Why are girls now doing better at school than boys? When it comes to the students who really struggle, the difference is stark: boys are 50% more likely than girls to fall short of basic standards in all three areas of reading, mathematics and science. We look at why boys are doing badly—and how to fix it http://econ.st/1Qichwj
Jobs that reward muscle alone are not coming back, so men will need to pump up their brains instead. Several countries are experimenting with ways to make school more stimulating for children in ways that boys will appreciate. The OECD suggests offering them books they might actually enjoy—about sports stars, perhaps, or dragons. Christina Hoff Sommers of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank, suggests giving boys gizmos to fiddle with and more breaks so they can run around outside and let off steam: all helpful, and all things that might be appreciated by girls, too. A greater appreciation of anti-boy bias among teachers would help, as well, as would more men teaching. Read our essay on modern manhood http://econ.st/1dRT83s
Search Results
Clever girls, stupid boys? - BBC News - BBC.com
www.bbc.com/news/education-31751667Mar 5, 2015 - Clever girls, stupid boys. That's become something of a modern educational orthodoxy, as girls across the developed world are more likely to ...
'Girls outperform boys at school' despite inequality - BBC.com
www.bbc.com/news/education-30933493Jan 22, 2015 - A study suggests girls do better than boys at school, even in countries where women ... By Hannah Richardson BBC News education reporter.
Learning development of girls and boys - BBC
www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/learning_development_girls_boys/Gender differences. It is often assumed that girls and boys are hard-wired from birth to develop in different ways. But scientific studies have actually found that ...