2014年2月28日 星期五


Harvard currently maintains an endowment of some $30 billion, by far the largest in the country, if not the world.



11,000 Employees Overtaxed Because of Payroll Error

哈佛大學對此紕漏的處理 (退錢或協助文書處理/溝通),令所有受害者都滿意:

 我用一本書來說明:The Harvard book : selections from three centuries ,[美] 威廉‧本廷克-史密斯 編《哈佛讀本》,張 旭霞 許德金等譯,北京:人民文學出版 社,2010

Ⅰ 這是什麼地方?
Ⅱ 老師和學生
Ⅲ 榆樹下的煩惱
Ⅳ 你可以識別一個哈佛人……
Ⅴ 體育運動以及與之有關的活動
Ⅵ 她孤獨的孩子
Ⅶ 另一半
Ⅷ 慶典儀式
Ⅸ 校友
Ⅹ 遠方來客

 大 約三十年前,這部選集出版。現在看來,那個時代相當遙遠,而又迥然有別。那時,經濟大蕭條、哈佛三百周年紀念、第二次世界大戰、短暫而輝煌的軍人法案還都 記憶猶新。盡管有朝鮮沖突和參議員約瑟夫‧麥卡錫的滑稽行徑,但美國大學已經步入正軌,學生也是如此。雖然拉德克利夫的女生已經分享了哈佛課堂,但是她們 還沒有入往哈佛宿舍。哈佛學院仍然是男性一統天下,白人佔主導地位。最高法院還沒有對“布朗對教育委員會”一案進行裁決,對大批少數族裔的美國學生來說, 上哈佛尚須時日。不過,哈佛學院已對全國開放,而在研究生院和職業學院,各國的新生則紛至沓來。

三十年只佔哈佛史的十分之一。在這個動蕩的時代,美國和哈佛都經歷了知識、社會和經濟方面的變革,而這本書醞釀于另一個時代,卻能流傳下來,真是個奇跡。 本書不脛而走,頗受歡迎,得力于哈佛各校友俱樂部的一貫支持,這是實際原因。每年,他們一如既往把本書作為獲獎圖書之一,獎給全國各中學的三年級尖子生 ——不管這些學生報考什麼大學。在過去三百五十年里,哈佛人和少數觀察家對哈佛多有談論,本書運用個案法,精選一二。它對哈佛史鉤陳探幽,令人解頤。這是 本書繼續吸引讀者的另一個原因。
  我讀 Bate 學生Kevin 寫 他老師與Johnson的"平行傳記" 。很感動人。
Walter Jackson Bate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -Walter Jackson Bate (May 23, 1918 – July 26, 1999) was an American literary ... The Burden of the Past and the English Poet (1970). Samuel Johnson (1977). .

內容很豐富, 因為它是選自三百多年的精華文章選集。
譬如說,某律師在1900年代即模仿Alice in Cambridgeland 來寫哈佛,相當有趣--妙的是, 他這輩子,只發表過這篇。
本書有些地方很幽默。 譬如說,  從歷代校長的對外的書信中,選出一封來, 譬如說,警告某生抽煙(1962) , 而該信是寄到白宮,署名給林肯總統的。


哈 佛學院 Harvard College日前收到一筆它四百年來最大的捐款,一億五千萬美元,指定做為資助弱勢家庭孩子的獎學金。捐款人是1989級的 Ken Griffin。他全額資助200名大學部學生的學雜生活費用,及600名的相對資助。(哈佛的學費是三萬五千美元,加上食宿等開銷,一年約達六萬五 千。) 全校Harvard University 累積320億基金, 雇有專業財務操盤手,雖然前幾年有虧損,大體投資報酬多遠高於市場平均。

