2024年12月31日 星期二

:儘管我們的生活多麼忙碌,有時我們需要鍛鍊耐心和專注的只是機會。Despite how harried our lives are, sometimes all we need to exercise our patience and focus is the opportunity.


If you want Times readers to look at something for 10 minutes, all you have to do is ask

In July, we ran an experiment challenging readers to look at the image of a painting for 10 minutes — as a way to train one’s ability to focus amid countless distractions. We were able to track how long our readers spent with the art.

The results? Plenty of people didn’t start. And a whole bunch dropped out quickly. But after that initial burst of impatience, the further our readers got, the more likely they were to stick with it. To our surprise, 25 percent finished.

We initially thought maybe 5 percent of readers at most would reach the 10-minute mark. The lesson, to us: Despite how harried our lives are, sometimes all we need to exercise our patience and focus is the opportunity.

That was a good excuse to run more art experiments— Francesca Paris and Larry Buchanan

如果你想讓時報讀者看某件事 10 分鐘,你要做的就是詢問





7 月份,我們進行了一項實驗,要求讀者觀看一幅畫的圖像 10 分鐘,以訓練人們在無數幹擾中集中註意力的能力。我們能夠追蹤讀者花在藝術上的時間。

結果?很多人都沒有開始。很快就有一大群人退出了。但在最初的不耐煩爆發之後,我們的讀者越深入,他們就越有可能堅持下去。令我們驚訝的是,25% 的人完成了。

我們最初認為最多 5% 的讀者會讀到 10 分鐘。給我們的教訓是:儘管我們的生活多麼忙碌,有時我們需要鍛鍊耐心和專注的只是機會。

這是進行更多藝術實驗的好藉口。 — 弗朗西斯卡·帕里斯和拉里·布坎南

學區的疫情恢復並不像富人和窮人那麼簡單School districts’ pandemic recoveries weren’t as simple as rich vs. poor.。富裕地區的學校不一定比貧困地區的學校提供更高品質的教育。富裕家庭和貧困家庭的學生之間的成績差距是由家庭資源決定的。



一些通常被認為表現良好的地區——低貧困地區、郊區或以白人為主的地區——根本沒有從疫情中恢復過來。他們的學生表現仍然落後於 2019 年的水平。


相反,其他數據顯示,富裕家庭和貧困家庭的學生之間的成績差距是由家庭資源決定的。它早在學生開學之前就開始了,學校本身並沒有採取太多措施來關閉它。 — 克萊爾·凱恩·米勒、莎拉·默沃什和弗朗西斯卡·帕里斯

School districts’ pandemic recoveries weren’t as simple as rich vs. poor.

Early this year, researchers shared with us the first school-district-level data comparing students’ test scores before and after pandemic school closures. We expected that students in poor districts would remain further behind students in rich districts, and that was generally true. But some districts surprised us, like those in these spreadsheets.

Some districts that are typically assumed to be high performing — low-poverty, suburban or mostly white — had not recovered from the pandemic at all. Their students were still performing behind where they were in 2019. On the other end, there were clusters of districts with high poverty where students had completely made up any ground lost during the pandemic.

We explored why. In poor districts with strong recoveries, specific strategies were helping children recover. And the rich districts with no recovery highlighted a surprising fact about American education: Schools in rich areas aren’t necessarily delivering higher-quality education than those in poorer areas. Despite these districts’ ample resources and high test scores, they have been unable to make up for pandemic learning losses.

Instead, other data shows, the achievement gap between students from rich and poor families is driven by family resources. It begins well before students start school, and schools themselves don’t do much to close it. — Claire Cain Miller, Sarah Mervosh and Francesca Paris

A Record of Success in Training High-Tech Workers

The Editorial Board

A Record of Success in Training High-Tech Workers

A collage of hands on a keyboard and paint splotches.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.

This is part of an Opinion series on The New York Times Communities Fund, which assists nonprofits that provide direct support to people and communities facing hardship. Donate to the fund here.

Training programs that successfully prepare underemployed men and women for cutting-edge tech careers are exceedingly rare. The work force development organization known as Per Scholas has been doing exactly that for nearly 30 years — free of charge to the men and women whose lives have been transformed by its programs. This record of success makes Per Scholas more than worthy of your support.

The program started out in the South Bronx in 1995, teaching young people to refurbish computers for distribution to local schools. The organization has since become a national work force training provider with locations in 24 cities, preparing workers for careers in information technology, cloud computing, software engineering and cybersecurity. Learners who participate can expect 30 to 40 hours of class work per week and three hours a day of post-class studying for 12 to 15 weeks.

Per Scholas works closely with leading tech employers on matters of curriculum, ensuring that its students have in-demand skills when they graduate. One of those employers is Barclays Bank, which has partnered with the program for more than a decade and has hired almost 70 graduates. Barclays helped with a cybersecurity curriculum and worked with Per Scholas to launch campuses in Brooklyn and Newark.



