2017年1月21日 星期六

Isidor Isaac Rabi and Eisenhower

走過台大,看到有要楊泮池校長下台的招貼。找出一句當年Issac I. Rabi 對艾森豪說的話,對比一下。
Rabi答說:校長先生,faculty 不是學校的雇員,faculty 就是Universty 的本體。

Rabi was appointed a member of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Office of Defense Mobilization in 1952, serving as its chairman from 1956 to 1957.[72] This coincided with the Sputnik crisis. President Dwight Eisenhower met with the SAC on 15 October 1957, to seek advice on possible US responses to the Russians' satellite success. Rabi, who knew Eisenhower from the latter's time as president of Columbia University, was the first to speak, and put forward a series of proposals, one of which was to strengthen the committee so it could provide the President with timely advice. This was done, and the SAC became the President's Science Advisory Committee a few weeks later. He also became Eisenhower's Science Advisor.[73] 

Isidor Isaac Rabi was an American physicist and Nobel laureate, recognized in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used in magnetic resonance imaging. Wikipedia
BornJuly 29, 1898, Rymanów, Poland
SpouseHelen Newmark (m. 1926)


