2020年11月15日 星期日


 * 台大發表全球形象策略來看新LOGO -  台大3天2學生走絕路 11.12

我記得他看過專業廣告人員為台灣杜邦公司所作的企業形象之廣告,佩服得很 (廣告中沒任何"杜邦形象"),說他們沒辦法這樣"作"。

臺大最好的"全球形象",可能是傅斯年前校長的要貢獻這所大學於宇宙 (大致如此)。

我看到臺大校長一場講話;舉辦一場近午夜 (22點鐘)的音樂會。

2020年11月1日 星期日

林行止的曼陀林琴(mandolin)之戀,佩服台灣的許文龍,Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001).

素有「香江第一健筆」美譽的林行止,原名林山木,是《信報財經新. 聞》及《信報財經月刊》的創辦人,素來以撰寫嚴肅的政經專欄為讀者. 所推崇。


閑筆生花--林行止隨筆二集 - 
www.cp1897.com.hk › product_info

本書是林行止的讀書隨筆,教我們大開眼界的是,他看的雖是“閑書”,但事事要問緣由、求水落石出的脾氣不改。更難得的是他涉獵的範圍絕對是“雅俗共賞”。這邊廂他向你細訴曼陀鈴之戀,你聽得入神,方留戀處,他已換了嘴臉,煞有介事地 ...

".....以收藏十多把 Stradivari 小提琴....奇美文化基金會,藏有不少名家的賣陀鈴,黃越宏的 《觀念:許文龍和他的奇美王國》封面便是許氏彈奏曼陀鈴的相片。......台灣有不惜花費以億資金收購世界名琴而又慷慨定出"借琴辦法"的企業家 (演奏家均可申請免費借琴),相信在港人意料之外!" ~ 《情繫曼陀鈴》

回顧一個本寧頓學院(Bennington College)的故事


1995年12月號的  通識教育季刊,頁45~65 (英文);p.66 中文

後續的法律程序和姐等,可參考 Wikipedia的解說


In May 1996, 17 of the faculty members terminated in the 1994 firings filed a lawsuit against Bennington College, seeking $3.7 million in damages and reinstatement to their former positions.[23] In December 2000, the case was settled out of court; as part of the settlement, the fired faculty members received $1.89 million and an apology from the college.[24] In the immediate wake of the controversy, for the 1994–1995 academic year, the college's enrollment dropped to a record low of 370 undergraduates,[25] and the following year (1995–1996), undergraduate enrollment declined to 285.[26][27] According to Coleman, a student body of 600 undergraduates was required for the college to break even.[25]


本寧頓學院(英語:Bennington College)是美國佛蒙特州本寧頓的一所私立文理學院。它始建於1932年。


學生的教學人員的比例是8:1。[2] 2013年在本寧頓學院申請的63%人接受。[3] 90%的學生獲得一定的財政援助。[3]

2020年10月25日 星期日

Kenneth G. Wilson: Redesigning Education(1994)/ 全是贏家的學校:借鏡美國教改藍圖 (1997)


Kenneth G. Wilson
Kenneth G. Wilson.jpg
國籍 美國
獎項沃爾夫物理學獎 (1980年)
Nobel prize medal.svg 諾貝爾物理學獎 (1982年)
博士導師默里·蓋爾曼Nobel prize medal.svg

肯尼斯·格德斯·威爾森(英語:Kenneth Geddes Wilson,1936年6月8日-2013年6月15日),美國理論物理學家,利用電腦研究粒子物理學的先驅。於1982年,他因為相變研究而獲得諾貝爾物理學獎,他的研究為不同現象的微妙本質提供了詳細解釋,這些現象包括冰的熔解及磁性的出現。這項研究是威爾森對重正化群基礎研究的一部份。他的同行都把他譽為理論物理學的偉人[1]


然後他延伸這些對尺度的理解,去解答量子場論算子積展開性質的基礎問題[7][8][9][10][11][12],還有解釋重整群的物理意義[13] 。



Kenneth Geddes "KenWilson (June 8, 1936 – June 15, 2013) was an American theoretical physicist and a pioneer in leveraging computers for studying particle physics. He was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on phase transitions—illuminating the subtle essence of phenomena like melting ice and emerging magnetism. It was embodied in his fundamental work on the renormalization group.

