2008年1月28日 星期一


廣告說 訂閱一年贈"讀者文摘"一年


小さな人、一服満喫 卒園祝い 浅羽東幼稚園
静岡新聞 (会員登録)
袋井市浅羽の市立浅羽東幼稚園の園児がこのほど、同所 の浅羽北公民館で茶道を体験した。 年長児の卒園祝いにと、地域で活動する「茶味会」の厚 意で毎年行っている。 ...

2008年1月27日 星期日


"教育部決定,將首度把節能、環保列入今年私立大學校務 評鑑,節能做不好的大學,獎補助款可能 因此減少。 教育部也將在兩年內全面體檢國內162所大專校院,以及國 立高中職節能情況。教育部環保小組執行祕書劉志成說, 未來每所大學和國立高中職,都會有學者專家量身訂作的 節能 ..."

讀這則新聞可知台灣為什麼滿地都是科技大學 包括台北有"中國科技大學"

南開改名科大 訴願成立








2008年1月25日 星期五

教育人行道 17號 On Educating, No. 17

教育人行道 17On Educating, No. 17

2008/1/26 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Innovation comes from people who take joy in their work.

amateur 道楽の.

不必安貧 可以樂道

Shuji Yamada 山田 脩二


Zagat Survey :Tim and Nina's excellent culinary adventure

ヤーコン茶 「野魂茶」yacon ヤーコン茶 【ヤーコンちゃ】



台東Albuquerque 台北

台灣的報刊 大師 教父滿天飛:






白先生這篇賣瓜者談似乎誇張到離譜:"崑曲曾經有過輝煌歷史,晚明至清朝乾嘉時期獨霸中國劇壇兩百多年,是 當時的「國劇」。上至宮廷,下至市井,莫不愛好。唱曲是當時的全民運動。"
再怎樣說 這都只能算是極少數人的雅集.....



如果說影響西方世界最深廣的一部書是基督教的《聖經》,那麼影響中華民族最深刻悠久的則當屬孔子的《論語》了。而在上世紀很長一段時間,《論語》從中國的 土地上居然失蹤,這也顯示我們的文化出現了大變動,產生了大問題。近年來于丹教授在中央電視台的「百家講壇」欄目上講解《論語》,深入淺出,以生動易懂的 語言,結合現實生活的例證,將這部經典的精髓要義送進家家戶戶,奇蹟般地掀起了一陣「《論語》熱」。這個現象,恐怕不能視為一時風尚,很可能我們這個民族 此時此地,對兩千年來《論語》中孔子教誨中國人為人處世的倫理道德,在心裡的深層處又產生了皈依式的嚮往。于丹教授的《論語》講座,可謂應運而生。

余秋雨先生曾經說過,我們的民族文化中,唐詩、書法、崑曲,是中國人的三種「癡迷」。崑曲曾經有過輝煌歷史,晚明至清朝乾嘉時期獨霸中國劇壇兩百多年,是 當時的「國劇」。上至宮廷,下至市井,莫不愛好。唱曲是當時的全民運動。崑曲集詩、歌、舞、戲於一體,由於大量文士參與撰寫,審度音律,崑曲遂成為明清時 代高雅藝術的指標。而崑曲的長期衰微,亦正是民族菁英文化的一大損失。

二十一世紀初,集合兩岸三地文化菁英共同打造的青春版《牡丹亭》的出現,一時間給崑曲注入了青春的生命,在大學校園,引起青年學生爭看崑曲的熱潮,論者稱 此為「青春版《牡丹亭》的文化現象」。此一現象恐怕也源自於華人世界的青年學子,開始對中國傳統文化有了新的憬悟,新的渴求。崑曲的古典美學以及湯顯祖的 有情天地,終於深深感動了千千萬萬中華兒女的心。

然而這股崑曲熱潮如果沒有更進一步的社會普及教育,是難以後繼的。去年10月1日至7日,于丹教授在中央電視台繼《論語》講座後及時推出「崑曲之美」講 座,從「夢幻」開始,最後歸結到「風雅」,把崑曲美妙傳神音藝俱佳的風貌描述得淋漓盡致。相信于丹教授的崑曲七講,跟她的《論語》講座一樣,會產生廣大的 普及效應,對崑曲的推廣發揚將有巨大貢獻。

【2008/01/25 聯合報】

教育人行道 16號 On Educating, No. 16

教育人行道 16On Educating, No. 16

2008/1/25 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清



2008-01-25 09:34:01


   本報訊 (記者/姚藝曲 通訊員/田禾)“有了這個系統,我們的身份就像是由法官變成醫生,針對部分學校及部分老師教學上相對薄弱的方面對症下藥。”昨 日,記者在天河區教育局了解到,該區已在全區中小學啟動“學業品質監控系統”,將學生會考試卷統一實行網上閱卷後,教研工作者可根據羅列出來的數據對該區 整體教育情況及教師教學方法上的優、缺點等進行詳細分析,一旦發現“病症”可立即開“藥方”。

