allowed to drag on any longer.
I sincerely hope that the MOE report can help the Board to put this tragedy to a justified end, and the Board can take proper actions to put the Tunghai community (including students, faculty, and alumni) back to a whole, again, to move Tunghai forward, again.
我跟他講,這兒有些我近兩天搜的資料:我們看"東海校長遭逼退":This man is lower than I can imagine
I was really shocked by the unfortunate development engineered by Mr. Tong after the Board's decision (I'll forward an article reporting on this decision to you). This man is lower than I can imagine.