2016年2月24日 星期三

UChicago’s Pearson Institute; Stanford launches Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

UChicago’s community—and impact—extends far beyond our campus. Gifts to ‪#‎UChicago24‬ help advance our global initiatives, from the ‪#‎DehliChallenge‬ at UChicago Urban Labs to the recently-announced Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts. https://24hourimpact.uchicago.edu/

Landmark gift supports Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of…



Phil Knight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Philip Hampson "PhilKnight (born February 24, 1938) is an American business magnate and philanthropist. A native of Oregon, he is the co-founder and ...

In the news
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Phil Knight, who helped found Nike, has selected Stanford University as the latest recipient ...

Stanford launches Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

Global, multidisciplinary graduate scholarships are backed by a major gift from Philip H. Knight.
L.A. CiceroJohn Hennessy portrait
Stanford President John L. Hennessy will serve as the program's inaugural director after stepping down from his current role as president.
Stanford University announced today the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, a graduate-level scholarship to prepare a new generation of global leaders with the skills to address the increasingly complex challenges facing the world.
The program is named for alumnus Philip H. Knight, MBA '62, philanthropist, American businessman and co-founder of Nike Inc., who is contributing $400 million, and Stanford's outgoing 10th President John L. Hennessy. The program builds on Stanford's preeminent position in higher education, with seven globally ranked multidisciplinary graduate schools that foster service, collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Ambitious in scope and scale, Knight-Hennessy Scholars will annually admit 100 high-achieving students with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment, who are nominated by their undergraduate universities. The goal is to select students from a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. Upon admittance to Stanford's graduate programs, scholars will receive funding for three years to pursue master's or doctorate level degrees, or professional programs along with education in leadership, innovation and other curricula designed to develop scholars' capacity to lead ambitious change in a complex world.
"We wanted to create something enduring, that would be unlike anything else currently available to the world's brightest minds, and that would make the biggest impact possible toward solving global challenges affecting the environment, health, education and human rights," said Stanford President John Hennessy, who will serve as the program's inaugural director after stepping down from his current role as president. "We will bring together outstanding, courageous scholars to benefit from Stanford's innovative educational environment, who then go on to lead governments, businesses, nonprofits and other complex organizations and develop creative solutions to effect positive change."
With a $750 million endowment, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars will be the largest fully endowed scholarship program in the world. More than 80 percent of the endowment will directly support the scholars, fully funding their graduate education and living expenses. The program represents the largest single increase in student financial aid in Stanford's history. The scale of funding for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars will ensure continuity for generations to come.
A faculty advisory committee will help guide admission and curriculum criteria that will be available in the winter of 2017. Stanford will begin accepting applications from prospective scholars – students who have completed at least three years of undergraduate education – in summer 2017 and admit its first scholars for fall 2018.
Knight-Hennessy Scholars integrates the best aspects of other distinguished scholarship programs, but goes beyond them to offer a diverse, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education that is a hallmark of Stanford. Ranked among the top five in the world, Stanford's seven graduate and professional schools in which scholars will enroll include law; business; medicine; engineering; humanities and sciences; education; and Earth, energy and environmental sciences. Scholars pursuing PhD or MD degrees will have the option to receive funding beyond three years.
The scholars will benefit from Stanford's location in the innovation center of the world, with additional courses in design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship. Knight-Hennessy Scholars will also be exposed to leadership training and development, residential experiences, immersive educational opportunities, additional degree opportunities focused on public policy and problem-solving at scale. A social startup fund will be created to seed nonprofit startups launched by Knight-Hennessy alumni.
The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program has strong support from the Stanford Board of Trustees and Stanford's next president.
"I greatly admire the vision and ambition of the Knight-Hennessy Scholars, which leverages the full breadth and scope of Stanford as a comprehensive research university. As the beneficiary of a Rhodes Scholarship, I can attest to the value of such programs to provide a broad base of knowledge and exposure to a dynamic, international network of peers," said Marc Tessier-Lavigne, who will succeed Hennessy as Stanford's 11th president on Sept. 1. "As incoming president, I'm looking forward to working closely with John as we develop, define and grow a program that will inspire leadership for the betterment of humanity."
Knight's founding gift to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars endowment is the largest cash gift from an individual to Stanford. Other gifts include a $100 million donation from Robert King, MBA '60, and his wife, Dorothy, and $50 million from Stanford Board of Trustees Chair Steven Denning, MBA '78, and his wife, Roberta, AB '75, MBA '78. In total, dozens of Stanford benefactors have given more than $700 million to support the program, more than 90 percent of the endowment goal.
Knight has long been a supporter of Stanford. In 2006, he made a major gift to Stanford Graduate School of Business and has provided substantial support for endowed professorships and Stanford Athletics. With this gift, Knight wanted to honor Hennessy's 16-year tenure leading Stanford and to fund an initiative of scope and scale at an institution where he was confident the graduates would go on to make a real difference.
"John and I dream of a future 20, 30 or 50 years from now, when thousands of graduates – who can think outside the box as skilled problem-solvers – will be working together for a more peaceful, habitable world," said Knight. "The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program is a fitting tribute to John, one of the great academic leaders of our time."
The $100 million gift from Robert King and his wife, Dorothy, will fund a cohort of scholars from less economically developed regions of the world. It will also support the King Global Leadership Program, a distinctive training and development curriculum in which all Knight-Hennessy Scholars will participate to complement their core degree studies.
"While we have seen great achievements in this century, future progress will depend upon our ability to tackle issues such as global poverty. By identifying rising leaders from around the world and exposing them to real-life challenges, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program will equip scholars to lead ambitious change," said King.
Steven Denning and his wife, Roberta, have provided a gift of $50 million to construct Denning House in the heart of the Stanford campus, a building that will become the convening hub for the new community of Knight-Hennessy Scholars. The 300 Knight-Hennessy Scholars will be housed and integrated within the Stanford graduate community of 9,000 students.
"The Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the Knight-Hennessy Scholarship and is excited about its potential. Stanford instills in its students an emphasis on interdisciplinary education, innovation, creative problem solving and entrepreneurial thinking. Knight-Hennessy Scholars will benefit from that embedded culture, and in turn, they will enrich the Stanford community, and ultimately, the world," said Denning.
Jeff Wachtel, who has served as chief of staff to Hennessy throughout his presidential tenure, will be the Knight-Hennessy Scholars' first executive director.
Under Hennessy's leadership, Stanford has undertaken major new academic initiatives to address important global challenges of this century. Interdisciplinary teaching and research has expanded dramatically with the creation of new cross-school collaborative programs in human health, international affairs, environmental science and other areas.
Hennessy has also emphasized building stronger connections between the university, governments, business and nonprofit organizations, to help facilitate the transfer of university discoveries and knowledge more rapidly to the benefit of all of society. Such knowledge transfer was the original emphasis of Jane and Leland Stanford when they founded the university, which celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.
Further information about the Knight-Hennessy Scholars is available online at knight-hennessy.stanford.edu.