  記者在一份《七年級語文期中考試品質行 動分析報告》中看到如下綜述:縱觀整個“積累與運用”板塊,我們發現,學生在選擇題的理解與運用方面失分嚴重,特別是選擇題中成語運用方面尤為突出,得分 率僅為17%。其次是修改病句部分失分情況值得關注,這類題的得分率為47%。第三是倣句部分得分率也只有58%,而其它各題得分率均在60%以上。

   天河區教育局教研室中學組教研員董海燕告訴記者,有了整體的分析結果後,教研人員再對具體的學校和教師進行分析和研究:積累與運用板塊中1-4題暨大、 113中、天榮等學校得分大多超過了全區的得分率,說明這些學校的基礎知識板塊掌握情況較好,應繼續保持高分優勢。而另外一批學校在這些題的得分基本上低 於全區得分率,說明這些學校的選擇題掌握不好的原因在於:學生基礎較弱,基礎知識掌握不牢固,或者是存在某些知識點上的漏洞。“那麼針對這些學校出現的知 識點漏洞,我們出一些針對性強的練習題給該校學生們練習。針對個別老師教學上的薄弱點,我們也會安排優秀教師與其進行交流和學習,儘量實現全區教育的均橫 發展。”

  據天河區教育局教研室副主任容梅介紹:“天河區學科品質監控系統”從2005年9月正式啟動,目前高中和初中階段共12萬中 學生已全部納入系統管理,小學階段也有幾個年級開始進入實驗階段。系統的啟動和使用,為中學教師帶來了極大的幫助,特別是對大學聯考畢業生,學科老師認真 分析品質報告後,可對每個大學聯考生提供針對性的建議。容梅說:“教研工作者的角色也由此發生了變化,以前我們隻是充當‘法官’的角色,給學校、老師和學 生作出好或差的判決,而今,教研工作者是完全犇當‘醫生’角色,為他們找出問題的所在,並給他們下藥方。”

  記者了解到,天河區正承犇 著廣州市教育科學“十五”規劃重大課題《網路時代中小學教育面臨的機遇、挑戰和發展戰略研究》,在日前舉行的成果鑒定會上,該課題穫得了市專家組的一致好 評。作為該課題的主角“天河部落”不僅是全國四大教育博客之一,也是四大博客之中最“年輕”的一個。而“天河部落”中的“學科品質監控”就是其中的一個欄 目。

2008年1月24日 星期四

教育人行道 15號 On Educating, No. 15

教育人行道 15On Educating, No. 15

2008/1/24 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清


日本人用 "共同體"翻譯 community
是遠比設社群更有深見的 建設中美金融利益共同體並非神話

Every good cook knows another good cook. 我喜歡"每位廚藝好手都知道另外的同道"之說法..... The Art of Cooking and Serving

cook/dance/talk, etc. up a storm

「加拿大重量級小說家兼詩人瑪格麗特.愛特伍(Margaret Atwood)於11月1日,在美國紐約的邦諾(Barnes & Noble)連鎖書店舉行盛大的新書發表會,上百位讀者湧進,現場座無虛席。愛特伍很優雅地驅前上台且極其輕聲細語地向大家問好,接著她向讀者們介紹新書《道德錯亂》(Moral Disorder)的封面設計,上為兩個女子的照片並列對照,一位是女僕,另一位是廚師,兩位的面容極為相似,好似雙胞胎,但仔細一看又好像是同一個人。

這兩張照片是取自莎拉.菲爾德.史賓林特(Sarah Field Splint)的作品《烹飪與服侍的藝術》(The Art of Cooking and Serving,1930)一書,愛特伍也以此為新書中的篇名之一(篇名與故事的情節、年代都是相關連的)。」文◎劉易昀


不管是烹飪、縫紉、打掃、服侍 等等,都是「學徒教育」的根本。這些是真本事和修養,對於誰都很重要。






August 24, 2005





英國兒童、學校和家庭部(The Department for Children, Schools and Families)的統計顯示,英格蘭有85% 的中學開設有某種形式的烹飪課。




兒童、學校、家庭部大臣埃德•鮑爾斯(Ed Balls)說,對付肥胖症,增進國民健康,刻不容緩。






英國校長協會(National Association of Head Teachers) 的克拉麗莎•威廉斯(Clarissa Williams)說,學校的烹飪課從師資到資源長期缺乏,對學校能否得到所有需要的資源表示懷疑。



烹飪課從選修改為必修,兒童食品運動(Children's Food Campaign)的努力呼籲起了相當的作用;它是由50 多個健康機構、教師工會、兒童慈善團體聯合發起的。

2008年1月21日 星期一

教育人行道 14號 On Educating, No. 14

教育人行道 14On Educating, No. 14

2008/1/22 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Judging people does not help them.



· Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills

· 世界教育新聞

李遠哲 (Yuan Tseh Lee) 2006年10月9日,李遠哲在接受台灣《聯合報》專訪[4]時,承認:「大家對教育確實有很多不滿。但這十多年來,很多人受到誤導,認為教改會要負責;其實教育是大家一直要改革、討論的,要經年累月檢討,方向不對就要改進。」同時,對於台灣教育的問題,李遠哲說:「最大問題出在,大家盲目相信筆試才公平;所以高中老師應該幫忙學生作生涯規劃,就做得非常差,讓補習班可以營利。我不是說筆試沒用,但筆試成績只是人的才華之中一個微小的部分,結果年輕人就在這種環境下掙扎。台灣的教育這幾年已經有不少進步,例如老師教學自主,或是國小學生生活非常活潑;但『升學考試帶動的教學』還需要改善。」

New York Measuring Teachers by Test Scores

Published: January 21, 2008

New York City has embarked on an ambitious experiment, yet to be announced, in which some 2,500 teachers are being measured on how much their students improve on annual standardized tests.

The move is so contentious that principals in some of the 140 schools participating have not told their teachers that they are being scrutinized based on student performance and improvement.

While officials say it is too early to determine how they will use the data, which is already being collected, they say it could eventually be used to help make decisions on teacher tenure or as a significant element in performance evaluations and bonuses. And they hold out the possibility that the ratings for individual teachers could be made public.

“If the only thing we do is make this data available to every person in the city — every teacher, every parent, every principal, and say do with it what you will — that will have been a powerful step forward,” said Chris Cerf, the deputy schools chancellor who is overseeing the project. “If you know as a parent what’s the deal, I think that whole aspect will change behavior.”

The effort comes as educators nationwide are struggling to figure out how to find, train and measure good teachers. Many education experts say that until teacher quality improves in urban schools, student performance is likely to stagnate and the achievement gap between white and minority students will never be closed. Other school systems, including those in Dallas and Houston as well as in the whole state of Tennessee, are also using student performance and improvement as factors in evaluating teachers.

The United Federation of Teachers, the city’s teachers’ union, has known about the experiment for months, but has not been told which schools are involved, because the Education Department has promised those principals confidentiality.

Randi Weingarten, the union president, said she had grave reservations about the project, and would fight if the city tried to use the information for tenure or formal evaluations or even publicized it. She and the city disagree over whether such moves would be allowed under the contract.

“There is no way that any of this current data could actually, fairly, honestly or with any integrity be used to isolate the contributions of an individual teacher,” Ms. Weingarten said. “If one permitted this, it would be one of the worst decisions of my professional life.”

New York invited principals from hundreds of elementary and middle schools with sufficient annual testing data to participate in the program, which will produce an elaborate stream of data on 2,500 teachers.

In 140 schools — a tenth of the roughly 1,400 in the system — teachers are being measured on how many students in their classes meet basic progress goals, how much student performance grows each year, and how that improvement compares with the performance of similar students with other teachers.

In another 140 schools, principals are being asked to make subjective evaluations of roughly the same number of teachers so officials can see if the two systems produce widely disparate results. New York City schools employ roughly 77,000 teachers. In all 280 schools, the principals agreed to participate in the program.

Deputy Chancellor Cerf said that how students performed on tests would not be the only factor considered in any system to rate teachers. All decisions will include personal circumstances and experiences, he said, but the point will be to put a focus on whether or not students are improving.

“This isn’t about how hard we try,” Mr. Cerf said. “This is about however you got here, are your students learning?”

Ms. Weingarten said the system was not needed. “Any real educator can know within five minutes of walking into a classroom if a teacher is effective,” she said. “These tests were never intended and have never been validated for the use of evaluating teachers.”

The experiment is in line with the city’s increasing use of standardized test scores to measure whether students are improving, and to judge school quality. A new bonus program for teachers and principals, as well as the letter grading system for schools unveiled last fall, are all linked to improvement in scores. Nationally, too, school systems are increasingly relying on these measures to judge schools.

Virtually all education experts agree that finding high-quality teachers is critical to improving student learning, particularly in high-poverty urban areas, where good teachers are usually more difficult to find. Recent research has found that the best teachers can help struggling students catch up to more advanced students within three years.

But experts are grappling with how to determine what makes a good teacher. Neither graduate programs in education schools nor previous academic records are reliable predictors, they say. The federal No Child Left Behind law requires that districts place a “highly qualified” teacher in every classroom, which typically means one who has completed a certification program, but this, too, is not necessarily a good indicator of quality.

“It seems hard to know who is going to be effective in the classroom until they are actually in the classroom,” said Thomas J. Kane, a professor of education and economics at Harvard, who is conducting several research projects on teacher quality in New York City, and who is involved in the new effort.

Mr. Kane said there was little evidence that teachers with the “right paper qualifications” were any more effective than those without them. “But most school districts spend very little time trying to assess how good teachers are in their first couple of years, when it is most important,” he said.

Nationwide, more than 95 percent of teachers receive tenure within their first three years of teaching, according to some studies. And once teachers receive tenure, it is extremely difficult to have them removed from classrooms.

In some sense, New York’s effort to judge teachers partly on their students’ improvement is a logical extension of the grading system for schools that was unveiled last fall, although officials adamantly say they have no plans to assign letter grades to individual teachers.

“I don’t think anyone here would embrace the formulaic use of even the most sophisticated instrument — you get tenure if this, you don’t get tenure if that,” Mr. Cerf said.

