原文:《盧一威:政權與民粹面前,「大學管治」在何處?》 https://theinitium.com/article/20191119-opinion-shks-university-politics/?code=IjIwMTkxMTE5LW9waW5pb24tc2hrcy11bml2ZXJzaXR5LXBvbGl0aWNzIg%3A1iWxqs%3ALJlQhW8VEExjbej1WSdjqrH5XKc&fbclid=IwAR3rZgSGElbkuKZcQbe_oxHYvzC5yJ2jITfgD3LSaijX2yyg0KRSEpLCybI&utm_medium=copy
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以香港為主要研究對象的學術期刊《香港研究》Hong Kong Studies (Vol.1 No.2) 最新一期已經出版,所有文章綫上免費閱讀。
(((私心想睇:Principles of the Hong Kong Kitchen Shorthand(香港廚房速記原理)~餐廳侍應阿哥阿姐落單暗號原來是咁的))))
① Principles of the Hong Kong Kitchen Shorthand
Winnie H. Y. Cheung and Wee Lian-Hee
② From Neon Signs to Skyscrapers:The Spectacle of Fluidity in Hong Kong’s Post/modern Cityscape
Chan Shao-yi
③「救救孩子」:1945–1975 年的香港漫畫和社會道德恐慌
④ Hong Kong Film History:Retrospectives, Archives and Films
Tom Cunliffe
⑤ Questions of the PhD
Antony Huen
⑥ Hong Kong 20 Years after the Handover: Emerging Social and Institutional Fractures after 1997. (Edited by Brian C. H. Fong and Lui Tai-lok.)
Kwong Ying-ho
⑦ Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols:Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. (Edited by Jamie Zhao Jing, Yang Ling and Maud Lavin.)
Chris Chien
⑧ Preserving Local Documentary Heritage: Conversations with Special Library Managers and Archivists in Hong Kong. (By Patrick Lo.)
Liz Wan Yuen-yuk
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Hong Kong Studies (Free online access)
Hong Kong Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to original, intersectional and cross-disciplinary research on Hong Kong affairs from multiple fields in the humanities and the social sciences, including but not limited to literature, linguistics, cultural studies, sociology, politics,...