2016年2月23日 星期二

嶺南大學學生會:校董會恬不知恥 立即兌現圍堵承諾

//【校董會恬不知恥 立即兌現圍堵承諾】
【校董會恬不知恥 立即兌現圍堵承諾】
嶺南同學為表示對現行制度之不滿,於去年11月18日進行圍堵校董會行動。而當時二十三名嶺南大學校董親口表態同意於校董會成立專責委員會,以檢視校董會之組成及特首應然成為校監之制度,校董會主席歐陽伯權更多番語重心長向學生表示 「信我!」,惟上次校董會就設立小組表決時違反承諾,校董公然反口,甘為政權傀儡,否決成立專責小組。
是次投票結果乃嶺南首次有清晰意向,表達對當下制度之不滿。然而,校董會卻強姦民意,為特權護航,尤其新加入的校董積極發言,反對設立獨立專責小組。當中李漢祥校董形容議案為 「Meaningless」,足顯禮崩樂壞,最終以四票贊成及二十票反對否決動議,校董會如今淪為特首遊樂場。

2016年2月20日 星期六

A ‘Rebel’ Without a Ph.D

Hanching Chung 說法類似Peter DRUCKER。只不過 Peter 說法學博士原是為了訓練公務 人員......參考我2015年的"紀念Peter Drucker"講話。

Freeman Dyson,在一次訪談中,對Ph.D 制度的看法:
Q:without ever having received a Ph.D. You seem almost proud of that fact.
Tyson: Oh, yes. I’m very proud of not having a Ph.D. I think the Ph.D. system is an abomination. It was invented as a system for educating German professors in the 19th century, and it works well under those conditions. It’s good for a very small number of people who are going to spend their lives being professors. But it has become now a kind of union card that you ha⋯⋯
A conversation with the mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson on quantum electrodynamics, climate change and his latest pet project.

