2017年5月14日 星期日

How Google Took Over the Classroom. Google success in U.S. schools forces Microsoft, Apple to scramble. 資科教師缺很大?

Education Disrupted: How Google Took Over the Classroom

資科教師缺很大? 丁志仁:台灣資訊人才充沛,可從社會引進 - 奇摩新聞


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5 hours ago - 資科教師很大? 丁志仁:台灣資訊人才充沛,可從社會引進. 林上祚 ... 檢視相片. 2017-05-02-芎林國中資訊科技電腦教室-取自教育部網站. 更多.

Microsoft Corp's announcement of a suite of new education products on Tuesday shows the company's determination to reverse a major shift that has taken place in U.S. classrooms in recent years: for most educators and school districts, Google's Chromebook is now the computer of choice.
