2015年5月30日 星期六



Congratulations to the winners of this year's Harvey M. Applebaum award, which is conferred on a Yale College senior for an outstanding essay based on research in the Yale Library's government documents collections. The first prize ($500) was awarded to Anirudh Sivaram (Calhoun) for an essay on The President's Wartime Detention Authority: What History Teaches Us. The second prize ($300) went to Anna "Nina" Russell (Timothy Dwight) for Moving the Needle: How Prize and Quality Transparency Could Lower Costs and Improve Quality in United States Hospitals.http://guides.library.yale.edu/Applebaum


UNIVERSITY | DEVELOPING: University announces three new cultural center directors
“These appointments come at a time of increased support for the centers, as recommendations made earlier this year by an invited consultation group go into effect. With all four centers now headed by full-time directors, they are well positioned for the work ahead.”

After months of deliberation, new directors have been announced for three of Yale’s cultural centers.

University announces new directors of three cultural centers

In a University-wide email Friday morning, Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway, Graduate School Dean Lynn Cooley and University Secretary and Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews announced the appointment of the directors, who will also serve as assistant deans of Yale College. Risë Nelson Burrow will assume the leadership of the Afro-American Cultural Center, Eileen Galvez will head La Casa Cultural, and Kelly Fayard will direct the Native American Cultural Center. All three will begin their directorships at the end of July. Saveena Dhall will continue in her position as director of the Asian American Cultural Center.
“These appointments come at a time of increased support for the centers, as recommendations made earlier this year by an invited consultation group go into effect,” the email said. “With all four centers now headed by full-time directors, they are well positioned for the work ahead.”
The cultural centers have received significant attention in the past year. In December, a committee of external consultants found that the cultural centers were underfunded and in poor physical condition. The centers’ leadership, the committee said, was also overextended and did not have adequate direction or oversight.
In March, Rodney Cohen announced that he would step down from from his post as director of the Af-Am House. His resignation came after weeks of protest from the center’s constituent students, including a petition signed by 147 students calling for his removal.
The new directors will operate under the supervision of Associate Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Student Engagement Burgwell Howard, who will also begin his tenure at Yale in the fall in a newly created position.
All three new directors have prior experience in diversity initiatives.
Burrow is currently director of Student Success Programs at Cornell University’s Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives. Galvez is assistant director of Illinois Wesleyan University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Fayard is a faculty representative for the Native American Student Association at Bowdoin College as well as an assistant professor of anthropology.
Howard said in an email that he hopes the new directors will draw upon their professional experience and work together as a team. Despite representing different cultures, the houses share many interests, he said.
“Given the many common issues and needs that underrepresented students share, it will be helpful to work collectively to support the community,” he said. “It is also true that students come to Yale with varying intersections of identities […] so it will behoove us to work together.”
Applications for the positions were reviewed by three separate search committees, each chaired by a faculty member and composed of graduate and undergraduate students, according to the email.  American Studies professor Alicia Schmidt Camacho, who headed the search for the La Casa director, said in an email that her committee selected three candidates to bring to campus for interviews. Holloway made the final selection.
Camacho said her committee received approximately 80 applications. The committee gave precedence to candidates who could be effective advisers to students and extend La Casa’s reach beyond its usual constituency, she said.
“We were mindful that the student body is growing and is very diverse, and that the Center is a resource not just for Latina/o students but the University and New Haven,” she said. “The Center Director should also connect with students on matters related to gender equity, LGBTQ concerns, first generation college enrollment and immigration experience  — all critical aspects of the student experience.”
(LGBT or GLBT is an initialism that stands for lesbiangaybisexual, and transgender.) 
All the new directors said in emails that they are excited to arrive on campus at a time when Yale has reaffirmed its commitment to the cultural centers.
Burrow said she researched the campus environment and recent developments with the centers before choosing to accept the position. She added that she is excited to build on the “strong legacy” of the Afro-American Cultural Center.
Fayard also cited the history of the Native American Cultural Center, adding that she has discussed both its past and future with students. Listening will be critical to her plans for the center, she said.
Galvez said she is excited by the prospect of working with a University that has committed to change.
“Change is something that I am invigorated by,” she said. “I am excited to be walking into a place that is open and willing to change as the students themselves evolve.”