He added that the new effort was just one of several ways in which the city was exploring how to evaluate and improve teacher quality. In recent months, city officials have begun training new lawyers to help principals navigate the considerable red tape required to remove inadequate teachers.

They have increased recruiting efforts to attract talented teachers to hard-to-staff schools. And they are allowing schools to earn merit bonus pools to distribute to teachers based on test scores.

“This should simply be one more way to think about things,” said Frank A. Cimino, the principal of P.S. 193 in Brooklyn, who said he was participating in the experiment. “It is going to tell you some things you don’t know, but it will miss the other things that go on in a classroom.”

William Sanders, a researcher in North Carolina who was one of the first to begin evaluating teachers and schools based on student test score improvements, said that while such a system could be used to make broad judgments, it was difficult to use it with precision enough to find differences among teachers who are simply average.

“Can you distinguish the top teachers? Yes,” Mr. Sanders said. “Can you distinguish the bottom teachers? The answer is yes, too. But it would be risky to make decisions using information at the classroom level for teachers who are just in the middle. You might miss a lot that way.”

The city’s pilot program uses a statistical analysis to measure students’ previous-year test scores, their numbers of absences and whether they receive special education services or free lunch, as well as class size, among other factors.

Based on all those factors, that analysis then sets a “predicted gain” for a teacher’s class, which is measured against students’ actual gains to determine how much a teacher has contributed to students’ growth.

The two-page report for each teacher examines information both from one year and over three years. The information also compares the teacher with all other teachers in the city, and with teachers who have similar classrooms and experience levels. The second part of the report measures how well a teacher does with students with different skill levels, showing, for example, whether the teacher seems to work well with struggling students.

Mr. Cerf said officials expected to decide by the “early summer” whether they would use the analysis to evaluate individual teachers for tenure or other decisions, and if so, how they would do so. Such a decision would undoubtedly open up a legal battle with the teacher’s union.

2008年1月20日 星期日

Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills

Despite The Internet, Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills

A study conducted by the University College London found that young people lack analytical skills necessary to assess the information they find on the Internet

While the so-called "Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Generation" grew up with the Internet, having a sizable chunk of the world's information at their fingertips has failed to make them better thinkers, according to a university study.

Young people born after 1993 are certainly familiar with computers and the Web and use both with ease, but a study conducted by the University College London found that they lacked the critical and analytical skills necessary to assess the information they found mostly through search engines.

Along with young people, older generations -- including professors, lecturers, and practitioners -- have been affected by having so much information so easily available. "Everyone exhibits a bouncing, flicking behavior, which sees them searching horizontally rather than vertically," said the study, which was released this week and commissioned by the British Library. "Power browsing and viewing is the norm for all."

The purpose of the study was to help libraries in Britain better understand how people conduct research in the digital age, so the institutions can serve the public better. While research into how young people become competent in using the Web is patchy, the study did find some consistent themes.

For one, information literacy has not improved with the widening access to technology. Instead, the speed of Web searching means little time is spent evaluating information for relevance, accuracy, or authority.

Young people also have difficulty in developing an effective search strategy. As a result, they have a strong preference for using natural language in searching, rather than analyzing which keywords might be more effective.

When searching brings back a long list of results, young people have difficulty assessing the relevance of the materials, and often print out pages with no more than a glance at them.

Young people also have an unsophisticated view of what the Internet is, and they fail to appreciate that it is a network of resources from many different providers. As a result, they focus on the search engine, such asYahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) or Google, as the primary brand they associate with the Web.

Because search engines are familiar and simple to use, young people tend to use those tools in favor of library-sponsored resources.

The study also dispelled some myths about the Google Generation. For one, researchers found no evidence that young people were more impatient in fulfilling their information needs than others. Research also found that young people do not place more credibility on the Internet and their peers as information sources, but place more value on teachers, relatives and textbooks.

The Google Generation also does not feel any more of a need to be constantly connected to the Web than older people. "We suspect that factors specific to the individual, personality, and background are much more significant than generation," the study said.

Also, it's not true that young people pick up computer skills by trial-and-error. "The popular view that Google Generation teenagers are twiddling away on a new device while their parents are still reading the manual is a complete reversal of reality," researchers said.

Finally, everyone, not just young people, prefers easily digestible chunks of information, rather than the full text. "Power browsing and viewing appear to be the norm for all," the study said. "The popularity of abstracts among older researchers rather gives the game away. Society is dumbing down."

In regards to copyright, the study found that both adults and children aged 12 to 15 had a high level of understanding of the basic principles of intellectual property. Young people, however, felt copyright protection measures were unfair and unjust. "The implications for libraries and for the information industry of a collapse of respect for copyright is potentially very serious," the study said.

Among the takeaways of the study is that training is needed to teach young people how to become better information seekers, so they can meet the demands of higher education and research. "The key point is that information skills have to be developed during formative school years and that remedial information literacy programs at university level are likely to be ineffective," the study said.