He went on to Harvard College at age 16, majoring in Mathematics and, on two occasions, ranked among the top five in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. He was also a star on the athletics track, representing Harvard in the Mile. During his summer holidays he worked at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He earned his PhD from Caltech in 1961, studying under Murray Gell-Mann.[2] He did post-doc work at Harvard and CERN.[3]

He joined Cornell University in 1963 in the Department of Physics as a junior faculty member, becoming a full professor in 1970. He also did research at SLAC during this period.[4] In 1974, he became the James A. Weeks Professor of Physics at Cornell.

In 1982 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on critical phenomena using the renormalization group.[5]

He was a co-winner of the Wolf Prize in physics in 1980, together with Michael E. Fisher and Leo Kadanoff. His other awards include the A.C. Eringen Medal, the Franklin Medal, the Boltzmann Medal, and the Dannie Heinemann Prize. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Science and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science, both in 1975, and also was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1984.[6]

In 1985, he was appointed as Cornell's Director of the Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering (now known as the Cornell Theory Center), one of five national supercomputer centers created by the National Science Foundation. In 1988, Wilson joined the faculty at The Ohio State University, moved to Gray, Maine in 1995. He continued his association with Ohio State University until he retired in 2008. Prior to his death, he was actively involved in research on physics education and was an early proponent of "active involvement" (i.e. Science by Inquiry) of K-12 students in science and math.


Redesigning Education (English) Hardcover – 1 12 月 1994


中文版: 全是贏家的學校:借鏡美國教改藍圖,台北:天下文化,1997,李遠哲序,賣出數萬本

2020年10月11日 星期日

The Open University

香港:公開大學 (聽說要"改名改運")
オープン大学(The Open University)
The English national survey of student satisfaction has twice put the Open University in first place.
The OU Business School's MBA programme was ranked 13th in the Financial Times’ global rankings of online and distance learning MBA providers which featured five European schools, four of which were in the UK.


Open University - Wikipedia
The Open University (OU) is a public research university and the largest university in the UK for undergraduate education. The majority of the OU's undergraduate students are based in the United Kingdom and principally study off-campus; many of its courses (both undergraduate and postgraduate) can a...

2020年10月10日 星期六

東大の40年債200億円、購入希望額は6倍超。過去10年美國大學超過1億美元的捐款;耶魯大學校友捐款1.5億美元 Landmark gift from alumnus Stephen A. Schwarzman to establish first-of-its-kind campus center at Yale




American universities have received nearly 100 private gifts of $100m or more over the last decade. Roughly a third of these have gone to Ivy League schools. Such giving is making rich universities even richer. On June 3rd, John Paulson, an American hedge fund manager, donated $400m to Harvard University. Today’s ‪#‎Dailychart‬ shows the total size of donations to America’s top universitieshttp://econ.st/1S4DGPY

Yale Alumni Magazine

The Schwarzman Center will comprise Commons and Memorial Hall, reimagined as a “center dedicated to cultural programming and student life at the center of the university.”

$150M gift to create a “state-of-the-art campus center”

When Yale built Commons dining hall, Memorial Hall, Woolsey Hall, and...


