2014年11月13日 星期四


81% of American parents believe that spanking is sometimes necessary. That is more than in many other rich countries, 20 of which have banned spanking even by parents. Overall, Republicans spank more than Democrats; southerners more than north-easterners; blacks more than whites; and born-again Christians more than everyone else. Yet numerous studies show children who are regularly spanked become more aggressive themselves, and are more likely to be depressed or take drugs. http://econ.st/1Bg5JH8

Nearly 30 studies from various countries show that children who are regularly spanked become more aggressive themselves, as both children and adults. They are also more likely to be depressed or take drugs, even after correcting for other factors. Still, 81% of American parents believe that spanking is sometimes necessary. That is more than in many other rich countries http://econ.st/1zl0nFC

GEORGE STEWART’S teacher in Jamaica used to wait by the school door with a switch to punish tardy pupils. His parents whipped him, too. Now he lives in the Bronx...