Griffin ’89 Gives $150 Million to Harvard, Largest Gift in College's History


 美國故國防部長Caspar Weinberg(1917-2006)退休之後,極力爭取當哈佛大學的董事。幾經周旋,董事會說,這不是個掛名的榮譽職,你有時間全程參加 (每兩周召開的會議)嗎?他答應董事會的要求,並做到了。[16] http://hcnew.blogspot.tw/2014/02/hc-2010-80-86.html

 http://www.harvard.edu/board-overseers   任期6年

2014年2月22日 星期六



  同センターは、日本の各分野に通じた若手を積極的に育成するとともに、日本、中国、韓国、欧米などの日本研究機関とも連携・交流し、国際日本学研究の一大 拠点を目指す。対外連携の第1弾として、名古屋大学の「アジアの中の日本文化」研究センターと同日、学術交流協定を締結した。(2014/02 /22-14:38)




2014年2月19日 星期三

Google coming to El Capitan High School in Merced

Google coming to El Capitan High School in Merced---這所學校全無紙本教科書了......

— The Google Leadership Symposium comes to the new, high-tech El Capitan High School campus in Merced on Friday.
Jorge Arteaga, information technology director for the Merced Union High School District, said more than 60 school superintendents, assistant superintendents and IT specialists will attend the all-day regional symposium at Merced’s newest campus on Farmdale Avenue.
“It will be a huge deal,” said Arteaga of the chance to show how technology has been integrated into the learning environment of the school, which opened in August.
Administrators from the Monterey, San Jose, Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley areas will attend the symposium, which runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., beginning with breakfast in the cafeteria, speeches in the theater, lunch, and tours of the campus. The event ends with a teacher-student panel.
Anthony Johnson, school principal, said the fact Google chose his campus for the symposium site is an honor and a testament to the hard work of students and teachers at the school, which relies entirely on computers and not textbooks for its instruction.
Johnson will be the keynote speaker. His school, which now serves only freshmen and sophomores but will add juniors next fall, uses Google’s “Applications for Education,” which allows students to share documents and collaborate on assignments. He said the digital learning initiative has been going very well.
Scott Scambray, MUHSD superintendent, said El Capitan’s hosting the symposium is a great pat on the back for the district and a feather in the cap of teachers and its information technology department.
After breakfast, a welcome from Scambray, and Johnson’s remarks, seven breakout sessions are to be conducted, focusing on leadership, infrastructure-management, curriculum design, professional development, community and student engagement and assessment, Arteaga said.
Arteaga said one of the key characteristics of the Google program is that it allows collaboration between students and teachers. The Web-based program connects students to educational tools that benefit them the most, he added.
Johnson said students and teachers at El Capitan are still learning how to use the computer-based, paperless system, but a high level of instruction is taking place.
“Hopefully we can learn and continue to grow,” Johnson said.
Local feeder school districts within the high school district, including Merced City, Weaver, McSwain, Atwater and Livingston, will send representatives to the symposium as well. More than 30 school districts throughout California will be represented.



周日開完會,有感,寫一篇: 向美國西北大學和國立臺灣大學等校學習
或許我的可能貢獻,就是安排臺大主管與東海董事會-校方, 介紹他們的善用資產。這要有需求,校方也經常派一級主管到元智大學等校,取經,不知學到什麼?


幾個月前, 我學弟江玉國來訪,談他女兒五年前選系時,消遣自己父親的系分數落後很多,他注意到貴校許多系,如今也領先東海。
我也 感謝幾年前貴校的董事,輔仁中學的校長來我公司聊天,讓我知道許多輔仁的事情。我讚美過貴校有醫學院,董事會成員和會議記錄是公開的。

2014年2月18日 星期二



一本是管理學大師James G. March 談美國的校長之特點和選擇問題,他說美國有多少個大學校長缺, 所以它肯定是個重要的組織學問題,有待研究。
他的書的第二版找人合作: Michael D. Cohen and James G. March, Leadership and Ambiguity, How College Presidents Are Chosen2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.

