2007年10月10日 星期三

computer science PhDs

我1977年到英國Essex大學時 好有Paul快南拿到computer science 博士 只多我一歲

英国《金融时报》李若瑟(Joe Leahy)孟买报道
2007年10月11日 星期四

微软(印度)公司(Microsoft India)董事长拉维•文卡特山(Ravi Venkatesan)认为,印度极其缺乏计算机科学博士人才,正在威胁该国作为全球IT服务外包中枢的地位。




印度的大学每年培养大约50万名工程学大学生,但其中很少人会继续深造。世界银行(World Bank)估计,该国每年培养的科学、工程学和技术学博士总共大约只有7000名。





By Joe Leahy in Mumbai
Thursday, October 11, 2007

India's shortage of computer science PhDs is so dire that it threatens the country's role as the world's outsourcing hub for IT services, according to the chairman of Microsoft India.

Although many Indians pursue postgraduate studies overseas, India's universities produce only about 35 computer science doctorates a year compared with about 1,000 in the US.

“It's an incredibly urgent and important issue,” Ravi Venkatesan told the Financial Times. “It affects the pipeline of future talent because the teaching institutions aren't getting enough qualified faculty and, of course, if you really want to do cutting edge innovation in computer science, you're restricted by the pool of talent out there.”

The rise of India's $47bn computer services outsourcing industry has been important for the country's economic revival over the past decade as companies around the world take advantage of its abundant pool of English-speaking talent.

India's universities turn out about 500,000 engineering graduates a year but few stay on for postgraduate studies. The World Bank estimates the country produces a total of 7,000 PhDs a year across science, engineering and technology.

“India's higher education system needs to produce more scientists, engineers and other masters and PhD graduates with skills matched to the needs of the innovation economy,” the bank said in a recent report.

While Indian companies have until now relied on the difference between Indian wages and those in developed markets, the strategy is not sustainable, Mr Venkatesan said.

Indian entry-level IT salaries are about half those in the developed world. But they are increasing at about 15 per cent a year and will be on par with the developed world within the next seven to eight years.

par (STANDARD) Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 the usual standard or condition

2 the expected number of times in golf that a good player should have to hit the ball in order to get it into a hole or into all the holes:
Tiger Woods finished the round 10 below/under par.

3 SPECIALIZED par (value) the original value of a share in a business


below/under par
1 ill:
Are you feeling a bit under par?

2 worse than the usual or expected standard

be up to par
to be of the usual or expected standard:
Her work hasn't been up to par lately.