「散養」free range parenting運動,在柏林是一種常態

  • Maryland 'free-range' parents under fire again - CNN.com

    Apr 24, 2015 - Parents of 'free range children' face CPS scrutiny. Replay. More Videos .... Mom arrested for leaving 9-year-old alone at the park. About an hour  ...
  • 'Free-range' parents face neglect investigation - CNN.com

    Jan 21, 2015 - JUST WATCHED. Parents of 'free range children' face CPS scrutiny.... Mom arrested for leaving 9-year-old alone at the park. Skenazy actually  ...

  • 【推薦閱讀】「散養」運動,在柏林是一種常態
    德國家長,大多非常重視獨力和責任;他們並不是不管小孩,而是信任他們。柏林不需要「散養」(free range parenting)運動,因為那根本就是常態。

    2015年5月28日 星期四

    上海復旦校慶宣傳片抄東京大學 校方邊否認邊刪片


    上海復旦校慶宣傳片抄東京大學 校方邊否認邊刪片

    2015/5/28 — 20:05

    正值第110週年校慶的上海名校復旦大學,爆出校慶宣傳片抄襲日本東京大學、校慶標誌抄襲蘋果Touch ID的醜聞,校方一邊否認,一邊撤下宣傳片。
    昨日(27日)是復旦大學110週年校慶,校方早於一週前已大肆宣傳宣傳片《To My Light》,形容是「美麗科幻+人性敘事+硬朗大片」;但在影片發佈後,網民發現該片從選角、劇情及畫面,全部抄襲東京大學去年的宣傳片《Explorer》,令不少復旦校友非常憤慨,大呼丟臉。有網民認為,復旦不只抄襲,成品還比不上原作的質素。
    與此同時網民還發現,復旦110週年校慶的標誌中的圖案,與蘋果程式Touch ID標誌上的指紋幾乎完全一樣。
    蘋果Touch ID 標誌
    蘋果Touch ID 標誌
    復旦110年校慶標誌與Touch ID標誌對比。圖:微博
    復旦110年校慶標誌與Touch ID標誌對比。圖:微博

    2015年5月27日 星期三


    " 日本東京都22名公立校學教師,因在校內畢業典禮播放國歌「君之代」時拒絕起立,退休後被校方拒絕再聘用;東京都法院日前裁定,東京都政府須向22名教師賠償5370萬日元(約338萬港元)。裁判官認為,東京都教育部門的決定沒有合理性,法官吉田徹認為:「起立齊唱國歌的命令,間接限制了原告的思想自由,因其違反起立齊唱的規定而拒絕再聘用,理據不足」,當局亦違反了活用退休人士知識與能力的原則,裁定東京都方面須向22名教師賠償相當於一年年薪(211萬-259萬日元)的金額。
    法官指出,一般而言 90% 至 95% 的退休人士會再獲校方聘用,然而校方卻以原告拒絕起立為由,不予再聘用,是違反了眾原告的期望。

    2015年5月25日 星期一

    Williams College: 另類名校/王偉雄

  • Williams College

    Official site for this four-year liberal arts college in Williamstown, Massachusetts. 2000 students choose from 30 majors in 24 departments.
    31 Google reviews
     · Write a review · Google+ page
    880 Main St, Williamstown, MA 01267, United States
    +1 413-597-3131
  • Williams College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Williams College is a private liberal arts college located in Williamstown, .... to do so, following Princeton University, Amherst College, and Davidson College.