周日, 我們談到校長應善於公關。


Warren Bennis 的文章和書,多半一直更新。之前已有一本回憶錄 An Invented Life 問世,台灣還有漢譯 (可是錯誤多多) 。它的新版本:Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership by Warren Bennis台灣也有翻譯。不過我買它的味口已大為減低。
我上周跟沈金標先生等人說,  Bennis 先生在當辛辛那提大學(?)校長時, 一年在校長公館舉辦約600場的宴會。他後來發現家庭生活危機,因為他問其小女孩, 將來要做什麼? 女兒說: "做宴會的客人。"

2014年2月17日 星期一


2013.7.13 近兩天巧的是些副校長(VP)的消息。首先是我的同學蔡禎騰休假,並告訴我現在東海也是兩位副校長。……我更告訴他,這些不重要,希望他休假有空寫寫回憶錄,我們想拜讀。
 第二個VP 的是我碰到老友Ken Chang,他當完臺大校史館英文義工,下班途中,我跟他聊許多。他說他老弟現在也是臺大的VP:張慶瑞 - 國立台灣大學物理學系


我在會上說,許達然老師跟我說過, 美國西北大學的副校長至少有6位。
今天上網一查,Office of the President 網頁上,掛V.P.頭銜的共9位,參考:
http://www.northwestern.edu/president/contact/index.html  (重要的是這些校長團隊:President's Senior Staff負責什麼工作*)

(有人抱怨校長不夠力…….我說,去年11月,徐錚在一次汪董事長以及數位董事列席的校友慶祝會上說,東海的校長,應該是台中的King Maker,你想想,光是附屬中學的歷屆畢業生,就有多少?)
*那年2010年該校Dale Mortensen Nobel 經濟學長。許老師還跟我講他們學校如何搶聘此名教授: http://www.northwestern.edu/....../nobel-laureate-dale......
17號又遇到Ken Chang,當然談起臺大當副校長的老弟。Ken 竟然說, 臺大每年自籌支出款達總支出之七成,所以可以說是私立大學
1.    他們資訊幾乎都公開。
2.    他們投入永續校園之經營
3.    他們有本事採BOT等方式,大力建設停車場與學生宿舍。雖然他們還有百動的房舍待利用。
4.    他們推行網路教學;校友刊物是雙月刊;學生刊物多樣;某些系有雙周系刊……
5.    他們還有點格調,不同意人文大樓的高樓建築 (校有5.4億的捐贈……)


我的紀錄: “…….雖然有人說,這次可能流於另外一次清談----巨擘兄在回台北的車上說,參加過兩次校長-董事長與中研院院士校友的座談會,最後似乎淪為空談;我則以為那些說不定促成今日的所謂GREEN計畫---雖然我們都懷疑它的效果。


蔡和楊都表示驚訝,因為這可能有違教育部的某一條資訊公開的規定, 也不是楊教授當初設計的網頁要求。
不過,經過三十多小時之後, 這網頁還是依舊如此,所以留它當紀念:



會議中我鼓吹通識課設一門"東海環境與設計問題"課程,由主持人 (你和陳巨擘)邀各專家 (陳永松....)演講, 並帶領學生調查寫研究報告<(阿擘在高雄社區大學很有這方面經驗。
我現在認為, 如果將原先的預算x萬元,捐給東海,開一學期這方面的課程,更好。
我不知道這構想是否不錯、可行, ……。應改成此信的想法。
. 待續

