2015年2月28日 星期六

師生合作寫程式;美國中小學熱門課; 台灣的寫程式教育;Why Basic Coding Should Be a Mandatory Class in Junior High


圖說:新竹市光復高中洪敏勝老師(圖右)與學生 傅皓詮 (圖左)共同開發翻轉地理教室App。


Why GM Hired 8,000 Programmers
Car Maker brought much of its technology in-house to make custom software; selling trucks online

Alvin Kowalik has purchased many General Motors Co. pickup trucks over the years. But last year, the cattle rancher in Selma, Texas, tried something new, and purchased a pickup through GM’s Shop-Click-Drive website.


    Jason Henry for The New York Times
    加州米爾谷——上個月,7歲的小學二年級學生喬丹·萊爾(Jordan Lisle)和家人參加了一場人滿為患的課外活動,活動旨在為學生培養一個新愛好:計算機編程。
    「我有點擔心他會落在別人後面,」他的母親溫迪·萊爾(Wendy Lisle)說,這是他們報名參加斯特羅伯里波因特小學(Strawberry Point Elementary School)這個輔導班的原因。
    Jason Henry for The New York Times
    編程教學的普及雖然剛剛開始,卻呈現出「前所未有之勢——教育領域從未有過如此迅速的行動」,密歇根大學(University of Michigan)教育和計算機科學教授埃利奧特·索洛韋(Elliot Soloway)說。他認為這是一個非常積極的現象,可能會激發學生們培養新的愛好,或許就像學習青蛙解剖可能會讓更多孩子立志成為外科醫生和生物學家那樣。
    一些教育專家對這個行業的大舉投入表示擔憂:一些大型科技公司及其創始人,包括比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)和Facebook的馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckberg),已經為Code.org投資了大約1000萬美元(約合6255萬人民幣)。Code.org提供資金培訓高中老師,讓他們能夠講授更高級的課程,此外,對於年齡更小的學生,該組織還開發了一套專門的編程課程,把基本的教學內容融入到了《憤怒的小鳥》和《植物大戰殭屍》等視頻遊戲中。
    這項活動並不缺少硅谷的那種「我們正在改變世界」的營銷狂熱。科技創業者約翰·皮爾斯(John Pearce)說,這對美國的經濟具有戰略意義。他和另外一名創業者傑夫·利恩(Jeff Leane)創辦了非盈利組織MV Gate,把Code.org開發的適用於小學生和家庭的編程課程帶給米爾谷。米爾谷是一個富裕的郊區,與舊金山之間隔着金門大橋。
    這個想法吸引了二年級學生詹姆斯·米贊(James Meezan)。他和媽媽參加了12月份由MV Gate支持的「代碼時刻」(Hour of Code)活動。他的媽媽凱倫·米贊是當地家長教師聯誼會(PTA)主席、前科技行業高管,目前經營着一家房地產公司。她和幾名當地校長都非常支持編程課程。
    她說,她的兒子在學校表現很好,但是沒有找到自己特別的興趣,也「不是操場上跑的最快的那個」。但他喜歡編程,每周至少花一小時參加MV Gate組織的課後項目CodeKids。該項目已經在米爾谷的五所小學開展。
    使用這些文字命令塊來簡化編程的邏輯,這很大程度上源於麻省理工學院媒體實驗室(Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab)的研究成果。這個實驗室2007年引入了視覺編程語言Scratch。該機構聲稱,這種編程語言已經有數百萬用戶,但大多數都是學校以外的用戶。
    後來,2013年出現了Code.org,它借鑒了Scratch的基本想法,旨在向學校和決策者傳播這個概念。Code.org創始人、前微軟高管哈迪·帕爾托維(Hadi Partovi)說,每個學校都應該教授編程。他說編程非常必要,就像「學習重力或分子,電學和光合作用」一樣。
    Code.org稱,已有2萬名老師註冊該項目。曼哈頓華盛頓高地社區五年級的數學和自然科學老師阿蘭娜·亞倫(Alana Aaron)是其中之一。她去年在一個職業發展會議上聽說了這個項目,在獲得了校長同意之後,她放棄了原本打算教授的長達兩個月的關於陸地的地球科學課程,將其換成了Code.org的課程。