冬令營 大學生下鄉教英語




BBC 英國計劃在中學設置金屬探測器








Investigators for Andrew M. Cuomo, the attorney general, are asking about who at each college is responsible for approving contracts related to study abroad, how each institution selects the programs it approves and whether it has received anything of value from a study abroad provider, among other issues, said the lawyer and representatives of some of the colleges that received the subpoenas and requests.

Questions about study abroad programs were raised in an article in The New York Times last summer that described how some program providers offer colleges rebates, free and subsidized travel, unpaid seats on advisory boards, help with back-office services, marketing stipends and other benefits. Critics say the arrangements, which are seldom disclosed, can limit students’ options and result in higher prices for those seeking international experience.



2008年1月19日 星期六

讀 "班級人數多教育品質難提升"

國語日報 (需訂閱) - Taiwan

 教育部日前公布經濟合作組織(OECD)主辦的「學生基礎素養國際研究計畫(PISA)」的整體報告,並且認為「教師 素質」是學生優秀的因素之一。不過,全國教師會認為,芬蘭教育成功的原因,是因為無論在政治或是社會層面,都對教育專業的高度自主,給予充分信任,使教育 回歸到學生主體的本質,而不是從政治來考量教育問題。

 全國教師會副主任廖婉如指出,芬蘭前教育部首席常務次長Mr.Markku Linna來臺演講時強調,芬蘭教育的成功,應歸功於平等的教育機會,對個別學生投入大量的資源和支持,良好的社區與家長合作網絡,教師學歷高及被充分授 權、尊重等,這些是芬蘭學生在PISA測驗表現名列前茅的原因。


  廖婉如說,就算教師學歷高、專業足夠,也會因照顧的學生人數過多而力不從心。因此,全教會認為,只是提升教師的學歷及專業,並不能提升整體學生的教育素 質,教育部還應朝降低學生班級人數,增加對學生投入的資源,建立社會、家長與教師的信任合作關係,充分授權與尊重教師專業等方面努力。



PISA在日本這樣稱呼:「生徒の学習到達度調査」(PISAProgramme for International Student Assessment)。 ...

「班級人數」 vs「教育品質」



作文之道 (教育人行道 12號 On Educating, No. 12)

教育人行道 12On Educating, No. 12
2008/1/19 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清






我的另一位作文老師是幾年後就業時的主管。他是位荷蘭人。我們部門的職責經常要針對某一主題,例如「公司該不該投資這,或這該安置多少人... 」等決策,要客觀地分析並寫報告給廠長(總經理)及相關幕僚看。他要求我們,部門報告之正文,要以一頁為佳,而且結論(建議)要清楚、明白,最好先擺在文章前頭,至於立論根據什麼假設等,也要事先說清楚。




看了殷登國先生舉「長袖善舞,多財善賈」故事,說其「弦外之音」為「作文的方法,只有多讀書,以求言之有物,舉證翔實」等,有感而發之作。) (鍾漢清1995.11.17.)

David 去年開始讀碩士班(貴校或北大mba等等都不考英文),我幾次聽他講起研究生(包括博士班)英文程度低落之問題。昨天講讀intelligent agent --knowbot 方面論文、書報之報告會上的種種洋相。
我們昨天在討論的ASQ “願景時,大多數人都無法即時讀懂字眼:imperative (URGENT)
這數十年在品管界也發現這一一缺口。英文是相當麻煩的。這連續()一辭的形容詞說法有三個字:continued, continual, continuous過去20餘年,曾為了 "持續改善" 要採用continuous improvement continual improvement 而爭議不休-- 後者為Ford公司所採用。
昨日我說過JUSE在醫療統計的課,請參考醫療,健康與品質報31 Health Renaissance No. 31

The Kindergarten Wars 幼兒園大戰︰美國精英教育的第一步

2008年1月17日 星期四

教育人行道 11號 On Educating, No. 11

教育人行道 11On Educating, No. 11

2008/1/18 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清


Peter Drucker said: “Most people feel that they know what their strengths are and they are mostly wrong.”


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
People learn in different ways: reading, listening, pictures, watching.









基本上,每個人的學習經驗都不會完全相同,也因此老師必須「兼容並蓄」各種學習風格才行。(鍾漢清 --1995.10.30--







stream (STUDENTS) US track

stream (STUDENTS) UK Show phonetics
noun [C] (US track)分班

Those efforts, and others across the country, reflect a growing sense of urgency among educators that the primary goal of many large high schools serving low-income and urban populations — to move students toward graduation — is no longer enough. Now, educators say, even as they struggle to lift dismal high school graduation rates, they must also prepare the students for college, or some form of post-secondary school training, with the skills to succeed.


17.01. - Getting Creative With Real Artists

Primary school students in England have been getting professional help to
create their own artworks. A project called 'Creative Partnerships' has
been bringing established artists, musicians and writers into English
schools to form long term relationships and work on different projects.

The DW-WORLD Article


in tandem

Cool | 17.01.2008 | 11:30

Tandem Exchange Hypes Language Learning in Germany

Bridging language barriers is more fun than school

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Bridging language barriers is more fun than school

Students in Germany have come up with a new way to learn new languages outside of the classroom while teaching their native tongue at the same time.