看一場愛情電影有如接受婚姻心理輔導 Movie Date Night Can Double as Therapy


Stuart Bradford
男女關係中一道涇渭分明的界限是所謂「女性電影」——比方說《母女 情深》(Terms of Endearment)和《戀戀筆記本》(The Notebook)這樣的電影往往會讓女人熱淚盈眶,讓男人百無聊賴。不過現在,一個極為有趣的新研究表明,好萊塢製作的多愁善感的情感片,事實上真的可 以在現實生活中幫助增進戀人間的關係。
羅切斯特大學(University of Rochester)的一項研究發現,伴侶們觀看像《鋼木蘭花》(Steel Magnolias)或《愛情故事》(Love Story)這類電影,並討論電影中提出的種種話題,相比對照組的伴侶,較少出現離婚或分居。尤其讓人驚訝的是,看《愛情故事》對情感進行干預,與兩次由 治療師主導的強化婚姻輔導同樣有效。
「看電影可以在不那麼駭人的情況下,讓大家展開對話,」羅切斯特大學心理學副教授、本研究的第一作者羅納德·羅格(Ronald D. Rogge)說,「在電影的幫助下,夫妻雙方可以十分輕鬆地敞開心扉,鞏固關係,這個發現真是讓人十分振奮。」
這篇研究發現在去年12月的《諮詢與臨床心理學學刊》(The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycology)上,作者是羅格和加州大學洛杉磯分校的伴侶關係研究所主任托馬斯·布拉德布里(Thomas N. Bradbury)。
在確定有可能對夫妻有益的情感片目錄時,研究人員排除了一些流行的 浪漫喜劇片或「初墜愛河」電影,比如《西雅圖不眠夜》(Sleepless in Seattle)或《當哈利遇到莎莉》(When Harry Met Sally)。他們選擇的是一些反映情侶關係出現各種高峰和低谷的電影。羅格介紹說:「好萊塢會對戀情設下十分不切實際的預期,那種你肯定能一見鍾情、從 此愛得不能自拔的想法,完全不合乎事實,也不適用於那些步入感情生活已有兩三年或四年的大部分情侶。」
清單上的一些電影,比如《伴侶度假村》(Couples Retreat)很搞笑,但並不那麼貼近現實。「可是,它們能讓夫妻間展開討論,」羅格說。
在完成了初期研究後,羅格博士和他的同事們從美國各地徵集伴侶,當 中包括了結婚多年的夫妻和同性伴侶,想要研究電影干預法對不同的感情關係的作用。其中一個被訪對象是家住田納西州諾克斯維爾市的梅根·克里夫頓 (Megan Clifton),這位27歲的學生跟男友已經同居了將近兩年。儘管她說兩人間「溝通十分暢通」,但她仍然選擇嘗試電影干預法。
情侶倆一起看由蒂娜·菲(Tina Fey)和史蒂夫·卡瑞爾(Steve Carell)主演的《約會之夜》(Date Night),看到有一幕,丈夫總是記不得合上抽屜和衣櫃門時,倆人大笑起來。「他老是把衣櫃門敞着,我成了嘮叨的女朋友,他這才稍稍改進了些,」克里夫 頓說,「我們一起看電影時,我說,『這不就是你嘛!』,這一幕真是很搞笑。我們為此笑了好久,它幫助我們以一種幽默的方式來看待彼此間的關係和問題。」
馬特·巴特勒(Matt Butler)和妻子凱莉(Kellie)住在俄亥俄州阿什塔比拉市,兩人已經結婚16年,他們同樣覺得電影干預法對感情有幫助。倆人一起觀看了《愛情與 靈藥》(Love and Other Drugs)和《天下父母心》(She』s Having a Baby)。