Onionhead Cerebrum
Stephen A. Schwarzman Gives $150 Million for Yale Cultural Hub
常春藤名校耶魯大學(Yale University)於2015/5/11(一)宣布,接獲百仕通(Blackstone)執行長,亦即耶魯校友的 Stephen A. Schwarzman 承諾,將捐贈一億五千萬美元給母校,用以資助改建校園設施。
美國私募基金巨頭百仕通(Blackstone)執行長的這筆鉅額捐款,不但締下耶魯接獲捐款記錄的史上第二高,同時也是美國各大學在2015年內接獲的最大筆捐款。同屬常春藤聯盟的普林斯頓大學(Princeton),今年(2015)二月宣布頃獲贈價值三億美元的善本書(rare book)。此外,加州大學、聖地牙哥州立大學商學院和西北大學,近幾個月來也各自收到一億美元捐款。
身為百仕通共同創辦人,現任董事長兼執行長的 Stephen Schwarzman 其助校捐款,將用以翻修耶魯兩棟校園內的歷史建築,改建成以 Stephen Schwarzman 命名的全新藝文暨學生活動中心。校方將進行翻修 Commons、Memorial Hall 以及毗鄰設施,將這兩棟歷史建築賦予新面貌和景觀,成為複合式多功能用途的新建築,俾以用作教育、社會以及文化中心。中心設有演出、展覽、會議、用餐和會議空間。耶魯大學表示,校方已經聘請華盛頓特區的甘迺迪中心的前董事長 Michael M. Kaiser 操刀,負責中心的設計和翻新作業。翻新建築預定在2020年完工開幕,耶魯說,這將成為舉世注目的新焦點。
根據《富比士》(Forbes)的估計,百仕通本週一當下的淨資產總額達到132億元,管控的資產總額逾越三千一百億美元(310 billion)。執行長 Stephen Schwarzman 是1969年從耶魯畢業。
報載,根據美國 NPO(非營利機構)教育補助委員會(Council for Aid to Education, CAE)調查顯示,去年全美前10大頂尖大學接獲的捐款,約佔所有捐款總額(37.5億美元)的18%,比例高於10年前的15%。相較於前,2014年的捐款總額成長10.8%,吸引捐款人的可能誘因來自有確切紀錄可循的學術計畫,這因素要比高度風險且充滿未知數的新創案更能吸引捐款。(http://on.wsj.com/15Og6DDhttp://bit.ly/1HeEDQk
來看一看,就看王文洋提示阿叔王永在的手諭影本進行爭產訴訟這新聞(http://bit.ly/1AYdGvO 、 http://bit.ly/1HiaQcx),實在要感嘆台塑集團和長庚基金的眾掌門人們等的舉止行徑,說「很令人汗顏」,這該不為過吧?重財富的眾頭人不妨省思自忖,既然身為王家爭產又護產的後裔,該是思索如何回饋孕育令其有機會創造並大量累積私家財富的台灣社會。那些先人的爭產後代,不妨思維該是盡點公民的社會責任。
左為 Stephen Schwarzman,右方是耶魯校長 Peter Salovey
百仕通官網 - http://www.blackstone.com/

Landmark gift from alumnus Stephen A. Schwarzman to establish first-of-its-kind campus center at Yale

May 11, 2015

Stephen A. Schwarzman ’69 B.A. and President Peter Salovey are pictured in Commons, future home of a center devoted to cultural programming and student life. (Photo by Michael Marsland)

President Peter Salovey has announced a $150 million path-breaking gift by Blackstone founder and Yale alumnus, Stephen A. Schwarzman ’69 B.A. to create a world-class, state-of-the-art campus center by renovating the historic Commons and Memorial Hall. Schwarzman’s gift, the second-largest single donation in Yale’s history, will establish a university-wide center that serves as a campus educational, social, and cultural hub, and enables virtual engagement with global audiences.

The Schwarzman Center will be transformational for Yale in providing, for the first time, a center dedicated to cultural programming and student life at the center of the university. It will be designed to draw together students and faculty from all of Yale’s schools and colleges, and with the help of state-of-the-art technology, enable virtual engagement with the outside world in a dynamic way never done before at Yale. The project will be a cornerstone of Salovey’s vision to build a more unified, accessible, and innovative university. The myriad educational, social, and cultural programs envisioned for the Schwarzman Center will further reinforce Yale’s role as a leading research university “that proudly and unapologetically focuses on its students,” as Salovey described Yale in his inaugural address two years ago.

Commons Dining Hall (left) and Memorial Hall (center rotunda), as viewed from Hewitt Quadrangle. (Photo by Michael Marsland)“So much of the educational experience at Yale takes place outside the classroom,” Salovey said in announcing the gift. “But until now, Yale has lacked a central gathering space that can serve as a locus — and a catalyst — for students from every part of Yale to interact with one another. We thank Steve Schwarzman for his vision and support in helping us advance our vision of a more unified, accessible, and innovative university.”

The Schwarzman Center will transform the historic Commons and three floors of the adjacent Memorial Hall, both built at the University’s bicentennial in 1901. It will be far more than a restoration. The 88,300-square-foot complex at the center of the campus will be reimagined to become the central hub of student life by creating versatile performance, exhibition, meeting, dining, and gathering spaces. The Schwarzman Center will also present performances and cultural events in the historic Woolsey Hall, which is another of the Carrère and Hastings-designed buildings built to mark Yale’s bicentennial in 1901.

