2015年6月27日 星期六

‘Suicide Complex: a narrative and theatrical enquiry on suicide survivors’

Warmest Congratulations to Dr Hsiu-Chuan (Robin) Tu who received confirmation from the University that her PhD thesis ‘Suicide Complex: a narrative and theatrical enquiry on suicide survivors’ has been accepted for the fulfilment of the requirements of a PhD. Dr Tu had been supervised by Professor Renos Papadopoulos. ~ Debbie

Ms Hsiu-Chuan (Robin) Tu

SupervisorProfessor Papadopoulos
Thesis titleSurviving suicide and autobiographical performance: a Jungian exploration using applied theatre
This research is to investigate the experiences of suicide survivors (one has lost someone to suicide). A narrative methodology is used that combines principles of applied theatre and autobiographical performance. The methodology, essentially, will be qualitative based on the analysis of data obtained from semi-structured interviews, the written script, and field notes taken by the researcher. Jungian psychology and Papadopoulos’ ‘Trauma Grid’ serve as the theoretical bases for analysis and interpretation. The empirical work composed an initial interview, a group and a follow-up interview. The central research question, therefore, addresses the following: 
·                What are the unique features of suicide survivors’ journeys and experiences? What contribute to the negative impacts, the positive and the unchanged?
·                How can a combination of Jungian psychology and Papadopoulos’ ‘Trauma Grid’ provide a theoretical framework to put the survivors’ experiences in a unique perspective?
·                How can the principles of applied theatre and autobiographical performance provide a platform for suicide survivors to tell stories which are true to their experiences?
·                In what way does theatre approach differ from a direct approach? Does it provide an effective or necessary distance suitable for this type of bereavement? Does the symbolic exploration through role-play help to  speak the unspeakable?


