2016年3月31日 星期四

沒有所謂標準答案 1995;一則氣壓計的故事;楊照:思考 與答案

教育人行道 7號 On Educating, No. 7
2008/1/12 (創刊: 2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
The process is not just the sum of its parts.
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Without theory, there are no questions.


譬如,有位老師問道:「光速多快?」如果你讀過相關的科學史,大概會發現,近百年來,它的測量值至少有幾十組,而每組都不同,這要看當時測量系統的精密、準確程度而定。換句話說,世界上沒有所謂的「真值(TRUE VALUE)」。







我和學生同意找一個公平的仲裁人,想來想去就閣下你最合適…… 」
學生聽完,迅速在白紙上寫下答案:把氣壓計拿到頂樓,丟下去,用碼錶計算氣壓計落下的時間,用x = 0.5 × a × t2 的公式,就可以算出大樓的高度。
他就是大名鼎鼎的尼爾斯‧波爾﹝Niels Bohr﹞,丹麥人,他後來成為著名的物理學家,在1922年得到諾貝爾獎。
PS:這個故事是拉塞福在1908年領取諾貝爾獎(化學獎)時說的故事。根據考證,波耳(N. Bohr,1885~1962)是丹麥人,1903~1907年期間在丹麥哥本哈根大學大學部就讀。他在拿到哥本哈根大學的博士學位後,於1911年赴英 國劍橋大學卡文迪西實驗室學習和工作,1912年到曼徹斯特大學拉塞福的實驗室裡工作了四個月。
這一個廣為流傳的故事,第一次是出現在1958年的讀者文摘(Reader's Digest),故事可能是真的,但主角應該不是拉塞福和波耳


張忠樸先生有本文集: 【人生的不標準答案】等



2016年3月30日 星期三

臉書facebook 甲骨文Oracle 辦高中 遭質疑禍留公校


Design Tech High School at Oracle

Design Tech High School at Oracle. Oracle Announces Plans to Build New ...

Oracle CEO Safra Catz Unveils Plans to Build a Public High ...

Oct 27, 2015 - Slated to be completed in the fall of 2017, Design Tech High School (d.tech) is a free, innovative charter school that incorporates technology, ...


臉書甲骨文辦高中 遭質疑禍留公校

【唐芷瑩╱舊金山報導】全球最大型數據庫軟體公司之一甲骨文(Oracle),去年底宣布在矽谷紅木城(Redwood City)的總部,撥地興建一所特許高中「設計技術高中」(d.Tech),免費供低收入學生就讀。該校辦學理念讓不少人士感到認同與期待,但這所學校週 一遭到反對聲音。一批示威者到甲骨文外抗議,質疑由財力雄厚的企業建校,是搶奪公校的資源。

d.Tech於2014年已經在臨時校舍開始營運,但位於甲骨文的新校園將於2017年落成,佔地 6.4萬平方呎,可容納600名師生,供加州低收入幼稚園到中學生,以抽籤形式入讀。 

去年底,甲骨文CEO Safra Catz表示,「17年前(公司創辦人)艾利森(Larry Ellison)告訴我,希望能有間讓學生學習思考的學校。我們贊助興建的d.Tech正是以這些理念建校:創新、創意、問題解決以及以設計為出發點的思維。」 

Catz當時受媒體訪問曾說,「為了美國的競爭力,提升學校品質極其重要,尤其是數學跟理工科。我很高興看到(臉書創辦人)祖克伯夫妻(Mark Zuckerberg)也在辦學,這種事情越多人做越好。」 

不 過,週一的十多名示威者持反對意見。他們手持標語,到甲骨文的會議中心外抗議,質疑艾利森作為身家在全球數一數二,達400多億美元的富豪,卻於私人地皮 申請公帑建校。d.Tech將會以公立特許學校(Charter School)的方式營運,意即該校可申請政府資助和募款,但校務獨立運作。 

