2013年9月24日 星期二


昨晚在"東海校友總會"貼的: (大意)目標65億美金. 過去已默默向9萬多支持者募28億.

Harvard Campaign Aims To Raise Record-Breaking $6.5 Billion
The Harvard Campaign has set a fundraising goal of $6.5 billion, University officials announced in a press release on Saturday, a target that, if reached, will make it the largest fundraising drive ever in higher education.

The announcement said that Harvard has already raised $2.8 billion in donations and pledges from more than 90,000 supporters in the Campaign’s quiet phase.
當然有捐款大戶(關鍵的少術) 不過多數人的捐款還表示哈佛大學深得"民心"


The Harvard Crimson
NEWS ALERT | Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Harvard's Investments Post 11.3 Percent Return in FY 2013

Harvard’s endowment surged to $32.7 billion during the last fiscal year, with an annual rate of return of 11.3% on its investments, University administrators announced Tuesday. Those returns, which apply to fiscal year 2013, mark vast improvement from the previous fiscal year, during which the endowment’s value declined slightly to $30.7 billion.

 讀者應該知道: 哈佛大學的募款是聘請專業經理人來經營的. 前幾年還因為操作失利遭到詆毀......去年的資產報酬率11.3%    是台灣的勞退基金等的數倍.

 這些都只是表面的觀察  或可參考或當為"談助".


