2024年3月28日 星期四

Chapter one Digital Landscape of Modern University

 Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Karen O’Brien, has opened a new, comprehensive, and far-reaching collection of essays published by the Higher Education Policy Institute exploring the impact of technology on universities and students and how it can improve higher education.  

In the first chapter, Professor O’Brien discusses the digital landscape of a modern university and makes the case to elevate digital transformation to a strategic level.

She says: “Those of us in management roles see core enterprise systems and digital technologies as the fabric of a higher education institution as much as classrooms, books, and labs.

“Digital technologies are the transport vehicles for the student journey from enquiry to graduation, and the means, mode, and often subject of much of our research.

“Universities are (rightly) places of multiple voices and priorities. Yet in this multi-polar environment, it is vital that the voice of IT and digital is heard clearly and consistently.” 

Read the full essay 👉 https://brnw.ch/21wIj2J

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