A good start 穆罕默德們 女人們 孩子們 你們知道我今天會說什麼嗎
The Hodja was boasting about the power of his faith.
"If your faith is so strong, then pray for that mountain to come to you," said a skeptic, pointing to a mountain in the distance.
The Hodja prayed fervently, but the mountain did not move. He prayed more, but the mountain remained unmoved.
Finally the Hodja got up from his knees and began walking toward the mountain. "I am a humble man," he said, "and the faith of Islam is a practical one. If the mountain will not come to the Hodja, then the Hodja will go to the mountain."
I can’t move mountains,
But I can make lighr.
聶華苓的先生Paul Engle之詩 (墓志銘)--《三生影像》頁532
名詩人葉慈(W. B. Yeats)的墓誌銘。他當過愛爾蘭的教育督學,
認為「教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點然一把火。」(Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.)