Stephen A. Schwarzman ’69 B.A.

“My hope is that the Schwarzman Center will serve as the crossroads for the campus, but also place Yale at the crossroads of the world,” said Schwarzman. “The education I received at Yale changed the course of my life. It is now a pleasure to give back by creating something on campus that will be transformational for all members of the Yale community. Future generations will utilize the Schwarzman Center in innumerable new ways and, in so doing, keep the Yale experience at the cutting edge.”

"My hope is that the Schwarzman Center will serve as the crossroads for the campus, but also place Yale at the crossroads of the world."

— Stephen A. Schwarzman

Schwarzman is the chair, CEO and co-founder of Blackstone. He has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its founding in 1985. Now one of the world’s largest alternative asset managers, with $310 billion assets under management, the firm invests on behalf of 29 million pensioners in the United States and millions more internationally, as well as academic institutions, charitable organizations, and governments around the world.

An active philanthropist with a history of supporting education and schools, Schwarzman attempts to find transformative solutions to major challenges through his philanthropy. In 2007, he donated $100 million to the New York Public Library, a gift that served as the anchor commitment in a $1 billion fundraising capital campaign to prepare the library to meet the challenges of the 21st century. In 2013, he committed $100 million and is personally leading a campaign to raise an additional $300 million to endowSchwarzman Scholars, a fully funded master’s degree program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, one of China’s top academic institutions. Modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship, Schwarzman Scholarship is designed to prepare the next generation of leaders for the challenges of the 21st century and beyond. Schwarzman also created an endowment to sponsor 200 children a year in perpetuity to attend Catholic schools in New York City, and has supported international student scholarships.

Schwarzman is former chair of the board of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, Business Council, and Business Roundtable. He serves on the boards of the New York Public Library, Asia Society, The Frick Collection, New York City Partnership, the Shanghai International Financial Advisory Council, China Development Bank International Advisory Committee, and the advisory board for the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development. In 2007, Schwarzman was awarded the Légion d’Honneur of France, and in 2010, he was promoted to Officier. He holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, and has served as an adjunct professor at the Yale School of Management and on the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School. He currently serves as a member of Harvard’s Global Advisory Council and on the Advisory Board of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Inspiring engagement

Michael Kaiser, longtime president of The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., where Schwarzman served as chair of the board, has been retained to advise Yale on the renovation, programming, and staffing for the center. New staff will be hired to design and implement a robust calendar of events and activities that will make the Schwarzman Center a thriving hub of activity on a daily basis. Yale will benefit from Kaiser’s expertise to cultivate at the Schwarzman Center the qualities that have made The Kennedy Center one of the world’s most successful cultural institutions, said Salovey.

“The Schwarzman Center will build on the strengths of our already-vibrant residential colleges and the communities within each of our schools and departments to inspire engagement in ways we can only begin to imagine,” added Salovey. “We have amazing students, but they largely associate within their own school or the college. Going forward, a signature of a Yale education will include learning from and forming friendships with other students throughout the university at the Schwarzman Center.”

The walls of Memorial Hall are inscribed with the names of Yale war veterans. (Photo by Michael Marsland)The renovation will encompass the entire Commons building and large parts of Memorial Hall, including the under-utilized lower level of Commons, which was previously not accessible to students and mainly used for food preparation, storage, and equipment. The newly conceived Schwarzman Center is envisioned to house many distinct spaces, including the grand main hall, light-filled lounge areas, gallery spaces, performance spaces, and student meeting rooms. The Schwarzman Center will have the capacity to accommodate thousands of individuals simultaneously and will be utilized by hundreds of Yale student organizations — undergraduate, graduate, and professional — that will have access to the center’s multi-purpose spaces. The Schwarzman Center will also provide new dining experiences for the entire campus with expanded international food offerings that will be available late into the night.

Final determination of the configuration and use of the center will be made in close consultation with a student, faculty, and staff planning committee that will be co-chaired by Jonathan Holloway, dean of Yale College, and Lynn Cooley, dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.

