2019年5月26日 星期日


Hanching Chung https://hcbooks.blogspot.com/2019/05/blog-post_27.html


New Asia College

第二十一章、第二十二章. 自誠明,謂之性;自明誠,謂之教。誠則明矣明則誠矣。 惟天下至誠為能盡其性能盡其性則能盡人之性;能盡人之性,則能盡物之性;能盡 ...

2019年5月23日 星期四

牛津大學的榮譽博士制的尷尬:Sultan of Brunei hands back Oxford degree over LGBT laws


Sultan of Brunei hands back Oxford degree over LGBT laws

The SultanImage copyrightAFP
Image captionSultan Hassanal Bolkiah received an honorary law degree in 1993
The Sultan of Brunei has handed back an honorary degree after Oxford University raised concerns about his country's strict new anti-LGBT laws.
Introduced in April, they initially made sex between men and adultery punishable by stoning to death.
But Brunei backtracked on enforcing the laws after a global outcry, boycotts and celebrity protests.
The university said it opened a review "in the light of concerns about the new penal code".
In a statement a spokeswoman said it was informed the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah would be returning his degree after it wrote to him last month.
More than 118,500 people have signed a petition calling on the university to rescind the honorary law degree, which was awarded in 1993.
People walking past a building at University of OxfordImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe university launched a review of the degree, but said it did not have the right to "summarily rescind it"
Oxford MP Layla Moran also wrote to the university urging it to strip him of the degree, and said it being returned was "clearly not sufficient".
She said: "Oxford University now has a chance to redeem itself and move past being tied to such gross violations of human rights.
"I think it is best the university should undertake a thorough review of their honorary degree system to ensure a scandal like this doesn't happen again."
Previously the university said: "Just as nobody has a right to confer an honorary degree, nobody has a right summarily to rescind it."
The Sultan has defended the decision to adopt a strict new interpretation of Islamic laws, or Sharia.
In a speech he said although there would be a moratorium on the death penalty, the "merit" of the new laws would eventually become clear.
Homosexuality was already illegal in Brunei and punishable by up to 10 years in prison.




世道人生:越是民族的,就越是世界的 - 李怡

Aims of Education By Alfred North Whitehead, 1929

Aims of Education By Alfred North Whitehead,

The general topic of this volume is education on its intellectual side. One main idea runs through the various chapters, and it is illustrated in them from many points of view. It can be stated briefly thus: the students are alive, and the purpose of education is to stimulate and guide their self-development. It follows as a corollary from this premise, that the teachers also should be alive with living thoughts. The whole book is a protest against dead knowledge, that is to say, inert ideas. - Preface.

Google Books可讀多場演講


American schools value self-esteem over academic achievement


The American education system turns out good swimmers and confident public speakers—but for subjects like maths and science, standards are much lower than in other developed countries. From The Economist’s 1843 magazine

2019年5月20日 星期一

貝聿銘先生的晚年學習:Islamic Art Museum at Doha

貝聿銘先生的晚年學習:Islamic Art Museum at Doha



The master has called the museum his last major piece. “I don’t want to forget the beginning,” he told The New York Times’ Nicolai Ouroussoff. “A lasting architecture has to have roots.”

終於,他在埃及找到了Islamic Art Museum at Doha 的啟示幾合堆疊綜合光之以時推移的

The Mosque of Ibn Tulun
“That little building is a poem.”

“There is a mosque called Ibn Tulun. Inside the mosque is a big courtyard, and there is a little ablution fountain. It starts as a square inside another square, then an octagon, then a circle. It’s a small thing. The total height of that little ablution fountain could not be more than 60 or 70 feet, but because of that piling up of geometric forms, under the sun, it is magical. You walk around it, and it changes all the time. Therefore, my building learned from that building,” says Pei.


158 I. M. Pei (貝聿銘) and Islamic Art Museum 2017-05-19 H.C. Chung
hc iTaiwan forum

貝聿銘(Ieoh Ming Pei) 2008年:卡達杜哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館http://www.mia.org.qa/en/

I M Pei 美術館 
Islamic Art Museum at Doha

從雨果名言Ergo Hugo 說起: 貝聿銘先生的建築設計澤臻四表,打入主流傳統文化

 貝聿銘先生得The Pritzker Architecture Prize (1983):

圖像裡可能有1 人、微笑中、眼鏡和特寫
National gallery of art usa2.jpgNational Gallery of Art, East Building (1978)

少數關於20世紀建築的書,沒提 貝聿銘先生和Marcel Breuer (1902~81),這可能有點偏見。

Thames & Hudson 書店的Encyclopaedia of 20th Century Architecture 的" I. M Pei" 條目:


Writing and Seeing Architecture by Christian de Portzamparc and Philippe Sollers 《觀看‧書寫:建築與文學的對話》

National gallery of art usa2.jpgNational Gallery of Art, East Building (1978)

所以法國有龐畢度中心,密特朗總統的大盧浮/羅浮計畫,其遴選總設計師找上貝聿銘先生負責,就高層而言,容易點貝接受,可是"舉國"到處都是種族偏見,貝聿銘先生答應高層說,他可以接這案子(經過至少2周的緊密思考,在 First Person Single的紀錄片中,當時的博物館館長就看到貝聿銘在拿破崙廣場周邊低頭踱步......)


275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師

羅浮宮增建Miho Museum、到 Museum of Islamic Art, Doha,法、德、日、阿拉伯世界、美、中...., 貝聿銘先生的建築設計澤臻四表,打入主流傳統文化......



之前Bell Tower 建立信心......



一本Victor Hugo 的傳記的扉頁,介紹雨果自撰的座右銘:
Ergo Hugo 因此,(非)雨果(莫屬)
per angusta ad augusta   經歷困難,臻至/登上偉大 (through difficulties to honors).

per angusta ad augustathrough difficulties to greatnessJoining sentence of the conspirators in the drama Hernani by Victor Hugo (1830). The motto of numerous educational establishments.
ergothereforeDenotes a logical conclusion (see also cogito ergo sum).

Definition of ergo

 (Entry 1 of 2)

for that reason because of that THEREFOREHENCE… there is no sound, ergo, no speed of sound, in the vacuum of space.— Stephan Wilkinson
cogito ergo sumI think, therefore I am.rationalistic argument used by French philosopher René Descartes to attempt to prove his own existence.
