約一年多前,在院士的新書發表會上,我開玩笑說,您說秦漢史專家,那天叫AI 寫出一本更權威的秦漢史教科書……
這週北京大學「游牧社會」課王上, 我挑戰 AI。我請一位旁聽此課的學生(北京清華大學計算机本科、史丹佛大學AI與管理硕博) 以"分枝性親屬結構與領袖權威" 為主題, 以AI準備內容來講授, 隨後則由我講同一主題。結果顯然AI (在吞了30多篇文献後) 的介绍與解說較具体系, 而我則能由此旁及其它問題。我覺得我們都得接受這樣的挑戰, 以及問自己如何探索AI不能及的知識世界。
The narrative around students using generative AI tools like ChatGPT to cheat is a prevalent one, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.
After all, cheating is not a new problem: schools have already survived calculators, Google, Wikipedia, and essays-for-pay websites.
In some ways, ChatGPT might actually make learning better.
Meet the teachers who think that generative AI could help students build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills... and make teaching feel more human.