“I look forward to partnering with Dean Cooley on this project," said Holloway. "The two of us have already had our first conversation about the Schwarzman Center and the possibilities it presents for all students at Yale. As far as the undergraduate experience is concerned, the center will simultaneously amplify what we are able to do in the residential colleges and provide opportunities for collaboration and innovation at a scale that we simply can’t achieve in the colleges. The center marks a radical and fundamentally positive change in what Yale College can be. I’m excited to get started on this important work.”

"Graduate students are eager to be integrated into the rich cultural and social life at Yale, and to extend their interactions with undergraduate students beyond the classroom," said Cooley. "The new Schwarzman Center will provide a remarkable common space where all students can contribute to a united cultural cornerstone of the university. This is an amazing chance to expand beyond what is possible in the residential colleges, and catalyze interactions among students at all stages of study. I am particularly glad to work with Dean Holloway on planning this exciting center for all our students."

History of Commons and Memorial Hall

Built just over a century ago to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Yale’s establishment in 1701, Commons and Memorial Hall were designed by the noted New York architectural firm of Carrère and Hastings, who were described by the architectural historian and journalist Christopher Gray as “an effervescent design team” who

Woolsey Hall, Memorial Hall, and Commons were built to celebrate Yale's 200th anniversary. (Photo by Michael Marsland)were “dedicated to the civilizing possibilities of the new metropolis.” Carrère and Hastings’ lasting legacy includes the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street, now the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. The firm also designed 14 “Carnegie libraries,” branch facilities including ones still in use in Washington Heights, Staten Island, the Bronx, and elsewhere.

The plans for the bicentennial buildings were heralded in the New York Times in 1900 as “the future of Yale.” When the Commons and Memorial Hall opened in September 1901, a Times story began, “Never before in the history of Yale has such a complete change come upon the face of the university.” Over the course of a century, the buildings have been used by countless numbers of Yale students, faculty, staff, alumni, neighbors from New Haven, and visitors from around the world. They are among the most iconic buildings on campus — and the most in need of renovation and repurposing for a new era and subsequent generations of Yale scholars and friends.

Special place for many

The buildings are at a literal crossroads of campus, as the university’s campus planning framework of 2000 noted — the place “where the north and south halves of the Central Campus meet at the crossing of Prospect and Grove streets.” The intersection is the most-used pedestrian crossing on campus, and streams of Yale community members and visitors pass through Memorial Hall throughout the day. Commons is primarily used as an undergraduate dining facility, especially for freshmen, in addition to being a venue for special events. Like the lower level of Commons, the second and third floors of Memorial Hall, above the rotunda, have not been regularly used by the campus community.

Streams of pedestrians pass through the rotunda every day. (Photo by Michael Marsland)“The Schwarzman Center will allow the university to make the highest and best use in the present and for the future of an extraordinary historic structure at the heart of campus,” said Alice Raucher, major projects planner for the university. “This is an act of visionary philanthropy, enabling the rejuvenation and transformation of a place everyone knows, but many fewer use. Numerous students pass through the rotunda and pass by Commons every day, but most do not really have the opportunity to enjoy the facilities, except for special occasions. Now, with the Schwarzman Center, an exponentially larger number of Yalies will be able to meet, learn, eat, congregate, and be inspired in so many ways. What has been for many a place for special occasions will now be a special place for many all year round.”

The building will incorporate cutting-edge technology, which will allow those at Yale to interact virtually with peers around the globe. The Yale community will have new opportunities to view and participate in off-campus events and engage with a greater number of outside experts and dignitaries. Through digitally streaming performances as well as educational and cultural events at the Schwarzman Center, Yale will reach new audiences and extend its impact in the world.

When the Schwarzman Center opens in 2020, Yale College will have expanded by 15% with the addition of two new residential colleges. The total Yale student enrollment of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students will exceed 12,000 by that time. The Schwarzman Center will complement the kinds of programs available in the undergraduate residential colleges, the graduate school, and each of the university’s professional schools. It will enable new collaborations and connections among all the university’s students by offering additional activity space, new and creative events, and opportunities for interdisciplinary and inter-school interaction.

Shared vision to become a reality

The renovation will preserve and enhance the architectural beauty of the complex and Memorial Hall, where the names of Yale graduates who gave their lives in military conflicts from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam are inscribed.

