報道 2013年02月26日
Angel Valentin for The New York Times
佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘——不久前的一天下午,莎倫·帕特爾斯基(Sharon Patelsky)老師教的三年級學生複習了諸如“首字母縮略詞”、 “順時針方向”和“降序”之類的詞彙以及一些數學概念,如大於、小於和位值。
帕特爾斯基是當地大沼澤小學(Everglades Elementary
“我的工作不在於教會學生遊戲和放鬆”, 帕特爾斯基女士說。對於這種打破學校常規的另類教學方式,她解釋說:“首先,我是一名教師。”
由於數學和英語成績越發受到重視,也為了在教學中傳遞更多有關健康和體育鍛煉的信息,越來越多的學校要求體育老師不僅要教授足球、腳下棒球和網球, 還要把讀、寫和算術納入其中。美國45個州以及哥倫比亞特區的英語和數學教學新標準都要求各科老師將識字教學及說明文閱讀納入授課過程。許多州都將體育課 納入新標準的範圍之內,它們提出指導意見,設計相應課程,以便各地區的老師將識字技能和說明文閱讀納入體育教學之中。
由於預算下降,校方不得不在各個學科中做出取捨。埃里克·斯特恩(Eric Stern)是棕櫚灘郡(美國第11大學區)負責學校體育教育的行政官員,他說:“這只是為了提高體育老師對學校的價值,讓他們能和”語文、數學和科學等 核心科目的老師“平起平坐罷了。我們正在摒棄傳統的體育教學模式。”
在弗吉尼亞州切薩皮克的迪普克里克小學(Deep Creek Elementary School),學生們在體育課上做熱身運動時會用不同的語言數數,或在字母墊上單足跳來拼寫詞彙。
西雅圖羅克斯希爾小學(Roxhill Elementary)體育老師雪莉·拉斐特(Chellie LaFayette)用聯邦政府撥款購買的iPad向學生們展示艾迪塔羅德狗拉雪橇比賽的圖片和山脈地圖,她還把山脈的名字寫在攀岩牆上。
並非所有家長都對這些變化感到滿意。凱瑟琳·奧羅佩薩(Kathleen Oropeza)是佛羅里達州非營利性公共教育宣傳機構Fund Education Now的創始人之一,她說:“我覺得這樣做有點兒過頭了。如果孩子們享受當優秀守門員的過程,或者想成為球隊的一員,那為什麼要讓他們籠罩在嚴格而且高標 準的測試之下呢?”
在兒童肥胖和休息時間減少等問題日益嚴重的情況下,一些教育工作者希望體育鍛煉得到重視。布魯克林新學校(Brooklyn New School)沒有把其他教學活動納入體育課程。該小學校長安娜·艾倫布魯克(Anna Allanbrook)說:“我更擔心的是體育課時間不足。”
有家長和學生反對這樣做,他們認為這是額外的家庭作業。有些人說,體育課作業加重了學生的課業負擔。16歲的安妮·貝葉-查菲茨(Annie Beyer-Chafets)是紐約韋斯切斯特郡的高二學生。去年老師曾要求她和同學們就家中一位親人對終生運動項目的選擇寫一篇作文,她說:“我從未真 的從這些作業中學到任何東西。”
聖迭哥郡教育局健康和體育教育協調員佩奇·梅斯(Paige Metz)說:“我們想讓學生動起來,但我們希望確保他們做有意義的運動。”
但有時候,意義似乎已經超越了運動。在佛羅里達州萊克沃思印度松樹小學(Indian Pines Elementary School)克里斯蒂娜·羅傑斯(Kristina Rodgers)老師的體育課上,為了讓西蘭花圖片或奶酪塊和食物圖上的相應區域對號入座,學生們用于思考的時間和進行單足跳或跑步練習的時間一樣多。
“這很有趣,”9歲的凱莉·卡斯特隆(Keyli Castellon)在奔跑之後喘個不停,“因為我們要做各種不同的動作,這就是學習。”
“和坐在教室里相比,更多的運動能讓有些孩子學得更好,” 棕櫚灘郡首席學術官詹妮思·安德魯斯(Janis Andrews)說:“對他們來說,學到知識的時刻不是在教室里,而是在室外。”
在萊克沃思海牛小學(Manatee Elementary School)的室外場地中,體育老師肖恩·羅尼(Shawn Roney)在向五年級的學生展示怎麼用兒童專用高爾夫球杆進行切削擊球。他把球杆顛倒過來,用手沿着桿頭划出去,然後問道,“小數學家們,這是什麼?” 幾名學生大聲說了他想要的答案:角度。
有些家長表示,考慮到學生們每天都要在有限的時間裡學很多東西,把其他知識納入體育課未嘗不可。勒妮·凱萊赫(Renee Kelleher)是四個孩子的母親,她的雙胞胎兒子在海牛小學讀四年級。她說:“這樣他們就能在課餘時間出去玩了。體育課也是課。”
“我的工作不在於教會學生遊戲和放鬆”, 帕特爾斯基女士說。對於這種打破學校常規的另類教學方式,她解釋說:“首先,我是一名教師。”
由於數學和英語成績越發受到重視,也為了在教學中傳遞更多有關健康和體育鍛煉的信息,越來越多的學校要求體育老師不僅要教授足球、腳下棒球和網球, 還要把讀、寫和算術納入其中。美國45個州以及哥倫比亞特區的英語和數學教學新標準都要求各科老師將識字教學及說明文閱讀納入授課過程。許多州都將體育課 納入新標準的範圍之內,它們提出指導意見,設計相應課程,以便各地區的老師將識字技能和說明文閱讀納入體育教學之中。
由於預算下降,校方不得不在各個學科中做出取捨。埃里克·斯特恩(Eric Stern)是棕櫚灘郡(美國第11大學區)負責學校體育教育的行政官員,他說:“這只是為了提高體育老師對學校的價值,讓他們能和”語文、數學和科學等 核心科目的老師“平起平坐罷了。我們正在摒棄傳統的體育教學模式。”
在弗吉尼亞州切薩皮克的迪普克里克小學(Deep Creek Elementary School),學生們在體育課上做熱身運動時會用不同的語言數數,或在字母墊上單足跳來拼寫詞彙。
西雅圖羅克斯希爾小學(Roxhill Elementary)體育老師雪莉·拉斐特(Chellie LaFayette)用聯邦政府撥款購買的iPad向學生們展示艾迪塔羅德狗拉雪橇比賽的圖片和山脈地圖,她還把山脈的名字寫在攀岩牆上。
並非所有家長都對這些變化感到滿意。凱瑟琳·奧羅佩薩(Kathleen Oropeza)是佛羅里達州非營利性公共教育宣傳機構Fund Education Now的創始人之一,她說:“我覺得這樣做有點兒過頭了。如果孩子們享受當優秀守門員的過程,或者想成為球隊的一員,那為什麼要讓他們籠罩在嚴格而且高標 準的測試之下呢?”
