2014年9月29日 星期一

香港大學刊物;Professor Peter Mathieson 支持師生表達信念人員安全、重視拼字等細節



 Spring Issue, 2014
  • Professor Peter Mathieson
    The 15th President & Vice-Chancellor
  • New landmarks
  • New alumni networks:
    ‧Hornell Hall
    ‧Sports Scholars

港大校長公開信 支持師生表達信念



馬斐森在聲明表示,難以理解警方為什麼要使用催淚彈對付示威者,認為政府及警方須為此行為負責,並表示支持學生或教職人員表達信念,校方能諒解學生罷課或教職人員罷工的行動,希望各方和平表達意見,並保護自身及他人安全 。


Business Insider

Google HR Boss Says 58% Of Résumés Get Trashed Because Of One Spelling Mistake
"Typos are deadly because employers interpret them as a lack of detail-orientation, as a failure to care about quality," he says. ForGoogle — a ...




The Calendar is an annual chronicle of matters relating to University governance and policy.


Published 2-3 times annually. It highlights significant happenings within the University.


A quarterly publication for alumni and friends of the University.


Published quarterly to keep HKU community and other stakeholders updated of the progress of the ...


A reference list of University facts and figures.


A collection of data that summarizes the University's achievements.


The objectives and strategy for University development during the period 2009–14.

讀《 費曼手札-不休止的鼓聲》

《 費曼手札-不休止的鼓聲》 (Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman)

很好笑: 我曾買《 費曼手札-不休止的鼓聲》二手書,要做此note時,才發現2006年11月就寫過一篇。後來發現是當年我是跟政大公企中心圖書館借的:政大圖書館通知單--即將到期通知單---這圖書館幫助我不少,不過多年前即轉型,我不知道它的書都搬去那兒了?

 《 費曼手札-不休止的鼓聲》有篇很不錯的書評,請參考本Blog之: Freeman Dyson: The Scientist as Rebel《反叛的科學家》。

我想這本書可以寫讀後感想的,一定非常多。譬如說,上次翻看他高中老師Abram Bader 要求他在上課時自修{高等微積分}。 全懂了之後,才可以"閙課"之故事。 (pp. 284-87)


1950年代Herbert Simon看到他的研究伙伴經常用電話接遠方的大電腦,一接就是數小時,他覺得這樣花錢還不以為意,實在不簡單。

Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman is a collection of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman's letters.[1] [2] [3]
The book was edited by his daughter, Michelle Feynman and includes a foreword by Timothy Ferris. The book is also titled Don't You Have Time to Think?[4]

《 費曼手札-不休止的鼓聲》台北:天下文化, 2005
原題『 PERFECTLY REASONABLE DEVIATIONS from the BEATEN TRACK:The Letters of Richard P.Feynman ……
我看這種書,採翻到那看到那,所以不知道原妙書名之出處 *,似乎很有作者Richard P.Feynman 風格: PERFECTLY REASONABLE DEVIATIONS FROM THE BEATEN TRACK
他的女兒 Michelle Feynman說的:「父親讓我們知道怎樣去觀察這個世界 ……如何開懷大笑……. 」(頁20)或可當綱領,可以解釋他為什麼希望《今日物理 》等期刊不要送他…..
「不要讀這麼多東西。看看自己,想想自己看到了些什麼。」(頁 359
* 意思
off the beaten track (US ALSO off the beaten path)
in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns:
The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary )

go off the beaten track [path]  常道をはずれる変わったことをする .

2014年9月28日 星期日

The open-access movement

The Economist

The open-access movement looks unstoppable. All seven of Britain's research councils, for example, now require that the results of the work they pay for are open-access in some way. And by 2016 every penny of public money given to British universities by the government will carry the same requirement. Elsewhere, the story is the same http://econ.st/1rfMesI
The open-access movement looks unstoppable. All seven of Britain's research councils, for example, now require that the results of the work they pay for are open-access in some way. And by 2016 every penny of public money given to British universities by the government will carry the same requirement. Elsewhere, the story is the same http://econ.st/1rfMesI

2014年9月25日 星期四

慢的境界/王偉雄。Google reveals most searched-for universities


同樣道理,也適用於哲學。維根斯坦這樣說:「在哲學,勝出的是跑得最慢的那位。」還說:「哲學家見面時應該這樣互相打招呼:慢慢來呀!」(見 Culture and Value, pp.34 & 80)讀哲學,起初要用「勉強的慢」的方法,強迫自己慢讀細想,來回往復地思考重點和論證,盡力分析,不斷告訴自己問題沒有表面看到的那麼簡單。起初即使慢下來,也只能看到粗枝大葉,但只要肯虛心用心,用功一段日子之後,便能多看到一些精微細緻之處,除了見樹葉、見葉脈,也能見樹、見樹林,逐漸達到「自然的慢」的境界。