  • 文/李建興 | 2014-12-26發表
  • 美國總統歐巴馬在2014年電腦科學教育周,親自下海寫程式,顯示程式教育在美國受重視的程度,已經達到高峰,但是反觀臺灣,卻是地方政府各自發展,以辦研習營和比賽等方式打游擊戰,臺灣程式教育整體缺乏大方向。長期推動臺北市程式教育的南港高中老師高慧君說:「學校電腦課教學生使用應用程式而不教程式設計的現象,就如同僅要學生閱讀文章,卻不教學生寫作文」。
    不只是美國,英國政府也同樣重視中小學的程式教育,還把2014年稱作程式碼年,是G20會員國當中,第一個實施全民程式教育的國家,英國教育部長Michael Gove認為,如果想讓英國出現像Google或是微軟等資訊企業,需要從小就重視程式教育,因此在英國學術單位以及Google和微軟等企業協助下,已在2014年9月正式要求從5歲到16歲的孩童都必須在學校學習程式設計。
    臺北市南港高中高慧君老師是臺北市推動程式教育的核心人物之一,她認為,中小學教程式設計的目的在於,教導學生以撰寫程式邏輯的方式解決問題(Computation No Thinking),而學會程式語言的能力只是附加價值,她表示,目前學校電腦課教導使用應用程式而不教導程式設計的現象,就如同僅要學生閱讀文章,卻不教學生寫作文。而她認為,程式教育在大學前面臨最大的問題是,學生及家長沒有足夠的動機支持學習程式設計,因為大學升學考試不會考,因此需要從更根本的面向改變,程式教育才有可能受到真正的重視。
    高雄在程式教育行之有年且有未來規畫,在2015年將會建立線上自學程式教育雲,其功能就像是Hour of Code一樣,但介面語言會對學習者更友善,內容也會更加豐富,期望可以普及至全臺灣中小學。除了推行Scratch與Maker界正夯的單晶片微控制器Arduino應用外,也有約10所中小學有使用Scratch的進階版Blender進行3D列印的課程,有些學校一學期中有三分之一到一半的電腦課會用來教學生開發行動裝置App。
    Hour of Code由Hadi與Ali Partovi創辦的非營利組織Code.org所發起,用以消弭程式教育資源不均的障礙,讓孩童不需要老師教學,在家上網就能學程式設計,此理念受到歐巴馬以及不少企業的支援。

  • 台灣的RailsGirls分部,鼓勵女生學程式設計,英國學童開始學編碼: Learn-to-Code...

