2015年6月16日 星期二

很可看齊的英國 Essex 大學 (The University of Essex)

很可看齊的英國 Essex 大學 (The University of Essex)

With your help, we aim to raise £500,000, an investment we know will reach far beyond the 25 women, and into the communities they will support and lead.
Inspirational Essex women are supporting our first Chancellor's Appeal, which will help the next generation of talented women with the potential to change the world. The Appeal was launched by Shami Chakrabarti and will fund 25 scholarships for women from around the globe. Find out more:http://www.essex.ac.uk/…/chancellor/inspirational-women.aspx

美國第一夫人米歇爾與女兒瑪麗亞(Malia)、莎夏(Sasha)以及米歇爾的母親羅賓遜(Marian Robinson)於15日晚間抵達倫敦並於16日開始訪問英國各 ...

Hanching Chung 分享了 1 條連結