Movie Date Night Can Double as Therapy

February 14, 2014
Stuart Bradford
One of the great divides in male-female relationships is the “chick flick” — movies like “Terms of Endearment” and “The Notebook” that often leave women in tears and men bored. But now, a fascinating new study shows that sappy relationship movies made in Hollywood can actually help strengthen relationships in the real world.
A University of Rochester study found that couples who watched and talked about issues raised in movies like “Steel Magnolias” and “Love Story” were less likely to divorce or separate than couples in a control group. Surprisingly, the “Love Story” intervention was as effective at keeping couples together as two intensive therapist-led methods.
The findings, while preliminary, have important implications for marriage counseling efforts. The movie intervention could become a self-help option for couples who are reluctant to join formal therapy sessions or could be used by couples who live in areas with less access to therapists.
“A movie is a nonthreatening way to get the conversation started,” said Ronald D. Rogge, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Rochester and the lead author of the study. “It’s really exciting because it makes it so much easier to reach out to couples and help them strengthen their relationships on a wide scale.”
The initial goal of the study was to evaluate two types of therapist-led interventions called CARE and PREP. The CARE method focuses on acceptance and empathy in couples counseling, while PREP is centered on a specific communication style that couples use to resolve issues. The researchers wanted a third option that allowed couples to interact but did not involve intensive counseling.
They came up with the movie intervention, assigning couples to watch five movies and to take part in guided discussions afterward. A fourth group of couples received no counseling or self-help assignments and served as a control group.
Going into the study, the researchers expected that the CARE and PREP methods would have a pronounced effect on relationships and that the movie intervention might result in some mild improvements to relationship quality. To their surprise, the movie intervention worked just as well as both of the established therapy methods in reducing divorce and separation.
Among 174 couples studied, those who received marriage counseling or took part in the movie intervention were half as likely to divorce or separate after three years compared with couples in the control group who received no intervention. The divorce or separation rate was 11 percent in the intervention groups, compared with 24 percent in the control group.
Dr. Rogge and senior author Thomas N. Bradbury, a director of the Relationship Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, published the findings in the December issue of The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
In determining the list of relationship movies that might be useful to couples, the researchers eliminated popular romantic comedies or “falling in love” movies like “Sleepless in Seattle” or “When Harry Met Sally.” Instead, they put together a list of movies that show couples at various highs and lows in their relationships. “Hollywood can place very unrealistic expectations on romantic relationships,” Dr. Rogge said. “The idea that you are supposed to fall in love instantly and effortlessly is not reality and not relevant to most couples who are two, three or four years into a relationship.”
Some of the movies on the list, like “Couples Retreat,” are funny and not necessarily realistic. “But they are enough to get a dialogue going,” Dr. Rogge said.
Since completing the initial study, Dr. Rogge and his colleagues have been recruiting couples from around the country to study the effect of the movie intervention on different relationships, including long-married and same-sex couples. Megan Clifton, a 27-year-old student in Knoxville, Tenn., has lived with her boyfriend for nearly two years. Although she says the two have “great communication,” she opted to try the movie intervention.
While watching the movie “Date Night” with Tina Fey and Steve Carell, the couple laughed at a scene in which the husband fails to close drawers and cabinet doors. “He leaves cabinet doors open all the time, and I become the nagging girlfriend and he shuts down a little,” Ms. Clifton said. “When we were watching the movie, I said ‘That’s you!,’ and it was humorous. We ended up laughing about it, and it has helped us look at our relationship and our problems in a humorous way.”
Matt and Kellie Butler of Ashtabula, Ohio, have been married for 16 years and also feel the movie intervention has helped their relationship. So far they have watched “Love and Other Drugs” and “She’s Having a Baby.”
“It’s kind of powerful,” Mr. Butler said. “It’s like watching a role play in a group-therapy session, but it’s a movie so it’s less threatening and more entertaining.”
Mr. Butler said that even though he and his wife have a strong bond, long-married couples sometimes forget to talk about their relationship. “We’ve been married 16 years, but it’s not something you sit down and have a conversation about,” he said. “When you watch the movie, it focuses your conversation on your relationship.”
Couples interested in the method can find more information at www.couples-research.com.
Dr. Rogge noted that more research is needed to determine the effect on a variety of couples. One flaw of the study is that the control group was not truly randomized. While the couples in the control group seemed similar to other couples in the study in terms of demographics and relationship quality, further research is needed to validate the movie method.
“I believe it’s the depth of the discussions that follow each movie and how much effort and time and introspection couples put into those discussions that will predict how well they do going forward,” said Dr. Rogge.

2014年2月14日 星期五

《東海校園之營造》《每日 東海》Some of the News Fit to Print

2014.2.14 翻到此。重發行:

2013.3 時瑋
我準備下月的演講時翻到Making Architecture: The Getty Center



我最近與1973級的徐錚兄電郵連絡上 (他是我的英雄據他給我的英文長信他認識你) 也告訴他這好消息

以前在史丹佛大學網站等處看到該笑呃每日校聞好像Stanford Daily 等等 (國內某國立大學也有)
我想應該鼓勵 (資助) 成立類似的社團.