Why Basic Coding Should Be a Mandatory Class in Junior High
kids computers
Getty Images
One of the roles our education system is supposed to play is to prepare kids to be responsible citizens, with the skills needed to be successful in adulthood. All of the various classes — starting in kindergarten, where they lay out the fundamentals of reading,writing, sharing and even early math — are designed to be a set of building blocks of knowledge. Each consecutive year introduces new blocks in kids’ education, designed to get them ready for life so that they’re capable of earning a living.
For some reason, all of the classes I took from about third grade forward are still burned into my mind. Even today, I can go back in time and remember how my fifth-grade teacher got me interested in math or how my seventh-grade teacher’s method of teaching Spanish crippled my ability to learn that language due to his “repetitive” teaching methods.
However, one class in seventh grade has become very important to me, as I use the skills I learned in that class every day of my life: That class was my typing class. I can still envision that class as if it were yesterday, with my seat in the middle of the first row, learning to touch-type on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I even remember the line I had to type over and over again as part of a test to determine how fast I typed: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” I can still touch-type that sentence today in about five seconds. Back then, the goal was to touch type at about 90 words per minute.
While the typewriter is now a thing of the past, typing and keyboards remain highly relevant today. In most cases, they’re the main way most of us enter data into our computers. And understanding the QWERTY layout is important when using a touch keyboard or even when programming our set-top boxes or other devices that use a keyboard for input.
Now, one could argue that kids these days seem to intuitively know how to use technology. Even at an early age, they start touching screens and keyboards, quickly learning how to navigate around all types of digital devices. The need for kids to learn how to code isn’t important, right? While that’s true to some extent, fundamentally understanding how these technologies work and how they can ultimately be customized for even greater functionality would enhance kids’ experiences with digital devices and could become much more important to them later in life.
Anyone that has taken an introductory programming class will tell you that at the very least, it helped them understand basic programming logic, structure and design. Even those who did not go on to become software engineers say that the fundamentals of programming a computer at the coding level has helped them shape how they think logically, has sharpened their common sense and, in a lot of cases, has helped them apply what they have learned to getting more out of their smartphones, tablets, computers and other devices that now populate their lives.
We live in a digital age in which technology plays a role in much of what we do every day. We use technology at the office, at school and at home. Digital devices are all around us. However, in many cases, we barely scratch the surface of what technology can do for us. We pretty much accept the fundamental role technology plays in our lives and mostly use the basic functionality of each of our digital devices.
Yet, when hardware and software designers create devices, they usually add a great deal of features and functions that most people barely use. That’s O.K. in a broad sense, since we “hire” our devices to handle things like phone calls, messaging, music and entertainment. But as technology has evolved, especially mobile technology, we are now holding in our hands real personal computers that can do much more than these fundamental functions. Even our TVs and appliances are becoming multipurpose devices designed to be more than meets the eye.
While most people will never get under the hood to try and change the code of an appliance or device they use, by learning the fundamentals of creating the software code that runs our devices, a person will gain a greater understanding of how their devices work, and would be more inclined to go beyond their devices’ basic functionality.
A coding class would also help them gain a greater understanding of how technology is designed and how software serves as the medium for triggering all of a device’s capabilities. This type of knowledge could be important in a future working environment where they’re called upon to use technology as part of their overall job.
It goes without saying, but understanding how technology works makes it much easier for a person to get the most out of it.
In an important article on GreaterSchools.org, author Hank Pellissier includes a comment from a recognized authority on programming. Douglas Rushkoff, author of Program or Be Programmed and evangelist for Codeacademy, is one of the nation’s leading digital crusaders. He argues that our schools need to incorporate computer programming into the core curriculum or get left behind. “It’s time Americans begin treating computer code the way we do the alphabet or arithmetic,” he writes.
Mr. Rushkoff sees the need to teach coding in order to create more hardware and software engineers to meet the rising demands for skilled tech workers. I agree wholeheartedly with this, since the U.S. is far behind in having a robust technical workforce created within our own borders. We rely heavily on coders in China, India and other parts of the world to meet the high demand for programming skills. I also agree that coding is just as important as other basic learning skills, since technology is now an important part of all of our lives. Understanding coding would give our kids a foundation in understanding how technology works, serving them well even if they do not become professional programmers.
One of my passions has been to help bring technology into the education system: I have worked on the sidelines with the State of Hawaii to champion the role of personal computers in education for decades. It has been rewarding to see how computers have impacted the educational process throughout the U.S., with every school system in America now having some type of computer aided learning programs in use today.
But it’s time for schools to realize that technology is now a part of our lifestyle. Helping our kids understand how technology works at the ground level and how it can be used to its fullest potential needs to be a building block that’s added to the educational curriculum. At best, it could get kids interested in tech as a career. At the least, it could equip them to handle more and more technology-related devices that are now part of our lives.

2015年2月27日 星期五



1/ 勸退某董事,若不退則3/8日董事會最後處理,不管他會不會提告,一定處理。
2/ 董事們有共識,董事要有任期制,3/8應會決定,大概是每屆改選1/3,最多連任二次。
3/ 由立法委員協助,董事會直接和教育部長對談。
4/ 向教育部提訴願,若不成則提到行政院、行政法院、監察院。
5/ 己和律師研究過,教育部在97年前解散過6個學校董事會,但97年法令改變,要由法院判定,之後就沒有解散任何董事會,因此東海董事會是不會那麼容易被解散的。
6/ 湯的事也許會慢一些,一步一步來,但決心未變,不會拖太久,在這段時間希望大家多揭發湯的不當行為,董事會也會在適當時間公佈。
3小時前收到的email  (工工系友多多關懷東海)。當然,據沈兄說,董事會穩住了!



今天本系彭泉老師收到成功大學教授湯銘哲解他校友及就業輔導室主任的職務。彭老師因不願意簽署一份效忠文件 (見附件)所以成為湯教授的整肅對象。他不是唯一受害者。

湯教授自2/1起已非本校校長,請見蘇教授與法學院林院長於2/24導師會議的說明 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7iXBvEjD_U&feature=share






2015年2月26日 星期四

教育部花1600萬 委外關大學:高教轉型方案業務量龐大,故委外協助處理

教部花1600萬 委外關大學

無視原有退場機制 學者轟「莫名其妙」






Faking Quality Control for Universities

"假"文憑,如Honolulu University的MBA課程等等,我都去上過課,沒拿到鐘點費。
文中的York University 在加拿大和英國都有近乎同名的大學。英國的University of York是所好大學,學生6萬多人。

