2008年7月15日 星期二

Deming Lecturer Award

Deming Lecturer Award (American Statistical Association, 2008)


Deming Lecturer Award
The Deming Lecturer Award was established in 1995 to honor the accomplishments of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, recognize the accomplishments of the awardee, and enhance the awareness among the statistical community of the scope and importance of Deming's contributions. The 2008 recipient is Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Cambridge, MA. Berwick was chose on the basis of his "extraordinary contributions to improving health care delivery and the human condition throughout the world through his visionary leadership, his passion for health care quality improvement, his appreciation of Dr. Deming's philosophy, and his application of statistical thinking."

The Deming Lecturer Award設立於1995年
旨在表彰Dr. W. Edwards Deming在多種領域上的成就
認可得獎者的成就 以及
在統計學共同體中提醒 Deming 諸多貢獻的範圍和重要性
2008年的得講者為 Donald M. Berwick (麻州劍橋市醫療改善學會的醫學博士兼 MPP (待查))
他對於 Deming 哲學的心領神會 以及
