你聽過「可汗學院」(Khan Academy)嗎?美國麻省理工學院培養的工程師薩爾·可汗(Sal Khan)很擅長解釋數學和科學,十幾年前就開始使用網路繪圖工具為12歲的表妹輔導代數。後來他把影片發佈在YouTube上,吸引了全球數以千萬計的觀眾。這就是網路自學工具可汗學院的開端。現在薩爾·可汗正在想辦法解決更難的事情:重新構想如何在實體學校教導孩子。一起來看看: https://goo.gl/pfqssp #innovation#technology #selfeducation
Have you ever heard of “Khan Academy”? A dozen years ago Sal Khan, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology–trained engineer with a knack for explaining math and science, used an internet drawing tool to tutor his 12-year-old cousin in algebra. When he posted videos on YouTube, they attracted a global audience in the tens of millions. This was how self-education started from the Internet. Now Khan is tackling something perhaps even harder: reimagining how children are taught in bricks-and-mortar schools. https://goo.gl/pfqssp