Instead of taking tedious courses or learning pronunciation from a CD, students are meeting up in cafes to exchange languages in a tandem speaking program. Two students in Bonn share their experiences of exchanging German and Chinese.

Reporters: Leila Knüppel and Mark Mattox

2008年1月14日 星期一

教育人行道 10號 On Educating, No. 10

教育人行道 10On Educating, No. 10

2008/1/15 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Without an aim, there is no system.

桶箍 箍桶


「初心」(04-08 四人) 昨天謝總統候選人在高雄的演說 多次提到這字眼 ...... 2008年認為,謝先生的「初心」,就是他們創黨的 宗旨 (The Aim)

Kevin Lin的回饋:









(-鍾漢清 -1995年10月18日—台灣立報)




Many of our presidential candidates have been relatively silent on how they plan to save our troubled education system. For those still searching for a policy that might have a positive impact, here’s an idea: stop focusing on testing and instead support changing the hours of the school day, starting it later for teenagers and ending it later for all children.


The Early Bird Gets the Bad Grade

Tamara Shopsin

Published: January 14, 2008

2008年1月13日 星期日

請教司馬賀管理教育 (* 教育人行道 9號 On Educating, No. 9)

教育人行道 9號 On Educating, No. 9
2008/1/14 (創刊:2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Management of outcomes may not be any more than a skill. It does not require knowledge.

Management's job is to look ahead. ( W. Edwards Deming:)

look ahead 前方を見る; 将来のことを考える ((to)).
『 1990年代末期我在中原大家開通識課程,碰到問題,不知如何教授企業管理知識給學生,他們都沒什麼工作經驗的。我特別向 赫伯特 A. 西蒙( Herbert A. Simon http://www.answers.com/topic/herbert-simon中文名字司馬賀)大師請教。我當時將Simon 他怎麼說的整理出來,發表在網路上:現在修飾過的版本如下:

  讀者當知,司馬賀( Herbert. A. Simon )為一了不起的教育家。他在 40年代創設(主持)的卡內基理工工商學院,是世界頂尖的,也出了一些諾貝爾經濟學獎得主;這在《管理行為》中,有個案:「一所商學院的設計」。
  我在 19992 月寫信向他討教管理學如何教?因為根據西方名校傳統,入門課要由資深的教授教,才會有融會貫通的樂趣。我以前在東海大學化學系四年級( 1990)實驗一年,所得的結論是:「管理學無法教,因為智慧無法傳授。」上學期在中原試一學期「近代管理學趨勢」,期終改論文作業時,才知自己教得並不好,因而學生所學到的甚淺。我感到很深的挫折,就向司馬賀大師請教:如果他是我,會如何啟發後輩學者?
  「如何教管理學(Administration)是個難題。目前美國大多數商學院所選出來的 MBA(企管碩士)大多至少有兩、三年商業實務經驗,這樣教起來就極不一樣了。要是學生沒有這種經驗背景,我總是試著要求學生把所就學的大學看成一個組織,以組織學的話來看待大學中的事情,從而能把大學當作實驗室的代替品。這並不改變你的論點(按:其實這是司馬賀在自傳《我生活的種種模式》中的看法):許多管理學上的原理(principles), 很簡單而又明白清楚;困難之處在如何根據所信的原理,養成力行的習慣。然而,我們不該從中得出結論說:習慣是不可改的。(按:《管理行為》中有專節討論組織的習慣與創新。)」
(我按照他的建議,希望學生研究中原大學,這可把他們難倒了,……我記得當時談很多電腦化註冊和選課系統… ..
我是有心辦網路上的”自由 SIMON大學”。他以為,大學量已經太多,在當前(以及未來數世代)中,最重要的是如何利用現代化的傳播科技,把世界上的一流大學(strong universities)之資源與社區連用、分享。 』 (鍾漢清 1999年)

你聽過什麼教育界的「後設評鑑」嗎? 許多教育管理者是外行,可他們的職權,卻必須評內行分資源(說的人容易說得天花亂墜……) 我覺得台灣教育界不懂得研究,所以台灣廠商生產出廉價電腦,就買幾百台(?)送偏遠地區,也不好好研究一番它們的「效應」…..
英國學制的翻譯或許開始"標準化":Vice-Chancellor為 "执行校长"

hc 懷念的師長:高禩瑾院長

台大兩師生 Sean Allan 和 澳洲男生Gaz分數定義價值 台大是寂寞地方
2007 年,我走過台大管理學院的兩座約15層的高樓,都可以看到數層樓高的Slogan:(類似)「全力通過AACSB評鑑」--外行人可能搞不清楚這是什麼玩藝。其實,這是美國大學百年前商學教育界的 ISO 9000啦(這樣說,大家比較容易懂,注意:它的評鑑要旨如ISO 9000,根據申請學校自己說的使命(當然不可能是「敦品勵學 愛國愛人」啦):Stated Missions, Flexible Standards。

10月中旬,政大、台科大、交大、 清大、成大、中山六校宣布簽署「EMBA教育聯盟協議書」,共用EMBA資源建立平開放性的合作機制,扭轉逐漸惡化的競爭生態。

Stated Missions, Flexible Standards

It is important to understand that application of AACSB’s 21 accreditation standards are based on the stated mission of each institution. While standards must be met, they are flexible enough so that they can be applied to a wide variety of business schools in many locations with different missions. It takes between three and five years for a school to go through the entire accreditation process. Delivery method of programs has nothing to do with a school's ability to earn AACSB accreditation. AACSB's mission-based accreditation allows for a wide variety of business schools to earn accreditation, including many institutions that offer online and other distance learning programs, as well as the more conventional on-campus programs.