2016年2月19日 星期五

王盈勛:大學整併只是一場無謂的假戲; 馮建三:大學合併 真病大

首頁 >>王盈勛/理所不當然 >>王盈勛:大學整併只是一場無謂的假戲



自由廣場》大學合併 真病大

◎ 馮建三
第三點提醒也很重要。高教工會說,大學合併很有可能模糊了高教問題,誤導了視聽,致使改革的重點,再次不在視線之內。比如,美國總統參選人桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)聲勢直上,八成以上年輕人支持,他的政見之一就是降低學費。台灣是否應該跟進?學費及其他議題的釐清(比如,高教改革如何促進人類進步),一定比合併與否,來得重要。



Schüler Pausenhof
其實, 華德福的創建者魯道夫·施泰納(Rudolf Steine​​r)並不是德國人,而他也不是唯一一個上世紀上半葉將德國視為傳播自己主張理想之地的奧地利人。誰現在想到了希特勒,並沒有什麼錯。因為在維也納大學教育學專家霍普曼(Stefan Hopmann)看來,連接施泰納人智學和國家社會主義(納粹主義)的便是種族論:"他們的理論基礎是相同的,施泰納關於黑人、紅種人和黃種人的言論聳人聽聞。區別只是:施泰納不是法西斯主義者。"
Rudolf Steine​​r
Prof. Stefan Hopmann von der Universität Wien Österreich Porträt
Zhang Danhong Kommentarbild App

2016年2月18日 星期四



在台灣,督促學生學習的最好方法就是考試。考試之後,有分數,有了分數,可以排名,排了名次,可以賞優罰劣 –尤其是,排名殿後的學生,或是訓戒,或是指責,或是父母說「你讓我很憂心」,這些都構成恐懼:我是沒有價值的。







2016年2月16日 星期二

東京大學跌落亞洲冠軍理由? Times Higher Education(THE)


世界大學排行榜 東大跌落亞洲冠軍理由?

November 01, 2015

  教育專門雜誌《Times Higher Education(THE)》發表排行榜的隔天、也就是10月2日,時任文部科學大臣的下村博文在記者會中嚴正指出:「我國的大學在國際上的評價甚低,正代表了沒有魅力。」世界排名88名的京都大學發言人表示:「我們會繼續努力」,而世界排名43名的東京大學公關部門則低調表示:「不便評論。」

2016年2月9日 星期二

the examinations don’t know you...

by GDC Team | Sep 26, 2014 | 2 comments

A Western Australia primary school teacher, Len Christie, has written a letter to his students about a controversial schooling test.

The NAPLAN (National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy) is sat by children in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, between the ages of eight to fifteen. The exam tests numeracy, writing, and language conventions such as grammar and spelling.
A copy of the letter is included below:
A Letter to all Students who sat NAPLAN this year
This week you would have received your NAPLAN test results. We are pleased that you tried your very best in these challenging tests and during the weeks and months leading up to them.
I’d like you, your family, friends and teachers to remember that these tests are unable to measure all of what it is that makes you the valued person who you are. The people who have created these tests and those that mark them don’t know you as well as your teachers know you, to the extent to which I know you and certainly not the way your family and friends know you.
They don’t know that many children at Beechboro Primary School speak one or more languages other than English. They also don’t know that you may be a great singer and dancer or that you can play a musical instrument really well. They also don’t know how well you can draw beautiful pictures.
They don’t know that you have a sense of humour which can bring a smile to your friend’s faces and make them laugh or that they can rely upon you to support them when they need a kind and encouraging word. They wouldn’t know that you can write poetry and stories, play all types of different sports and have interesting and enjoyable hobbies.
They also don’t know that you probably accept responsibility for taking care of your brothers or sisters from time to time. They don’t know that you have travelled to or come from fascinating places and had amazing experiences.
They don’t know how much you love spending time with your family and your close friends and they won’t know how much you are appreciated and loved by them.
You are trustworthy, kind and thoughtful and you try to do your best every day. Do they know that?
The NAPLAN test results give you some very specific information about yourself but it can’t say everything about who you are and what you have achieved.
I hope you are happy with your results and that they inspire you to do even better in literacy and numeracy. Just remember that there is so much more to describe who you are that can’t be shown in these scores.
Len Christie, Principal
9th September 2014
Mr Christie told Nine News the test did not test all the attributes needed in life.
‘I was inspired by reading something similar published by a school in the UK and I thought it was lovely to recognise the fact that you need so many more attributes than literacy and numeracy.’
‘While they’re fundamentals, they’re not the entire picture,’ he said.
‘In the hearts of family and friends (the students) are very special people. In the school setting, we also value all sorts of other things they do and achieve.
‘There’s so much more to them than just these aspects’.
Source: Daily Mail