2014年12月10日 星期三

Reimagine Education Awards與(葉丙成:)臺灣大學 PaGamO 贏了!!搶下全球第一的教學創新大獎!

REIMAGINE EDUCATIONThe global awards for innovative higher education pedagogies enhancing learning and employability
US$ 50,000 prize fund for the winning entries

The Motivation

Despite years of discussion about the need to reform higher education most programs, whether academic or private enterprise, still rely on traditional pedagogical approaches that center on "teaching" (not learning) and often remain isolated from the demands of employers.

The time is now right to identify innovative learning solutions emerging around the world, whether globally relevant, or adapted to local needs. The rising cost of traditional education is one incentive for change. So are the enormous advances in technology that allow the expansion of MOOCS, the customization of education to individual learning styles, group learning, online interactivity, gaming and real-time employer projects. These all point to the need for new approaches to teaching and learning.

Employers are demanding work-ready graduates, with soft as well as up-to-date hard skills and there is an ever increasing need for lifelong learning. With knowledge at the heart of modern economic competitiveness and individual career success, steps must be taken to ensure that higher education equally benefits the intellect, cultural literacy and career-readiness of its students.

Reimagine Education

The inaugural conference of the QS and SEI Center awards for innovation pedagogy in higher education

8 - 10th
December 2014

The Wharton Campus, Philadelphia

View more information

Reimagine Education Awards featured in the Knowledge @ Wharton publication

The field of higher education is undergoing a revolution. New technologies and new approaches to learning are altering the way educational programs are delivered and are changing the way we learn. But there’s no silver bullet. No single innovative teaching method has become widely promoted or adopted; the traditional lecture hall is still the norm.

In an effort to learn about new, innovative pedagogical approaches, the Wharton SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a global provider of specialist higher education and career information and solutions, have partnered together to launch the “Reimagine Education” Awards. We are seeking submissions from educators around the world who are willing to describe how they are exploring new ways of teaching, learning and delivering educational content. The most innovative approaches will be considered for awards and monetary prizes.

To read the full article on the Knowledge@Wharton website click here


由於這兩三年來,國際上教學技術創新突飛猛進,全世界的一流大學、公司都紛紛投入許多資源。有鑒於此,知名的華頓商學院 Wharton 跟全球大學評比機構 QS 合作,決定舉辦全球第一屆的教學創新大獎「Reimagine Education」。在九月的時候,莊教務長將這個大獎的訊息傳給我,讓我參考看看要不要參加。我看了以後,覺得 PaGamO 值得參加,於是花了幾天幾夜努力寫了申請書,在教師節前夕 9/27 熬夜送出!(隔天繼續熬夜準備去台中的兩千人翻轉研習 @@)

三週後被通知入圍,邀請我參加 12/8-12/10 在華頓商學院辦的 Conference 發表會。我心裡覺得應該滿有機會得獎,為了學校,不得不在學期中再出來美國一趟。來到這,才知道參賽隊伍有 427 隊,來自世界 43 個國家。原來這是全球第一次舉辦的教學創新大賽,所以對全世界的教學創新團隊都非常的有吸引力。但來美國前,我真的沒有想到這個比賽會有這麼多強手來參加。知道以後,心裡一沈,很擔心白來美國一趟。

這兩天看下來,有好多隊伍都做的超強。有好幾個團隊,做可以遠端虛擬的做科學實驗的實驗室、有 3D 模擬的醫學虛擬解剖、有虛擬的物理化學實驗模組。好幾個隊伍都是做了五年、十年,累積全球用戶上百萬的教學虛擬系統。特別是美國著名的 PhET 互動式科學虛擬實驗系統,上百萬人用過,做的好棒,我越看越沒把握。

偏偏主辦單位又在我們簡報前一天跟我們說,十分鐘的發表時間變成七分鐘。雖然簡報跟得獎名單無關(之前已經評審決定了),可是現場的參賽者每個人都還是磨刀霍霍的樣子。我前一天為了七分鐘的簡報,練了 n 次,一直超時。最後在半夜終於神功大成。睡沒多久,早上開會,輪我上台。我是全場講的最嗨的,讓全場數百位來自 33 個國家的觀眾也聽的超嗨,笑聲不斷。雖然很成功,可是下台後,胃又開始痙攣了...痛了好久...

