2015年6月22日 星期一

哈佛大學1939級Leonard Bernstein感念通識教育的重要與影響(1967)

Leonard Bernstein graduated cum laude in Music from Harvard University on this day in 1939.
Bernstein always regarded his diverse education at Harvard with great fondness, as described in this excerpt from the April 1967 issue of Etude Magazine.
"I have always counted my years at Harvard among my greatest musical assets, for the general non-musical training given to me there opened my mind to the world's work in different fields, to the human thinking and . . . feeling that went into ‪#‎poems‬ and plays and science and inventions, to the particular kinds of thinking and feeling that built various ages and periods and styles. And what has this to do with music? Everything! For music is but one part of the various and particular kinds of thought and feeling; and how are you to know the kind of tone, of ‪#‎expression‬, of phrasing, of thought to bring out of a score if you have not steeped yourself in the characteristics of the age that produced it?"
-Leonard Bernstein (Etude Magazine, April 1967)


