2018年12月29日 星期六

這些偉大的機構 (the institutions)

A great interview article on Stephen Owen!
■ “历史就像压路机,当它滚动时,先将作品的文字压得越来越平坦,我们的工作就是重新恢复其间所有的差别。不同的用字,声音各异,我试着提醒他们注意其间的差别,其声响、感性、语意都是不同的东西。”宇文所安.......


得獎者謝謝耶魯大學:the institution

In October 2018, William Nordhaus ‘63 B.A., ‘72 M.A., was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. The Yale Sterling Professor of Economics is the world’s leading economist on climate change, and was awarded the 2018 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences for “for integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis.”
