2014年2月14日 星期五

《東海校園之營造》《每日 東海》Some of the News Fit to Print

2014.2.14 翻到此。重發行:

2013.3 時瑋
我準備下月的演講時翻到Making Architecture: The Getty Center



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如果有這種社團 我願意出錢出力. (我想學校應該樂觀其成)

Daily News Roundup, March 1, 2013

Some of the News Fit to Print
Do Kids Really Need Teachers?
In 1999, Indian programmer Sugata Mitra was working in a research center that was right next to one of New Delhi's many slums. He carved out a hole in the wall near his office, and installed a computer so the screen was facing outward, like an ATM, with a touchpad keyboard beside it. The computer, powered up and connected to the Internet in English, soon attracted the attention of groups of curious street children. But they didn't just fool around with the machine. To Mitra's amazement, they taught themselves how to use it, and demonstrated their proficiency -- with no knowledge of English or computers. Ever since, Mitra has been promoting the idea of "self-directed learning" and "self-organizing learning environments" -- an audacious challenge to traditional education methods, where the emphasis is often on children memorizing facts, and educators "teaching to the test." Mitra essentially argues that kids, left to their own devices, will learn the skills they need to know. The article is in The Atlantic.

State's teacher evaluation panel recommends slow rollout
The council that will recommend a new, tougher evaluation system for educators this spring says the state needs to roll out the new program over several years, rather than trying to fully implement it in the first year -- a time line that perturbs some lawmakers who wanted to see a quicker turnaround. That first year needs to be spent on training, securing contracts and ensuring school districts have everything in place, said Deborah Loewenberg Ball, chairwoman of the Michigan Council on Educator Effectiveness and dean of the school of education at the University of Michigan. "You couldn't just go from zero to 60" in a few short months, she said. The article is in the Detroit Free Press.

Internet startups look to reinvent higher education
In what was a banner year for online education, 2012 saw more than 2 million people register for about two dozen college-level online courses. In 2013 enrollment in so-called massive open online courses, many of which are taught by professors from prestigious universities, is expected to rise, with more than 250 such MOOCs being planned or already in session. Massive open online courses are a timely solution to more than two centuries of stagnancy in higher education, says Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer at MIT and president of edX, a company that solicits and hosts MOOCs. For traditional on-campus education, he says, “class attendance is dropping, research is showing that lectures are not very effective, and at the same time, student debt is rising.” But some physics educators say once you get past a MOOC’s massiveness, there’s not much that’s revolutionary about them. “The weakest part of the [educational experience], the lecture, is what’s now being offered for free,” says Michael Marder, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). Moreover, with many course completion rates dipping below 10%, MOOC companies are scrambling for incentives—beyond a piece of paper—to make their free courses worth students’ time and effort. The article is in Physics Today.
The MOOC-Averse Technology U.
While other universities move quickly to offer courses online for free, Carnegie Mellon University is instead starting for-profit efforts designed to capture segments of the education market. Provost Mark Kamlet said the university is looking for a "financially sustainable" way to expand its reach. So far, that means a handful of spinoffs with a variety of products aimed at workforce development and online education. One subsidiary helps other companies improve business practices. Another is helping Mexico lure outsourced software jobs. A recently formed subsidiary hopes to help top-tier research institutions offer credit-worthy online courses. At the same time, Carnegie Mellon is shying away from massive open online courses, or MOOCs, the all-comers craze sweeping through higher education circles. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.

posted Mar 01, 2013 10:58 am

Latest Department of Education Report Urges More Collaboration [In the News]

Late in December, the U.S Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology dropped a 100-page draft policy report on “Expanding Evidence Approaches for Learning in A Digital World.” While a key focus of the report is on the kinds of information that we should marshal to evaluate learning technologies, the more important lesson of the document is about people. Through case studies and reviews of current research, the report makes a lot of recommendations, but three stand out.
Part I of this review provides a backdrop for current “evidence-based” research and focuses on the first of those recommendations: the notion that technologists, educators, and education researchers must collaborate to share techniques and evidence-gathering and analysis approaches from their respective fields. Parts II and III of the review, to be published separately, advocate two other major themes woven throughout the report: 1) the need for design thinking and continual improvement processes when building digital learning tools; and 2) the need to forge stronger lines of communication between education researchers, technologists, and educators, and to share insights that might otherwise remain siloed in existing disciplines.
In dozens of stories throughout the report, the authors implicitly make the case for the positive results that come from education researchers working side-by-side with practicing educators and technology developers. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching created a network of four-year and community colleges that each piloted a program called Statway that carefully tracks how students are doing in early college math courses and allows administrators and instructors to intervene before students falter and fail (p. 21).
Read the full article in EdSurge »

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