2017年10月22日 星期日

台灣大學的宿舍設計、規劃、管理都很落伍 (差英國的約半世紀以上)

Albert Sloman 爵士 (1921-2012)是英國 Essex大學的創校校長 (1962-87
,約當了25年校長),備受尊敬我昨天看ESSEX effect 校友刊物,才知道他過世了。 
他任內的學生有人得諾貝爾和平獎(1987)和經濟學獎 (2000)。
他1960年在BBC發表的Reith 講座,很"膾炙人口":

英國1977-78Essex 大學,離創校校長 Dr Albert Sloman到BBC發表Reith Lectures『一所新興大學之遠景』 A University in The Making(據說,他談Essex大學校地Wivenhoe Park風景優美,所以學生宿舍必須「起高樓」(towers--每棟十來層,每樓約9-12間,可以男女各居一室共處之,這在近50年前可能很新潮)。每一tower 都以英國學術巨擘命名,譬如說我住紀念R. H. Tawny的;以前曾想過,我必須翻譯一本他的著作留念。


日前台大宿舍外發生潑酸事件,由於肇事起因為情感糾紛,且事發過程兩人曾行進「男女皆可進入的宿舍傳達室」、事發地點在「限定女性的大一女宿,以及男女皆可入住的研一宿舍旁」,中時電子報便以「台大潑酸案 驚傳男同志學生門禁卡可進女生宿舍」為題報導,文中多處以煽動言詞、標籤化語言提及兩人的性傾向,並荒謬地得出「台大已經開放男同志可以刷門禁卡自由進出女生宿舍」的結論,明顯違反新聞倫理,有失作為媒體詳實報導、保護受害者之責。

2017年10月20日 星期五

百年老牌威士康星大學 (Madison, Wis.校區)MBA專業課程要拿掉了

A Hallowed M.B.A. Program May Be on the Chopping Block
One of the country’s oldest business schools is considering closing its…

Kelsey GeeOct. 20, 2017 5:30 a.m. ET

One of the country’s oldest business schools is considering closing its M.B.A. program, the latest tremor in the troubled market for graduate business degrees.

An administrator at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Business said the school is reviewing its business programs, a process that may result in ending its full-time master’s of business administration program in favor of adding shorter, more specialized degrees.

Flagging student interest is prompting schools to take a hard look at their M.B.A. programs. In August, the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business said it would end its full-time M.B.A., and Wake Forest University moved to end its two-year program in 2014.

Once a must-have for careers in finance and management consulting, the M.B.A. has lost some appeal in recent years as fewer employers help workers cover costs and a generation of students saddled with student-loan debt opt to remain in the workforce rather than break for school. Though elite programs at Harvard and Stanford University continue to attract applicants, some schools outside the top tier are finding it harder to maintain interest in the two-year M.B.A.

“We don’t have the resources to be all things to all people,” Tippie Dean Sarah Gardial said earlier this year.

Business school faculty in Madison, Wis., will vote on the decision in early November, according to a person familiar with the matter. Students were notified of the university’s plans in an email sent to the student body and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

“WSB remains committed to all of you currently enrolled within the full-time M.B.A. program,” wrote Don Hausch, associate dean for the M.B.A. programs. Anne Massey, the school’s recently appointed dean, will hold a town hall with students on campus next week.

A spokesman for the school declined to comment further.

Founded in 1900, the Wisconsin program is one of the nation’s oldest business schools, and its M.B.A. ranks among the top public-university business programs. Its 42,000 alums include Kimberly-Clark Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Thomas Falk, formerSymantec Corp. CEO Steve Bennett and Dave Lesar, who retired from his position at the helm of oil giant Halliburton Co. in June.

Lately, the school has begun offering part-time and specialized programs in accounting and finance, feeding appetites for shorter, more niche credentials. About 100 students enrolled in the Wisconsin full-time M.B.A. program last month, steady with the class size two years prior.

Diego Hahn, a second-year M.B.A. at Wisconsin, said Thursday that he was dismayed to learn that the program may be on the chopping block. “Are we just going to get rid of all top public M.B.A. programs because they are loss leaders, and only let those who can afford to go to a private school earn this type of education?” Mr. Hahn asked.

2017年10月11日 星期三

Tim Cook believes learning to code is more important than English

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2017年10月4日 星期三


台大新南向 將在泰國設分校招生


