2014年3月2日 星期日

Rutgers University 董事會為當市退休人員免費提供旁聽課程

  Rutgers University為50歲以上的人提供持續教育課程

---- Rutgers University 董事會為當市退休人員免費提供旁聽課程

Senior Citizen Audit Program

The Senior Citizen Audit Program was created by the Rutgers University Board of Governors to permit retired New Jersey residents, age 62 or older, to attend courses on a space-available, noncredit basis. There are no tuition costs for auditing courses. Courses listed as “closed” in the online Schedule of Classes—those that have reached maximum capacity—are not open to auditors. Auditing is a courtesy offered at the discretion of the professor.
Courses are available on all three regional campuses. For more information on the Senior Citizen Audit Program, call 732-932-7823, ext. 682 or visit the program website.


  • 2 North American Attend (a class) informally, not for academic credit.
    More example sentences
    • You may be able to audit classes, attend without receiving any academic credit.
    • While auditing a class taught by Robert Lowell at Boston University, Sylvia met another poet hell-bent on suicide, Anne Sexton.
    • Then for my final grade, the university said I was auditing the class, even though I got an A.


late Middle English: from Latin auditus 'hearing', from audire 'hear', in medieval Latin auditus (compoti) 'audit (of an account)', an audit originally being presented orally.