示 威者之一是任教13年的教師亞當奇科娃(Arreme Adamcikova)。他在d.Tech預計建校的聖馬刁(San Mateo)聯合高中學區教書,認為大企業和科技公司營運的特許學校有如私校一樣,令平民家長一窩蜂讓子女入讀。他痛批,雖然這種特許學校一開始可能經營 得不錯,「但近年這些學校的管理和師資每況愈下,卻搶走不少公立學校的學生和教學資源,留下一批新移民和水平較低的學生,面對公立學校的財政困難,如大班 教學。」 



2016年3月24日 星期四

BBC gives children Micro:bit in Make it Digital scheme

這款口袋微型電腦 Micro:bit,可幫助年輕學生學習基本程式編寫。英國廣播公司 BBC 原預計於去年秋季開始,免費發送百萬台 Micro:bit 供全英國11-12歲的七年級學童電腦教學使用。計畫延遲了半年,現在眾所期待的 BBC Micro:bit 終於正式推出。
圖片來自BBC Micro:bit 英國廣播公司 BBC 與微軟、A

比Raspberry Pi更小更簡潔的BBC Micro Bit,將會用在英國學生的程式課程

英國近年開始在學校提供程式課程,讓學生可以提早學習這個在資訊科技世代十分有用的技能,也發揮邏輯思考。現在 BBC 也繼續提供協助,贈送大量微型電腦幫助教學。 這個名爲 BBC Micro Bit 可算是 BBC Micro...


BBC gives children mini-computers in Make it Digital scheme

Media captionRory Cellan-Jones explains what Make it Digital is all about
The BBC will be giving away mini-computers to 11-year-olds across the country as part of its push to make the UK more digital.
One million Micro Bits - a stripped-down computer similar to a Raspberry Pi - will be given to all pupils starting secondary school in the autumn term.
The BBC is also launching a season of coding-based programmes and activities.
It will include a new drama based on Grand Theft Auto and a documentary on Bletchley Park.

Digital visionaries

The initiative is part of a wider push to increase digital skills among young people and help to fill the digital skills gap.
The UK is facing a significant skills shortage, with 1.4 million "digital professionals" estimated to be needed over the next five years.
The BBC is joining a range of organisations including Microsoft, BT, Google, Code Club, TeenTech and Young Rewired State to address the shortfall.
At the launch of the Make it Digital initiative in London, director-general Tony Hall explained why the BBC was getting involved.

Children coding
One of the BBC's 50 partners, Barclays, already runs coding sessions in its branches

"This is exactly what the BBC is all about - bringing the industry together on an unprecedented scale and making a difference to millions," he said.
"Just as we did with the BBC Micro in the 1980s, we want to inspire the digital visionaries of the future. Only the BBC can bring partners together to attempt something this ambitious, this important to Britain's future on the world stage."
It is hoped that the Micro Bit will encourage children to get involved in coding and programming.
The BBC Micro, launched in the 1980s, played a big role in making computing mainstream but it was not without controversy.
The broadcaster's decision to link up with Acorn Computers angered Sir Clive Sinclair as he prepared to launch a rival machine, the ZX Spectrum.


Meet the Micro Bit

Micro Bit

The BBC does not see Micro Bit as a rival to similar computing devices such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo and Kano, but rather hopes it will act as a "springboard" to these more complex machines.
The tiny programmable machine is still a prototype and the BBC is working with several partners, including chip-designer Arm, Microsoft and Samsung, to get the end product right.
When it launches in September it will be compatible with three coding languages - Touch Develop, Python and C++.
The device is tiny - fitting easily into the palm of a hand. Children will be able to create text via a series of LED lights and they will also be able to use it to create basic games.
The final version will have a Bluetooth link enabling it to be hooked up to other devices such as a Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is helping to develop learning resources for it and the BBC is being careful not to repeat the mistakes of the BBC Microcomputer launch, which angered rivals such as Sinclair.