台大兩師生 Sean Allan 和 澳洲男生Gaz

分數定義價值 台大是寂寞地方
吳忠彥(Gareth W. Durrant)

十七歲就到宜蘭當交換學生的澳洲男生Gaz,現在是台灣大學國企系三年級的學生,但他曾說「台大是個寂寞的地方」,「語言不再是障礙,文化卻開始隔閡」, 雖然他早視台灣是第二個家。從宜蘭到台北,他覺得「文化暈眩」,有些台灣菁英學生對分數的計較、功利導向,讓他難掩失望。











台灣人交談很愛夾雜英文字,最近很流行「prefer(偏好)」,大家會說「我prefer什麼什麼」;或是講一個人很親切,就說「他很 nice」,好像不用nice就不能表達他的體貼。為什麼說power就比較有力?祝生日快樂就非用英文不可?被fired會比「被炒魷魚」更容易接受 嗎?我很好奇,這些字都是怎麼流行起來的?








我高中到台灣念書,後來回澳洲再到北京,又決定回台灣念大學,我爸媽都讓我自己決定。他們很開心我一個人在外面成長,我爸爸會邊喝紅酒邊用 skype和我聊天,知道我的近況、未來的方向等等。我在台灣,語言上已經沒有障礙,但文化上卻有了隔閡,可能是我太愛碎碎念,或者是到了中文說的「見山 不是山」的階段,過一陣子大概會好一點吧。

【2008/1/8 聯合報】

An Encounter with Sean Allan

By Wei-Fan Yang

In order to take pictures of Sean Allan I disguised myself as a freshman and visited one of his classes. Here I “witnessed” his magic: he captures students’ attention and also tries hard to assist them in memorizing new vocabulary. He never lost patience when students could not answer questions in English, and his lectures kept me from many common writing errors! As a teacher he is responsible, and as a friend he always wins a laugh and a smile. Meet our next interviewee: Sean Allan.

Q1: What was your best or worst experience in Taipei?

When I first arrived in Taipei, I brought too much luggage. Every time the bus or the cab dropped me off I would struggle to move four large bags. Most of the people around me just ignored me and my struggle. Eventually, on two different occasions a woman stopped to help me. The first time it was a woman in her seventies; the second time a woman in her late forties. This is both my worst and best experience: I witnessed both the coldness of the big city and the kindness of everyday people-- or at least the kindness of everyday women.

Q2: What are your favorite movies and books?

I have hundreds of favorite movies and books. If I had to name some movies, I would say Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity, anything by John Cassavetes, Bela Tarr's Werckmeister Harmonies, and Wong Kar-Wai's Fallen Angels. Do I sound pretentious enough? I was very lucky to see several films by the late Edward Yang at the 2007 Golden Horse film festival. He was a major world filmmaker. I attended a screening of A Brighter Summer Day even though it didn't have English subtitles (I saw it with English subtitles before). It's amazing how Yang used the influence of 1950s American teen movies and was able to make such moving insights into the nature of childhood, machismo, violence, and Taiwan's history. As to books, I have probably read Denis Johnson’s
Jesus’ Son more than any other. The book captures the mood of 1970s America, and it looks at the elective affinities between drug addiction and spiritual torment.

Q3: What kinds of music do you like?

I listen to different kinds of music. As a scholar of the late 20th century masculinity I listen to rap music of the early 1990s. (Really? Can you rap now?) No. Listening to rap and rapping are different things. I like anything coming out of the blues and jazz traditions. Of course, Jay Chou is the greatest musician ever.

Q4: Talk about your experience of learning Chinese. Did you face any difficulties?

It is very difficult to learn Chinese. I have some vocabulary, but my ability to listen and understand is still very poor. Because of my teaching schedule, I cannot take a regular class. I try to study on my own, and that is hit-and-miss. It is hard to practice listening and speaking skills; my roommate is very helpful, but he is also very busy.

Q5: Why did you choose film studies and English as your major field?

My field is American literature and culture. In particular, I am interested in how contemporary American art is interested in representations of male violence and male emotional trauma. Why do we have such an interest in violent men now, and how is it different from the interest in juvenile delinquents in the 1950s and 1960s? I think literature still has a lot to say about the way we live now, but I also think I need to give attention to art forms that people are more likely to consume--namely, films and popular culture. Also, because I'm interested in contemporary literature, I feel that an interest in film is necessary; film and literature influence each other.

