教育部長上任後首度訪英 促進教育交流合作
大成報 (2012-08-23)
hc刪過】教育部蔣偉寧部長於7月25日至8月2日赴英國倫敦出席2012年第30屆奧林匹克運動會,代表國人為我國奧運代表團參賽選手加油鼓勵。訪英期間,經由駐英國代表處文化組的安排,於7月31日分別與倫敦帝國學院校長 Sir Keith O’Nions及大倫敦地區留學生及學人31人會面,此行為蔣部長上任後首度訪英,對臺英雙方實質學術交流合作別具意義。
(Imperial College, London)成立於1907年,在理工生醫等領域創新成果卓著,共有14位諾貝爾獎得主,在英國及全歐洲大學排名第3(次於劍橋、牛津),全球排名亦佳。
Keith O’Nions 為地球科學及地質專家,曾任英國國防部及貿易商業部主要科學諮詢顧問。他與蔣部長就目前全球高等及國際教育發展的重要趨勢、英國及我國大學面臨全球化的挑戰及雙方如何進一步合作人才培育的發展重點等重大議題充分交換意見。蔣部長並於會談中邀請校長偕教授來我國進行深度教育交流。O’Nions 校長表示非常樂意,並期待雙方能就能源領域合作培養未來所需的頂尖人才。蔣部長訪問該校期間,由副校長Simon Buckle教授、能源未來實驗室主任Nigel Brandon 教授及國際事務辦公室主管Felicity Scott等人陪同參觀該校重要的能源未來實驗室(Energy
Futures Lab)與生物啟發科技中心(Centre for Bio-Inspired
Tales from the Children’s Laureates
These keynote speakers outlined their roles and achievements during their time as the UK’s Children’s Laureate, as well as reflecting on the theme of this year’s IBBY Congress, Crossing Boundaries. Michael Morpurgo’s anecdotes of his travels to schools in Scotland, Russia and South Africa as the Children’s Laureate 2003-2005 were entertaining and well received, as was his moving rendition of ‘Only Remembered’ from the theatre adaptation of his book War Horse (what a voice!). Anthony Browne gave a visual presentation of what he calls the ‘Shape Game’, using one of his own childhood drawings to demonstrate how pictures can evolve from a child’s – or talented artist’s – imagination, and went on to give examples of this from his own work. Natural entertainer and current Children’s Laureate Julia Donaldson began with a rendition of ‘Basta Pasta’, a song that sprang from her love of silly song writing and a menu in Siena, and closed with a riotous performance of her celebrated picture book The Gruffalo in German, French and Scots.
Although all three speakers championed the role of Children’s Laureate for promoting and celebrating books for young people, their presentations highlighted the continued need for advocacy of children’s literature. Morpurgo stressed the importance of extending the visual and storytelling experience beyond the classroom and Browne lamented the increasing tendency to push children away from picture books in the British education system, in order that they read more “grown up” books. Julia Donaldson also announced her upcoming tour of 36 British libraries from John O’Groats to Land’s End, in celebration of all that libraries have to offer the community, following recent closures and staff cuts.
I thoroughly enjoyed this start to the Congress. The different delegates from each continent chosen to perform the roles of farmyard animals as part of Julia Donaldson’s audience participation slot and Anthony Browne’s own interpretation of his self-conscious paintings particularly stood out. I look forward to what the rest of the Congress will bring.
児童図書普及、2団体を表彰 ロンドンで授賞式
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「おばあちゃんの読み聞かせ計画」は、主に50~70代の失業中の女性を読み聞かせボランティアとして育成し、貧しい地域の子どもたちに文学に触れる機 会を与えてきた。「SIPAR」は、ポル・ポト政権下で失われた出版文化を再興する活動を続けている。約200にのぼる図書館をつくったほか、子どもの本 の作家や編集者を養成するワークショップを開いている。(ロンドン=見市紀世子)
「おばあちゃんの読み聞かせ計画」は、主に50~70代の失業中の女性を読み聞かせボランティアとして育成し、貧しい地域の子どもたちに文学に触れる機 会を与えてきた。「SIPAR」は、ポル・ポト政権下で失われた出版文化を再興する活動を続けている。約200にのぼる図書館をつくったほか、子どもの本 の作家や編集者を養成するワークショップを開いている。(ロンドン=見市紀世子)