能夠成功地幫助未充分就業的男性和女性為尖端科技職業做好準備的培訓計畫極為罕見。被稱為 Per Scholas 的勞動力發展組織近 30 年來一直在這樣做——免費向那些生活因該計畫而改變的人們提供服務。這一成功記錄使佩爾·斯科拉斯非常值得您的支持。

該計畫於 1995 年在南布朗克斯啟動,教導年輕人翻新電腦並分發給當地學校。此後,該組織已成為全國性勞動力培訓提供商,在 24 個城市設有分支機構,為員工在資訊技術、雲端運算、軟體工程和網路安全領域的職業生涯做好準備。參與的學習者預計每週有 30 至 40 小時的課堂作業,每天有 3 小時的課後學習,持續 12 至 15 週。

Per Scholas 與領先的科技雇主在課程方面密切合作,確保學生畢業時擁有所需的技能。巴克萊銀行 (Barclays Bank) 就是其中之一,該銀行與該計劃合作已有十多年,並已僱用了近 70 名畢業生。巴克萊銀行幫助開設了網路安全課程,並與 Per Scholas 合作在布魯克林和紐瓦克開設了校園。

2024年12月2日 星期一




指國小老師報警抓學生是「最壞示範」 盧秀燕臉書遭炎上 | 自由電子報 | LINE TODAY
實際的衝突情況我無法從媒體報導判斷,所以我不說老師報警有沒有過當。但我覺得很奇怪的是,為何家長和盧市長和一些所謂「教育人士」把小六學生送警方處理的反應如此歇斯底里?是怎樣?小朋友是被少條抓去毒打?還是警總抓去套話,第二天讓他爸消失?這是我們那一代的驚恐,謂之戒嚴文化。這個年代有糾紛去警察局講是會怎樣?老師真的反應過度,警察不會勸老師別小題大做嗎? 民主國家警察局不是衙門,進去先五十大板,它本來就是執法的第一線,有糾紛進去講是正確的做法,若無不法,人生不會留污點,也不丟臉,就算老師說要給小朋友警惕,我覺得也很對啊,你就是要為自己的暴力行為負責,小六教不嫌早。你也不要低估小六的能力,手上是樂樂棒球棍,萬一抓住的是真的棒球棍呢?在美國,一旦出現暴力,最不鼓勵的就是自認可以自行解決,校警一定介入。若造成提告條件,那就法庭見了,沒有什麼春風化雨給你打這一套。為自己的行為負責,這才是公民養成的教育。

2024年11月29日 星期五

Osaka University will change its English name to the University of Osaka starting next April

 Osaka University will change its English name to the University of Osaka starting next April to align with internationally renowned institutions such as the University of Oxford by adopting the “university of” format.

2024年11月28日 星期四

查一下The University of Adelaide.....或該刮目相看 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Adelaide


"willing and ordaining that Degrees in Arts, Medicine, Law, Science and Music conferred by the University of Adelaide upon any person, male or female, should be recognised as academical distinctions and rewards of merit and be entitled to rank, precedence and consideration"

William Jervois in a 1882 speech paraphrasing Queen Victoria's royal charter[23]


威廉·傑維斯 (William Jervois) 在 1882 年的一次演講中解釋了維多利亞女王的皇家憲章[23]

澳洲的大學真值得“注意”。這所大學The University of Adelaide非常久之前,可以請統計學大師 R. A. Fisher 去任教。



Adelaide (/ˈædɪld/  AD-il-ayd,[8][9] locally [ˈædəlæɪd]KaurnaTardanyapronounced [ˈd̪̥aɳɖaɲa]) is the capital and most populous city of South Australia,[10] and the fifth-most populous city in Australia. The name "Adelaide" may refer to either Greater Adelaide (including the Adelaide Hills) or the Adelaide city centre. The demonym Adelaidean is used to denote the city and the residents of Adelaide. The traditional owners of the Adelaide region are the Kaurna.[11][12][13] The area of the city centre and surrounding Park Lands is called Tarndanya in the Kaurna language.[14]

Adelaide is situated on the Adelaide Plains north of the Fleurieu Peninsula, between the Gulf St Vincent in the west and the Mount Lofty Ranges in the east. Its metropolitan area extends 20 km (12 mi) from the coast to the foothills of the Mount Lofty Ranges, and stretches 96 km (60 mi) from Gawler in the north to Sellicks Beach in the south.

Named in honour of Queen Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, wife of King William IV, the city was founded in 1836 as the planned capital for the only freely-settled British province in Australia.[15] Colonel William Light, one of Adelaide's founding fathers, designed the city centre and chose its location close to the River Torrens. Light's design, now listed as national heritage, set out the city centre in a grid layout known as "Light's Vision", interspaced by wide boulevards and large public squares, and entirely surrounded by park lands.

Early colonial Adelaide was shaped by the diversity and wealth of its free settlers, in contrast to the convict history of other Australian cities. It was Australia's third most populated city until the post-war era. It has been noted for its leading examples of religious freedom and progressive political reforms, and became known as the "City of Churches" due to its diversity of faiths. The city has also been renowned for its automotive industry, as well as being the original host of the Australian Grand Prix in the FIA Formula One World Championship from 1985 to 1995. Today, Adelaide is known by its many festivals and sporting events, its food and wine,[16] its coastline and hills, its large defence and manufacturing sectors, and its emerging space sector, including the Australian Space Agency being headquartered here. Adelaide's quality of life has ranked consistently highly in various measures through the 21st century, at one stage being named Australia's most liveable city, third in the world.[17] Its aesthetic appeal has also been recognised by Architectural Digest, which ranked Adelaide as the most beautiful city in the world in 2024.[18]

As South Australia's g

The University of Adelaide
This is the coat of arms of the university.
LatinUniversitas Adelaidensis[3][4][5]
Other name
Adelaide University[Note 2]
Former name
Union College[8]
LatinSub Cruce Lumen
Motto in English
"The light (of learning) under the (Southern) Cross"[9]

southern cross from en.wikipedia.org
Crux is a constellation of the southern sky that is centred on four bright stars in a cross-shaped asterism commonly known as the Southern Cross.