2017年4月27日 星期四

UP CLOSE: Off the tenure track, faculty grapple with instability and inequality

Yale Daily News

UNIVERSITY | As Yale preps to hire more nonladder faculty, and opposition to these differences grows, will the two-track structure be made more equitable? And, more fundamentally, should it?

UP CLOSE: Off the tenure track, faculty grapple with instability and inequality

Non-Ladder Faculty

The term non-ladder faculty refers to those holding term-limited instructional and teaching appointments. These include professors of the practice, preceptors, senior preceptors, lecturers, senior lecturers, as well as visiting faculty.

google trnslate非梯級教師一詞是指持有期限限制的教學和教學任用的術語。 這些包括實踐教授,聽眾,高級聽者,講師,高級講師,以及參觀教師。
  1. 1教授者,教師;個人指導教師;校長.
  2. 2preceptory の長.
  3. 3((米)) (病院で医学生の実地指導をする)指導医師.
    ◆女性形は preceptress.