如果有這種社團 我願意出錢出力. (我想學校應該樂觀其成)

Daily News Roundup, March 1, 2013

Some of the News Fit to Print
Do Kids Really Need Teachers?
In 1999, Indian programmer Sugata Mitra was working in a research center that was right next to one of New Delhi's many slums. He carved out a hole in the wall near his office, and installed a computer so the screen was facing outward, like an ATM, with a touchpad keyboard beside it. The computer, powered up and connected to the Internet in English, soon attracted the attention of groups of curious street children. But they didn't just fool around with the machine. To Mitra's amazement, they taught themselves how to use it, and demonstrated their proficiency -- with no knowledge of English or computers. Ever since, Mitra has been promoting the idea of "self-directed learning" and "self-organizing learning environments" -- an audacious challenge to traditional education methods, where the emphasis is often on children memorizing facts, and educators "teaching to the test." Mitra essentially argues that kids, left to their own devices, will learn the skills they need to know. The article is in The Atlantic.

State's teacher evaluation panel recommends slow rollout
The council that will recommend a new, tougher evaluation system for educators this spring says the state needs to roll out the new program over several years, rather than trying to fully implement it in the first year -- a time line that perturbs some lawmakers who wanted to see a quicker turnaround. That first year needs to be spent on training, securing contracts and ensuring school districts have everything in place, said Deborah Loewenberg Ball, chairwoman of the Michigan Council on Educator Effectiveness and dean of the school of education at the University of Michigan. "You couldn't just go from zero to 60" in a few short months, she said. The article is in the Detroit Free Press.

Internet startups look to reinvent higher education
In what was a banner year for online education, 2012 saw more than 2 million people register for about two dozen college-level online courses. In 2013 enrollment in so-called massive open online courses, many of which are taught by professors from prestigious universities, is expected to rise, with more than 250 such MOOCs being planned or already in session. Massive open online courses are a timely solution to more than two centuries of stagnancy in higher education, says Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer at MIT and president of edX, a company that solicits and hosts MOOCs. For traditional on-campus education, he says, “class attendance is dropping, research is showing that lectures are not very effective, and at the same time, student debt is rising.” But some physics educators say once you get past a MOOC’s massiveness, there’s not much that’s revolutionary about them. “The weakest part of the [educational experience], the lecture, is what’s now being offered for free,” says Michael Marder, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). Moreover, with many course completion rates dipping below 10%, MOOC companies are scrambling for incentives—beyond a piece of paper—to make their free courses worth students’ time and effort. The article is in Physics Today.
The MOOC-Averse Technology U.
While other universities move quickly to offer courses online for free, Carnegie Mellon University is instead starting for-profit efforts designed to capture segments of the education market. Provost Mark Kamlet said the university is looking for a "financially sustainable" way to expand its reach. So far, that means a handful of spinoffs with a variety of products aimed at workforce development and online education. One subsidiary helps other companies improve business practices. Another is helping Mexico lure outsourced software jobs. A recently formed subsidiary hopes to help top-tier research institutions offer credit-worthy online courses. At the same time, Carnegie Mellon is shying away from massive open online courses, or MOOCs, the all-comers craze sweeping through higher education circles. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.

posted Mar 01, 2013 10:58 am

Latest Department of Education Report Urges More Collaboration [In the News]

