後來,或許因為學期太長 (同一般大學),我都知難而退。
英國的三學期制 terms很好。
馬龍‧白蘭度 過世
Paul Newman
Bringing intense emotion and raw improvisation to his performance, Brando's talent was said to have outshone his classmates, who included Marilyn Monroe, Shelley Winters and Rod Steiger.
Paul Newman, who was also learning to act at that time, said: "I'm angry at Marlon because he does everything so easily.
"I have to break my ass to do what he can do with his eyes closed."
「……(Fred) Rogers請著名的音樂家馬友友來演奏大提琴,馬友友一開始就閉著眼睛在拉琴,好像很陶醉的樣子;女兒於是拍手叫道:『真好,他在睡覺也能演奏,Good for him!』。」(p.432;孫康宜《「童化」與「教化」》載《慶祝施蟄存教授百歲華誕文集》pp.430-34)