BBC Micro
Sir Clive Sinclair was angered by the BBC's support for a rival computer to his ZX Spectrum

BBC Learning's Gareth Stockdale, who is developing the device, said: "The BBC's role is to bring focus to the issue, and then we will withdraw from the market."
After the first million Micro Bits go out to schools, there will be no more.
One day they might become a museum piece like the BBC Micro, which is now housed at the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley.


'Get creative'

Doctor Who game action
Players use computer commands to help the Dalek complete tasks in a coding-based game already released

As part of its Make it Digital programme, the BBC has also launched an apprenticeship scheme for 5,000 young unemployed people to boost their digital skills.
The scheme is the first of its kind to be developed in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions.
Radio 1, which is closely involved in the initiative, will offer top-performing trainees the opportunity to go on to an apprenticeship at the station.
The nine-week traineeship, which will include training from the BBC Academy, aims to teach basic digital skills such as creating websites and short videos for the web.
The BBC is also drawing on its vast vault of content to bring digital content into shows such as Doctor Who, EastEnders and the One Show. Radio 4 will have a series of programmes that look at the history of coding, digital content and future technologies.
"With a dedicated season of programming on the BBC, 5,000 digital trainees, one million children who take their first steps with a Micro Bit, and a host of educational activity, we hope to inspire a new generation to get creative with digital," said Jessica Cecil, controller of Make it Digital.

2016年3月8日 星期二

President Elizabeth Garrett died last night at Weill Cornell Medicine康乃爾大學6個月的選校長過程和第13任校長的誕生: Cornell President-elect Elizabeth Garrett

Today we mourn the loss of a member of the Trojan Family, former Provost Elizabeth Garrett. She passed away last night after a fight with cancer at the age of 52.

The Cornell Daily Sun
BREAKING: President Elizabeth Garrett died last night at Weill Cornell Medicine after receiving treatment for colon cancer, Cornell University announced this morning. The 13th Cornell president and first female president was 52.

This story is breaking. Please check back for more updates. President…

Sept. 30, 2014

Choice for president follows thoughtful, inclusive search
ByAnne Ju

Robert Barker/University Photography
Jan Rock Zubrow ’77, chair of the Executive Committee of the Cornell Board of Trustees and chair of the Presidential Search Committee, speaks about the presidential search process during a luncheon on campus Sept. 30.

The choice for Cornell’s 13th president, Elizabeth Garrett, followed a thoughtful, inclusive six-month search process that welcomed input from faculty, staff, students and alumni. Garrett, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of Southern California (USC), will become president of Cornell on July 1, 2015, and she will be Cornell’s first female president.

“We had a very hard-working committee,” said Jan Rock Zubrow ’77, chair of the Executive Committee of the Cornell Board of Trustees and chair of the Presidential Search Committee. “I think having broad representation from different constituencies really made the process an outstanding one. We worked together to find the best president of our university; everyone [on the committee] was a university citizen.”

Formed in March after President David Skorton announced he would be leaving Cornell on June 30, 2015, the 19-member Presidential Search Committee included faculty, students, employees, trustees and alumni from both Cornell in Ithaca and Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. The committee was advised by two former chairmen of the board of trustees, and also engaged the services of the search firm Spencer Stuart. The search was international, Zubrow said, and the candidate pool was a “truly world-class group,” from top institutions around the country and world.

Shortly after the committee was appointed, they launched what Zubrow called a “listening tour”: engaging various Cornell constituencies in Ithaca and New York City with the goal of creating a shared vision for the key issues facing Cornell and the qualities for the next president. The committee’s efforts included open forums with faculty, students and staff in Ithaca and Weill Cornell, alumni surveys and webinars.

The Presidential Search Statement, which reflected the Cornell community’s input, outlined the need for the new president to be a visionary and inspirational leader; someone with academic stature and breadth; a person with demonstrated success managing a large, complex, multi-stakeholder organization; someone with experience in fundraising and communication; and an individual who could represent Cornell well on state, national and international levels. Garrett emerged as the clear choice – she possesses all of these attributes, “and so much more,” Zubrow said.

