特朗普政府撤回留學生簽證新規 。此前的政策一經發出,立即引發哈佛大學和麻省理工學院的訴訟。負責此案的法官稱,政府和這兩所大學已於週二達成和解,特朗普政府將允許國際學生靈活地在線上課,並持學生簽證合法居留美國。
白宮撤回在美國大學透過網路上課的外國學生必須離境的規定 2020.7.14
More than 200 universities are backing a legal challenge to the Trump administration’s new restrictions on international students, arguing that the policy jeopardizes students’ safety and forces schools to reconsider fall plans. https://to.pbs.org/2CzdK1v
More than 200 schools back lawsuit over foreign student rule
What we’re reading: This South China Morning Post article about students derailed by U.S. visa restrictions. “U.S.-China tensions are playing out not just on the world stage but at schools like the University of Rochester, where 19 percent of students are Chinese,” writes Jennifer Jett, an editor in Hong Kong. “But it’s not as simple as one side against the other.”