"The Schwarzman Center will make for a more connected and creative Yale, one that is poised for greater global leadership in the years ahead."

— Peter Salovey

The creation of the Schwarzman Center complements other large campus facilities projects that are advancing Yale’s mission. In addition toconstructing the two new residential colleges, Yale is building a large new science facility, undertaking a major renovation of the Hall of Graduate Studies to transform it into a home for the humanities at Yale, and completing the renovation and expansion of Hendrie Hall as the Adams Center for Musical Arts.

Last fall, the Yale College Council (YCC), Graduate Student Assembly (GSA), and Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) issued a joint report to the university calling for the creation of a “campus-wide center that bridges the boundaries between undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students” and that “encourages vibrant, significant, and inclusive social interaction at Yale.”

“The YCC, GSA, and GPSS report calling for a student center noted that it was important for the full realization of the potential of Yale’s student body and to harness more fully the academic benefits of interdisciplinary actions,” Salovey said. “My colleagues and I agree wholeheartedly with the students, and we are grateful to Steve Schwarzman for enabling this shared vision to become a reality.”

“Yale is a place where people collaborate, cross boundaries, and learn from one another. The student report last September said ‘students would whole-heartedly embrace a new student center,’” Salovey noted. “The Schwarzman Center will make for a more connected and creative Yale, one that is poised for greater global leadership in the years ahead. I am excited by the work that the faculty, staff, and student planning committee will do.”

Yale Alumni Magazine 在 The Daily Snap 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。

Throwback Thursday: this week, Yale announced a $150 million gift from Stephen Schwarzman ’69 to create the Schwarzman Center, a student center and performing arts facility that will incorporate Commons dining hall and Memorial Hall. Our February 5, 1902, issue featured a full-page photo of Commons in its first year of operation. “Manager Dershon has already learned something of the size of the appetites of a thousand hungry students to each meal,” we reported in the fall of 1901, “and he has had to keep his big store rooms in the basement well stocked to withstand the assault. The other day roast beef was on the menu, and it took 1,500 pounds to satisfy the demand.”

2020年10月8日 星期四


 新增了 3 則留言。

《學校在窗外》‭(‬以下簡稱《窗》書‭)‬ 在2003年初版。2014年因紀念教改20週年,出二版。近日左岸出版社的主編峻宇告知,二版也已售罄。為因應時代的趨勢,三版定名為「潮本」,意指「網路時代版」。內容大幅調整,並增添許多篇章。
網路發展到2020年,世界出現劇烈的變動。人們的生活樣態、興趣、語言、經濟、社會與國際政治,都出現全新的樣態。好的一面是每個人,不管身分地位,都有發表言論的可能,而且資訊流通,提供人們自主判斷的基礎 ‭(‬極權國家例外‭)‬;壞的一面,則是每個人都可以肆意論斷是非,可以不根據事實、不了解脈絡,就說長道短,造成真假不分,社會意見兩極化;媒體容易操弄,民粹領袖上台,呼風喚雨,顛倒是非;人心浮動,價值渙散。世界處於焦躁不安,人們看不到明天,看不到未來。
2003年《窗》書初版,我談到維生、互動與創造,三者是人在世間活著的原始動力。其中所謂互動,並不依附於維生。不是為了汲取生活資源、為了賺錢才互動,而是純粹的渴望,渴望與世界互動,為互動而互動。這是人的天性。後來網路開始流行,很多人在臉書、推特、微信、Instagram 、Line、…等網路平台暢所欲言,非關利益,只涉及觀念表達與感情抒發,我才意識到它是互動需求的真實體現。
互動是為了與世界連結,但那種連結必須是雙向的,是真實的。人透過互動取得世界對自己行動的回饋,來回相互影響,往上不斷迴旋提升,形成價值共識的綠洲 (雅斯培的比喻),塑造相對愉快充實的人生與社會。
~「雨果,你真的以為布拉格的人會讀到你的文章? 」塔米娜的譏諷刺傷了雨果。他反駁道:「妳離開妳們國家太久,妳已經忘記妳們的警察有多厲害。這篇文章引起很大回響,我收到一大堆讀者的來信。如果我去布拉格取回妳要的信件,妳們的警察一定認得我,我很確定。」~
陳忠信、Hsiangyen Tang和其他355人