Zubrow called Garrett an “extraordinary leader” with a track record for advancing the academic stature of USC, particularly by creating a number of interdisciplinary and cross-college initiatives that brought elements of a complex university together. The committee was extremely impressed by her ability to build bridges between various colleges and programs, recruit top talent, and excite people to think bigger and bolder, Zubrow said.

Cornell President-elect Elizabeth Garrett chats with a student on campus Sunday afternoon during Charter Day Weekend activities.‪#‎Cornell150‬
Photo by Joe Wilensky

New Cornell President-Elect Leaves Legacy at USC

OCTOBER 1, 2014 3:03 AM1 COMMENT
Before Elizabeth Garrett assumes her post as Cornell’s 13th president next July, she will continue to serve as the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of Southern California — a position that involves overseeing the school’s Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences as well as 17 other graduate and professional schools.
Throughout her term at USC, Garrett has directed efforts to hire new faculty from a broad range of academic disciplines, including cognitive bioscience, arts and the humanities as well as the quantitative social sciences, according to the University.
Elizabeth Garrett speaks at the University of Southern California, where she has worked since 2003. (Courtesy of Cornell University)
Elizabeth Garrett speaks at the University of Southern California, where she has worked since 2003. (Courtesy of Cornell University)
She also spearheaded the creation of several new postdoctoral programs, among them the Provost Postdoctoral Scholars Program in the Humanities and Provost Clinical Resident Fellows at USC.
“Provost Garrett has helped maintain the university’s volume and quality of externally funded research and expanded the university’s postdoctoral programs, strategically focusing on priorities such as the humanities, diversity in the digital realm, and clinical fellows,” said USC President C. L. Max Nikias in a letter to the USC community.
Garrett “has served the USC community with exceptional dedication since 2003,” Nikias said. Before becoming provost and senior vice president for academic affairs in October 2010, she served as vice provost and vice president for academic planning and budget at USC.
In 2005, she was appointed by former president George W. Bush to serve on the nine-member bipartisan Tax Reform Panel, according to her biography.
Garrett was also nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as assistant Treasury secretary for tax policy in 2009, but cited aspects of her “personal family situation” as the reason for her withdrawal, according to Bloomberg.
During a press conference Tuesday morning, Garrett said that prior to entering the world of academia, she clerked for a number of judges — among them former associate justice of the Supreme Court Thurgood Marshall.
“My own research is informed a lot by my background,” she said. “I clerked for … Justice Thurgood Marshall and then I worked in the United States Senate working with [former] Senator David Boren from Oklahoma, where I served as his legislative director in his tax and budget council.”
Garrett added that the work she has done as a lawyer in the legislative realm was “something [she] wanted to write and teach students about.”
“I was [an] unusual law professor in that I focused more on what happens in legislature and administrative agencies than what happens in courts,” she said.
Garrett also served as a professor of law at the University of Chicago, where she acted as deputy dean for academic affairs, according to her biography.
She has also been a visiting professor at several academic institutions, including Harvard Law School, the University of Virginia School of Law, Central European University in Budapest and the Interdisciplinary Center Law School in Israel.
Garrett graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a bachelor’s degree in history in 1985, subsequently receiving her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

2016年3月7日 星期一

"微積分vs 統計學思考等"之學習,都不可偏

Statistics, linear algebra and algorithmic thinking are more valuable in the digital age,大數據Big Data處理的局限 / The Risks of Big Data for Companies: Numbers never speak for themselveshttp://demingcircle.blogspot.tw/2013/03/big-data.html

以W. Edwards Deming 的著作和經歷而言,這兩大類的數學 ----微積分vs 統計學思考等---都不可偏。

Statistics, linear algebra and algorithmic thinking are more valuable in the digital age, Tianhui Michael Li and Allison Bishop write for WSJ Opinion
 They are becoming vital to the way we think about manufacturing, finance, public health, politics and even journalism.
Tianhui Michael Li and Allison Bishop write about the overemphasis on calculus in high school and college math courses.