2024年12月31日 星期二

:儘管我們的生活多麼忙碌,有時我們需要鍛鍊耐心和專注的只是機會。Despite how harried our lives are, sometimes all we need to exercise our patience and focus is the opportunity.


If you want Times readers to look at something for 10 minutes, all you have to do is ask

In July, we ran an experiment challenging readers to look at the image of a painting for 10 minutes — as a way to train one’s ability to focus amid countless distractions. We were able to track how long our readers spent with the art.

The results? Plenty of people didn’t start. And a whole bunch dropped out quickly. But after that initial burst of impatience, the further our readers got, the more likely they were to stick with it. To our surprise, 25 percent finished.

We initially thought maybe 5 percent of readers at most would reach the 10-minute mark. The lesson, to us: Despite how harried our lives are, sometimes all we need to exercise our patience and focus is the opportunity.

That was a good excuse to run more art experiments— Francesca Paris and Larry Buchanan

如果你想讓時報讀者看某件事 10 分鐘,你要做的就是詢問





7 月份,我們進行了一項實驗,要求讀者觀看一幅畫的圖像 10 分鐘,以訓練人們在無數幹擾中集中註意力的能力。我們能夠追蹤讀者花在藝術上的時間。

結果?很多人都沒有開始。很快就有一大群人退出了。但在最初的不耐煩爆發之後,我們的讀者越深入,他們就越有可能堅持下去。令我們驚訝的是,25% 的人完成了。

我們最初認為最多 5% 的讀者會讀到 10 分鐘。給我們的教訓是:儘管我們的生活多麼忙碌,有時我們需要鍛鍊耐心和專注的只是機會。

這是進行更多藝術實驗的好藉口。 — 弗朗西斯卡·帕里斯和拉里·布坎南