  • 另類名校/王偉雄

    阿樂兩天前收到 Williams College 的通知,說錄取了他。他的第一個反應是欣喜,因為 Williams 是頂尖的大學,很難考入,他本來也只是在候補名單;他的第二個反應是躊躇,因為他已準備入讀 UC Berkeley,現在要重新考慮,在 Berkeley 和 Williams 兩者擇其一。
    Berkeley 是國際知名的研究型大學,Williams 是一間文理學院(liberal arts college) ,不但在美國以外少為人知,就是在國內,東北部以外的地方也沒有多少人聽過這所大學,甚至會誤會是一間社區學院。華人之中如果知道 Williams 大名的,恐怕大多是由於留意到這是歌手王力宏讀的大學,而且除此以外的都不知道。
    然而,在所謂精英的圈子(例如政界、法律界、和學術界),Williams 的聲望十分高,校友網絡亦相當強大。像 Williams College, Amherst College, Swarthmore College, 和 Wellesley College 這些最高質素的文理學院,可以說是另類名校 — 不廣為人知,但應該知道的人,都會同意這些都是一流學府。
    文理學院一般只有二千左右的學生,絕大部份是本科生(有些文理學院有碩士課程),師生比例很低,例如 Williams 就低至七比一,小班教學(少於二十人),學生較容易得到教授的親自指導。文理學院中的名校大多非常富有,Williams 的捐贈基金(endowment) 就有二十多億美元,因此,設施和各種資源都充足完備。
    至於學費,看來非常昂貴,例如 Williams 的每年學費接近五萬美元,加上住宿及其他費用,要六萬多美元;不過,如果學生的家庭每年收入少於某數目(例如十五萬美元),都會得到資助,減免學費及其他費用,減一半是很平常的事,有些甚至完全免費。如果是四年都免費,那就等於贈送你二十多萬美元,不可謂不慷慨矣!當然,最重要的還不是金錢,而是所受到的高質教育。
    Berkeley 和 Williams 的選擇,我讓阿樂自己決定,完全沒有左右他或給他壓力,因為我知道他很清楚這兩間大學的優點和缺點,也清楚自己的好惡和長短。他跟兩位有見識、而且對 Berkeley 和 Williams 都沒有偏愛的長輩談過,也有和朋友討論,然後「閉關」思考了一段長時間。他最後決定入讀 Williams,放棄 Berkeley。我很替他高興,但也不得不承認,兒子當不了我的校友,我是感到有點可惜的。

    2015年5月24日 星期日

    TEDX University of Essex


    Following the success of last year’s TEDx Event we are very excited to be hosting our next event on Thursday 4th June!
    From data and mathematics to religion and "Front-to-Back Thinking™”, be prepared to be marvelled and inspired in this special line up of talks.
    Remember, this is an exclusive event, with only 100 tickets available!
    Check out the full details and find out how to book online:

    2015年5月19日 星期二

    大學資訊/數據的表達法:京都 和耶魯


    Alums: how much would your Yale term bill be in 2015 dollars? Check out our chart, with inflation-adjusted numbers since 1940.

    The Yale College term bill will top $60,000 next year. Here are the figures for the last 75 years—in actual dollars and adjusted for inflation.

    2015年5月17日 星期日



    Mittag im Kindergarten
    德國一些由家長成立的社團組織也開幼兒園,屬私立性質,規模一般說來小於公立。德國幼兒園也有一些所謂的"主題教育",包括比較有名的蒙氏教育幼兒園,華德福(Waldorf)教育幼兒園。公立私立都有鼓勵孩子多認知自然的"森林幼兒園"(Waldkindergarten),"農場幼兒園"(Bauernhofkindergarten),另外還有針對肢體或智力有疾病或殘障的兒童的特殊教育幼兒園(Sonderpädagogischer/heilpädagogischer Kindergarten) 。
    Buchkindergarten in Leipzig Kinder beim Mittagessen Kita Kindergarten
    來源: make-it-germany (德國經濟能源部、德國就業福利部主辦的信息網頁), stern.de等

    2015年5月14日 星期四

    評"4年募款10億 姚立德尋回「實作」精神"

    Hanching Chung 標題中,更重要的是安排1500?實習機會。



    2015年5月13日 星期三