My master's degree is in English, with an emphasis on cinema studies, particularly Asian film. I don't know that I can explain why I am interested in film studies. I suppose I like the fact that film explores visual spectacle and visual poetry, yet it also provides the spiritual insights of good literature.

Q6: What is your attitude about teaching English for non-native speakers ?

I have a positive attitude. I teach the course as I would teach a course fornative speakers; I adjust simply by anticipating and determining students' special needs. The only significant difference is the attention needed for vocabulary. The great challenge is the variation in speaking and listening skills among the students. They can write nearly as well as their native speaker counterparts.

Q7: Could you give students some suggestions for learning English?

Generally students should pay more attention to speaking and listening. There are a lot of basic resources like English language television and English language radio on the internet now, which can help students improve their listening and speaking skills.

Q8: What courses would you like to teach?

A film survey. I would just show the movies and talk about how much I like them and why I like them, and I believe the class would be fun. As to literature, I would like to teach contemporary American writers or something more specialized.

Q9: What would you like to change?

(After thinking a minute) I have no idea. If I could change one thing, I would give someone else the ability to change one thing. Well, I think I respond to my situation rather than dream about how I could change. Sometimes you will imagine yourself being more social, being a better speaker, being better looking, or being smarter, but it is just a private little fantasy, you know.

About Sean Allan

Heights: 6 feet 5 inches
Sign: Aries
Blood type: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Favorite Food in Taiwan: Stinky Tofu

Professor Sean Allan received his Ph. D. in English at University of California, Davis. He specializes in American literature and culture, as well as English composition. He teaches Freshman English at NTU now.
posted by NTU The Foreign Exchange at

2008年1月12日 星期六

教育人行道 8號 On Educating, No. 8

教育人行道 8號 On Educating, No. 8
2008/1/13 (創刊: 2008/01/05) 主編:鍾漢清


2008/1/13 晨0900-100 在BBC World 看他們辯論 :廉價小電腦OLPC對於開發中國家兒童教育的影響…..


辦學太沈重 校園難樂活


教育程度高 身體不一定健康






為提升國內高等教育品質,教育部經多年努力後,才終於 建立評鑑制度。如今大學卻群起反彈,要求評鑑制度未達完善前,不能做為懲處學校 依據。大學過多已是不爭的事實,但若不自省如何自我控 制辦學品質,又過度反評鑑,可能既「捏死」評鑑制度,大學也難存活。

... 大學校長會議十、十一日舉行,但兩天來許多大學校長都 鎖定「大學評鑑」輪番痛批,指教育部以減招方式「 干預大學正常發展」,質疑評鑑委員彷彿拿著「尚方寶劍」,在各校 喊打喊殺;更有大學爆料,已有學校為通過評鑑,不惜撒錢找顧問公司「補習」、「 包裝形象」,評鑑文化被 ...

Tony問:「PDCA 原出那裡? 真是Deming的東西? 有說是Shewhart的

一般所見 四字全用名詞 Plan Do Check Action 其中Do 似非名詞
全用動詞 Plan Do Check Act 究竟應該如何用?


1. PDCA應是Shewhart博士所提出,但由於是戴明博士引入日本,因此日本人稱其為Deming cycle;同時台灣許多的品管知識都是延(沿)自日本,因此大都用PDCA是戴明循環。由於戴明博士認為check一字會造成思考及行為上的限制,故比較偏好用PDSA。因此當單獨使用戴明循環時,不管是用PDCA或是PDSA應都是OK的。但有次,我在一個研討會上,有位教授將PDCA講為戴明循環,但同時也提到PDSA為Shewhart 循環;這樣個人就認為不妥。

2. 至於PDCA是否用Plan,Do,Check,Act,目前大多有關戴明理論的書都改成如此了吧(至少Peter的<<戴明領導手冊>>,鍾老師翻的<<新經濟學>>是如此用的);印象中以前好像有討論過這個問題,但已不知是何時了。




Wikipedia article "PDCA". 有詳盡的說明


Dictionary of Accounting Terms. Copyright © 2005 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.

Plan-Do-Check Act Cycle (PDCA)

"management by fact" or scientific method approach to continuous improvement (the Deming Wheel). PDCA creates a process-centered environment, because it involves studying the current process, collecting and analyzing data to identify causes of problems, planning for improvement, and deciding how to measure improvement (Plan). The plan is then implemented on a small scale if possible (Do). The next step is to determine what happened (Check). If the experiment was successful, the plan is fully implemented (Act). The cycle is then repeated using what was learned from the preceding cycle.











University applicants do more than knock on wood



Ume, or Japanese apricot, flowers have started blossoming in front of rows of wooden plaques at Yushima Tenjin shrine in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward. Visitors have hung about 50,000 plaques, many inscribed with wishes for success in school entrance examinations. The shrine, which honors the god of learning, has been attracting a steady stream of students and their family members. The National Center Test, part of entrance exams for many universities, will be held on Jan. 19 and 20. Ume flowers at the shrine will be in full bloom around the time test results are announced. (IHT/Asahi: January 12,2008)

PhotoUniversity applicants do more than knock on wood(KOICHI UEDA/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN)