2018年11月8日 星期四

牛津大學 Wolfson College,

Wolfson College /ˈwʊlfsən/ is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England. Located in north Oxford along the River Cherwell, Wolfson is an ...

因為熟讀過Isaiah Berlin (牛津大學Wolfson College創始院長Founding President,1909-97) 的傳記和某些作品, 所以感覺此地很親切。
Wolfson College 網頁的 College History 特別介紹Berlin 院長:https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
很意思有的是,網頁似乎完全沒說建物捐贈者家族:內行人知道, Wolfson College 的 Wolfson家族是也: https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
雖然介紹該學院重視自然科學和技術,不過2015.11.9 參訪學院網頁,知道她有西藏/喜瑪拉雅研究的年度演講:
Inaugural annual Aris Lecture in Tibetan studies
Professor Janet Gyatso gave the first annual Aris lecture on Thursday October 22 for the Tibetan and Himalayan...
University of Oxford──和 Tony Fonolahi 及其他 8 人
Coming up to its 50th anniversary, Wolfson College is one of the youngest colleges in Oxford and prides itself on a non-hierarchical structure, where students and professors eat and talk side-by-side.
The college motto, 'humani nil alienum', is from a quote by the Roman playwright Terence that translates as: 'Nothing to do with human beings is foreign to me.'