Late in December, the U.S Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology dropped a 100-page draft policy report on “Expanding Evidence Approaches for Learning in A Digital World.” While a key focus of the report is on the kinds of information that we should marshal to evaluate learning technologies, the more important lesson of the document is about people. Through case studies and reviews of current research, the report makes a lot of recommendations, but three stand out.
Part I of this review provides a backdrop for current “evidence-based” research and focuses on the first of those recommendations: the notion that technologists, educators, and education researchers must collaborate to share techniques and evidence-gathering and analysis approaches from their respective fields. Parts II and III of the review, to be published separately, advocate two other major themes woven throughout the report: 1) the need for design thinking and continual improvement processes when building digital learning tools; and 2) the need to forge stronger lines of communication between education researchers, technologists, and educators, and to share insights that might otherwise remain siloed in existing disciplines.
In dozens of stories throughout the report, the authors implicitly make the case for the positive results that come from education researchers working side-by-side with practicing educators and technology developers. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching created a network of four-year and community colleges that each piloted a program called Statway that carefully tracks how students are doing in early college math courses and allows administrators and instructors to intervene before students falter and fail (p. 21).
Read the full article in EdSurge »

我想這比工工系50周年的慶祝還重要 所以要將資源放在這上面


2014年2月13日 星期四


大一1971的『工程圖學』老師的名字我忘了,不過要感謝他。1987年我到日本AMP公司(世界第一的連接器廠) 受訓三個月,工程部要求我複習圖學,並學習新的世界標準,因為它是精密機械產業的基礎之一。 (我後來從學弟畢業紀念冊的師長相片知道老師的大名為:陳春錦

2014.2.12, 讀連照美《新石器時代台灣南端的玉器......》,刊於《國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊》 (第64期):發現此行業表現玉珠等物,採用所謂"六面影像法":頂面、底面、正面、右側面、背面、左側面。(頁166的兩圖版)。這方式固然比工程圖學 不經濟,不過這不是研究的重要考量。



首先,沈金標兄邀了蔡清華前會長來參加, 我想起應請蔡會長和陳永松都帶支票簿來。我們目標是100萬,用途在支持老師開校園研究的通識課等等。 (這idea或可列入下次餐前酒時的議題。)

第2項是, 我請IE系洪主任顧一位工讀生, 來全程聽寫我們的會議,作紀錄。由於洪主任說,設備齊全,所以我請老弟Hans來錄影, 不過遵照鄧學長的看法, 此錄影純內部參考、紀念用, 不上傳。

我這兩天知道我的鄰居,臺大的制度齊全,舉凡總務處和校園規劃小組的制度、會議紀錄、和年報等, 多公開、上網。所以它是我們benchmarking 的對象,加入以下文的參考。

議題: 我看東海大學的校園

時間: 本周日216,下午1點至4
地點: 工學院後方 (陳其寬先生設計的老建築,40年前原建築系館) 堯勳主任說: 教室號碼為IEII104,位於工工系舊實習工廠,現為工工系會議室。
方式: 陳永松建議大家採取聊天方式。鍾漢清建議有人志願當會議記錄者簡介本小組的緣起和目的,待辦事項,輪流發言。每人報告,以不超過20分鐘…..很可能全程錄影,或將上傳YouTube
期待成果(一年後): 校園 (blog名,近日可啟用;請建議);白皮書 (這項要有志工小組負責,討論事項);書籍 (本項目前由鍾漢清負責,一本建築物史;一本是校友寫校園環境的文集,以許達然為主……)

郭達鴻陳巨擘、袁祝平、鄧裕益蔡禎騰、楊朝棟 (我不全懂我們在Facebook的對答;我想請教他如何善用校友的資源,譬如說徐錚和 S. Felix Wu鍾漢清、蔡清華

建築系畢業生: 沈金標、白錫旼、彭康健、陳永松、

彭康健老師當過學校的總務, 大力協助過2003年的《東海校園建築步道》陳其寬序沈兄也有過空地利用建議案……..

鍾漢清:《國立臺灣大學總務處年報   2009A4270頁,全彩。當年重點工作有三: 營造永續校園;提供顧客優良服務;支持校務運作。

2013/03/28更新部分臺大校園地圖加值運用課程範本與講義請至此聯結下載 ... 簡介校園規劃小組和委員會之成員、工作內容、本校校園規劃作業之歷史等資訊。



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(本小組委員會討論通過案件). >> 102學年度會議記錄 ...

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