This is not a school but a laboratory in which not the fact but
the process leading to the fact is considered important. We
depend on everyone of you to give all you have to further this
process. If you really give your best, the results will be extraor-
dinary. I have found the best in every man to be pretty good.
You as total human beings are the measure of our educational
approach not you as future furniture designers, draftsmen,
photographers or instructors. Your brains as well as your hands,
your emotions and your health, all this is part of the process.
Design is not a profession, it is an attitude the attitude of
the planner Every high school in this country ha^ tatter equip-
ment than we have or Harvard has. It is simply prodigious.
And what do they do with it 9 Nothing. It is the spirit that
determines the whole thing. We have to develop, step lij step.
an educational procedure in which the creative abilities and
capacities of young people are used. That would mean general
education When any human being works with his hands, what-
ever he does will be translated into the brain & knowledge
This knowledge, m turn, will react on his emotional s_*|f. That
is how a higher level of personality is achieved