- エートス【(ギリシャ)ēthos】
- 《「エトス」とも》 1 アリストテレス倫理学で、人間が行為の反復によって獲得する持続的な性格・習性。⇔パトス。 2 一般に、ある社会集団・民族を支配する倫理的な心的態度。
SAN FRANCISCO – The best policies on promoting teaching may not change the way faculty members view institutional priorities, according to research presented here at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. The findings point to the challenge of supporting teaching, especially at research universities, according to the researchers. "I was naïve enough to think that institutions’ policies and money would influence" the way faculty view their institutions, said Brad Cox, assistant professor of higher education at Florida State University. But it turns out that they don’t, he added. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.