一整天三十個隊伍的發表都結束後,晚餐就是頒獎典禮了。晚餐辦在哪?居然是辦在 UPenn 的博物館裡面。裡面有中國文物廳、各國文物的廳。結果,居然晚餐桌設在埃及的木乃伊廳 @@ 晚餐開始前,有兩場專題演講,講的很久。接著就是開始吃飯。我其實根本沒心情吃,一直等,一直等...

終於頒獎典禮開始了。一開始就播放洛基的音樂,非常應景(費城)!接著開始按照各個項目的前三名來頒。有 Hybrid Learning、E-Learning、Presence Learning, Teaching Delivery 等項目。全球教育創新的先驅者們,都翹首引盼。終於頒到 E-Learning,像奧斯卡獎一樣,先宣布入圍名單。入圍有四名,我們跟 PhET 都入圍。

"The 3rd place: xxx" (不是臺大,不是 PhET)
"The 2nd place: xxx" (不是臺大,不是 PhET)

靠...PhET 也還沒出線,那第一名的機會感覺有點渺茫啊...

"The E-Learning Winner goes to: PaGamO and PhET!!"

哇~~~~~~~ 拿到 E-Learning 項目的第一名了!回家對臺灣鄉親父老有交代了!心裡真是太感動了。全場的歐洲人、美國人、印度人、亞洲人,都熱情的在頒獎路途上跟我握手。這真的太酷了!我們讓臺大真的有面子!!

頒完了各項目的獎外,接下來就是第一屆 「Wharton/QS Reimagine Education 」的終極最大大大大大大大獎。這時心臟又蹦蹦的跳,會不會拿到大獎?會嗎?這樣想會太貪心嗎?還是不會?還是會?

"The Overall Winner goes to..........PaGamO and PhET!!"


全場熱烈的掌聲中,我上台去拿了那比我臉還要大的水晶獎牌。能夠讓在場來自全世界的教授們、Wharton 的教授們、QS 的主管們,都看到我們臺灣大學團隊,在數位學習這塊傲人的成績。我真的太高興了!!!拿完獎後,全場看著主辦單位播放我之前在機場錄的影片。影片最後我很大聲說道:「PaGamO! WE SHALL CHANGE THE WORLD!!」,全場瘋狂拍手。看到全場的人這麼為我們高興,我真的是太感動了!

這都是我的團隊中臺大電機的同學、臺大資訊的同學、還有我們新創團隊 BoniO 伙伴們一起努力的成果!

能夠得到世界第一屆教學創新大賽的第一名!我們成功打響臺灣大學在世界上教學創新的名號!現在全世界的人都知道 Benson、臺大、BoniO 在教學創新是世界第一等的!!!我離開會場前,IBM Watson Lab 超級電腦計畫的研究負責人也特別來跟我致意,希望有機會要跟我談。歐洲著名的 EdTech Conference 的負責人也來邀請我六月去倫敦給演講。國際的媒體也來找我專訪。在聽完我今早的演講,華頓商學院以「Gamification」Coursera 聞名的 Prof. Kevin Werbach 也在餐前跟我特別致意。

Prof. Kevin WerbachProf. Kevin Werbach

我希望我們做的事情,可以讓學界瞭解到,其實教授的研究,除了論文外,也是可以有全球性舉足輕重的 impact !

感想:看著大獎牌、小獎牌,心中慶幸還好前天有去買 TUMI 旅行箱,不然獎牌就裝不進去了!!!!! 爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽!!!!!!!  X{DDD