Faking Quality Control for Universities

Benjamin Plackett / 24 Feb 2015

The IAO's purported address in Houston, Texas. (Photo: Tavia Lee-Goldstein)
The IAO's purported address in Houston, Texas. (Photo: Tavia Lee-Goldstein)
A phony quality control agency helps universities it’s affiliated with to extract money from students for degrees with little or no value. But it also has a second business on the side.
The second business of the International Accreditation Organization, as it calls itself, is to give the veneer of respectability to independently run institutions that are also “diploma mills,” cranking out degrees that won’t advance students’ careers.  The business is global—its “accredited” institutions are listed around the world. (See accompanying story, “A Web of “Diploma Mills” Preys on Arab And Western Students Alike”)
A few of the institutions, to be fair, are apparently striving to provide a genuine education, and appear to have been duped into thinking they were getting real international recognition.
Others are diploma mills, and reporters frequently found they had nonexistent physical addresses and no local licensing.
In Amman, Jordan, a reporter found that the address listed by the Royal University for Medical Sciences, which is accredited by the IAO, is not a real address.  The institution changed its name to “Medical Private University” after not meeting Jordan’s licensing requirements—but the university no longer exists.
At least one genuine Arab university has fallen for the IAO’s offer of international recognition.
Al-Quds Open University is an online university with a physical campus, which is recognized by the Palestinian Authority. Last May the university received an accreditation certificate from the IAO. Yousef Sabah, the director of the quality department at the university, said he found the IAO on social media and hoped its recognition would give his institution more credibility. “We wanted to show our commitment to the international standards and to gain the confidence of local, regional and international audiences,” he said.
YorkUniversitySpotlight3 280x220 Faking Quality Control for Universities
The office of York University, in Honolulu, is in this building. Image Credit: Joseph Bennington-Castro
A discount the accreditation organization’s officials offered also had some appeal. “They said they had a special offer for Palestinian institutions,” Sabah said.
Thousands of miles away, in Honolulu, Hawaii, a reporter took a look at another institution certified by the IAO. The reporter went to the address listed online by “York University,” which is not connected to the Canadian university by the same name or to the University of York in the United Kingdom. The institution consists of a modest office the size of a small bedroom in a nondescript office building. A woman there, Richelle Kim, who also runs a photo booth rental company on the island, said the university had “reasonable prices.”
The website of York University is more forthcoming than others on IAO’s list. York clearly states that it is not accredited by any agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education, which means its students will not be eligible for federal financial aid.
Two universities in India paid $1,000 for IAO approval. The vice chancellor of Dr. K.N. Modi University said IAO contacted the university in 2012. “They have an impressive name, but frankly I don’t know what value they add,” says Devendra Pathak.
The head of quality assurance at another Indian institution, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Atanu Kumar Pati, said IAO officials offered to accredit that institution in 2013. The university had not yet been approved by the Indian National Assessment and Accreditation Council at the time and welcomed the idea of a dry run, said Pati. After the university officials agreed to the proposal, two men came to inspect the campus for two days. “They had a checklist of 50 points that included everything from infrastructure to checking all of our documents,” says Pati.
The ease with which IAO accreditation was awarded is a red flag, says Richard Pokrass, the communications director of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, which accredits some U.S. universities as well as the American University of Beirut, the American University of Cairo, and Zayed University.
Pokrass’ organization takes about five years to accredit an institution. The cost is far in excess of $1,000, he says, usually falling somewhere between $10,000 and $30,000 or more.
In India, Pathak seemed unaware that the IAO is not a legitimate accreditation organization. “They are based in Houston and are a very large body,” he says.
But a reporter who attempted to visit the Houston office once listed by IAO found that the street numbers once claimed as an address by IAO don’t go that high.
Middle States, like other full-fledged accreditors, looks at a university’s strategic planning, whether it seeks to improve teaching, and whether it offers additional services like counseling and career advice. The accreditors also look at the institution’s financial situation. “We don’t want to accredit a school that’s on such shaky ground that it’s likely to shut down and leave students stranded,” says Pokrass.
To do that sort of extensive review in two days makes the IAO seem very suspicious to him. “That’s about as phony as you can possibly get,” he said.
Joseph Bennington-Castro, Mandakini Gahlot, Rasha Faek, Thaer Thabet and Tavia Lee-Goldstein contributed to this article.