Google reveals most searched-for universities

StudentsThe search data from Google tracks the "phenomenal" rise of online courses
Google has revealed the most popular searches for people around the world looking for universities.
This ranking of online searches is very different from the traditional map of the global powerhouses of higher education.
There is a strong interest in online courses, rather than traditional campus-based universities, says Google.
And there are five Indian institutions in the top 20 of most searched-for universities.
The top search worldwide is for the University of Phoenix, a US-based, for-profit university, with many online courses and a sometimes controversial record on recruitment.
The University of Phoenix, founded in the 1970s, comes ahead of famous US academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford and Columbia.
Online students
In second place in this league table of university searches is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - last week ranked as the world's best university and also an institution with a strong record for pioneering online courses.
Students in IndiaThere are five Indian universities in Google's most-searched top 20
The top European university is not some ancient institution, but the UK's distance learning pioneer, the Open University.
It has been developing online courses, including for the US, and is in third place in the Google most-searched rankings.
University College London and the London School of Economics are both ahead of Oxford and Cambridge among UK universities.
The University of Calicut, in Kerala, India, is fourth in this ranking of online searches. And Anna University in Chennai is the second Indian university in the top 10.
Liberty University, an evangelical Christian university based in Virginia in the US, with many online students, appears in the top 20.
Shopping channel
The internet has become a key marketplace for universities to reach potential students, says Google's analysis.
It is also increasingly the medium for delivering courses, including massive open online courses or "Moocs". In 2013, searches for online universities overtook traditional universities.
GoogleInternational searches account for 40% of people looking at UK universities
Taking the UK higher education system as an example, Google's search patterns show a globalised and fast-changing market.
Among searches worldwide for UK universities, 40% are from outside the UK. The biggest international regions for searching for UK universities are Asia Pacific and western Europe.
This has helped to put five UK universities in the top 20 - but Google's report on search data shows the volatility and pace of change.
In 2011, the most searched-for universities in the UK, apart from the Open University, were conventional campus-based institutions, headed by Oxford and Cambridge.
By 2014, all of these UK campus universities had been overtaken by Coursera, the US-based provider of online courses. Other Mooc providers, such as edX and FutureLearn, had also emerged as bigger than many traditional UK universities.
"The growth that they've experienced has been phenomenal," says the Google analysis. "Higher education institutions must decide whether to embrace and adapt or risk getting left behind."
The Khan Academy, which has been providing online teaching material since 2006, has more search activity than Cambridge University, teaching since the 13th Century.
'Tip of the iceberg'
Universities are acutely aware of the importance of their online presence, says Ronald Ehrenberg, director of Cornell University's Higher Education Research Institute in New York.
Search trendsThe red line tracks searches for Coursera, the blue line for Cambridge University
The internet is the "primary way" that universities market themselves to potential students and to alumni, says Prof Ehrenberg.
"We update our web page multiple times a week to broadcast all the news that is going on at the university and all of the achievements, including research, of our faculty and students, and showcase all the visitors to the university.
"But this is only the tip of the iceberg in the way that the internet has changed how we behave.
"Many institutions are heavily into online instruction as a way of expanding enrolments... many institutions are moving to expand revenues by growing professional masters programmes in a wide range of areas."
Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute in London, says the impact of Moocs has been "over-sold".
But he says university websites have an important role in recruiting, particularly for overseas students.
The Google data suggests that academics, accustomed to university terms, will also need to pay attention to search terms.
"The internet is playing an ever increasing role in the decision making. Students are online searching and consuming content in all forms when they are deciding whether or not to go to university and deciding which universities to apply for," said Harry Walker, education industry head at Google.

Top 20 most searched universities by Google users worldwide, 2014
1. University of Phoenix
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. Open University
4. University of Calicut
5. University of California, Los Angeles
6. Anna University
7. Stanford University
8. London School of Economics
9. Columbia University
10. New York University
11. University of Mumbai
12. University College London
13. University of Oxford
14. Florida State University
15. Harvard University
16. University of Cambridge
17. Liberty University
18. University of Rajasthan
19. University of Michigan
20. Annamalai University

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