在兒童肥胖和休息時間減少等問題日益嚴重的情況下,一些教育工作者希望體育鍛煉得到重視。布魯克林新學校(Brooklyn New School)沒有把其他教學活動納入體育課程。該小學校長安娜·艾倫布魯克(Anna Allanbrook)說:“我更擔心的是體育課時間不足。”
有家長和學生反對這樣做,他們認為這是額外的家庭作業。有些人說,體育課作業加重了學生的課業負擔。16歲的安妮·貝葉-查菲茨(Annie Beyer-Chafets)是紐約韋斯切斯特郡的高二學生。去年老師曾要求她和同學們就家中一位親人對終生運動項目的選擇寫一篇作文,她說:“我從未真 的從這些作業中學到任何東西。”
聖迭哥郡教育局健康和體育教育協調員佩奇·梅斯(Paige Metz)說:“我們想讓學生動起來,但我們希望確保他們做有意義的運動。”
但有時候,意義似乎已經超越了運動。在佛羅里達州萊克沃思印度松樹小學(Indian Pines Elementary School)克里斯蒂娜·羅傑斯(Kristina Rodgers)老師的體育課上,為了讓西蘭花圖片或奶酪塊和食物圖上的相應區域對號入座,學生們用于思考的時間和進行單足跳或跑步練習的時間一樣多。
“這很有趣,”9歲的凱莉·卡斯特隆(Keyli Castellon)在奔跑之後喘個不停,“因為我們要做各種不同的動作,這就是學習。”
“和坐在教室里相比,更多的運動能讓有些孩子學得更好,” 棕櫚灘郡首席學術官詹妮思·安德魯斯(Janis Andrews)說:“對他們來說,學到知識的時刻不是在教室里,而是在室外。”
在萊克沃思海牛小學(Manatee Elementary School)的室外場地中,體育老師肖恩·羅尼(Shawn Roney)在向五年級的學生展示怎麼用兒童專用高爾夫球杆進行切削擊球。他把球杆顛倒過來,用手沿着桿頭划出去,然後問道,“小數學家們,這是什麼?” 幾名學生大聲說了他想要的答案:角度。
有些家長表示,考慮到學生們每天都要在有限的時間裡學很多東西,把其他知識納入體育課未嘗不可。勒妮·凱萊赫(Renee Kelleher)是四個孩子的母親,她的雙胞胎兒子在海牛小學讀四年級。她說:“這樣他們就能在課餘時間出去玩了。體育課也是課。”
Gym Class Isn’t Just Fun and Games Anymore
February 26, 2013
Angel Valentin for The New York Times
Sorting Lego blocks is part of the gym curriculum for third graders at Everglades Elementary.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — On a recent
afternoon, the third graders in Sharon Patelsky’s class reviewed words
like “acronym,” “clockwise” and “descending,” as well as math concepts
like greater than, less than and place values.
During gym class.
Ms. Patelsky, the physical education teacher at Everglades Elementary
School here, instructed the students to count by fours as they touched
their elbows to their knees during a warm-up. They added up dots on
pairs of dice before sprinting to round mats imprinted with mathematical
symbols. And while in push-up position, they balanced on one arm and
used the other (“Alternate!” Ms. Patelsky urged. “That’s one of your
vocabulary words”) to stack oversize Lego blocks in columns labeled
“ones,” “tens” and “hundreds.”
“I don’t work for Parks and Recreation,” said Ms. Patelsky, explaining the unorthodox approach to what has traditionally been one of the few breaks from the academic routine during the school day. “I am a teacher first.”
Spurred by an intensifying focus on student test scores in math and English as well as a desire to incorporate more health and fitness information, more school districts are pushing physical education teachers to move beyond soccer, kickball and tennis to include reading, writing and arithmetic as well. New standards for English and math that have been adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia recommend that teachers in a wide variety of subjects incorporate literacy instruction and bring more “informational text” into the curriculum. Many states have interpreted these standards to include physical education and have developed recommendations and curriculum for districts and teachers to incorporate literacy skills and informational text into gym classes.
But some parents say they object to the way testing is creeping into every corner of school life. And some educators worry that pushing academics into P.E. class could defeat its primary purpose.
While generations of bookish but clumsy children who feared being the last pick for the dodge ball team may welcome the injection of math and reading into gym class, the push is also motivated by a simple fight for survival by physical education departments.
As budget cuts force school officials to make choices between subjects, “it’s just a way to make P.E. teachers more of an asset to schools and seem as important” as teachers in core subjects like language arts, math and science, said Eric Stern, the administrator in charge of physical education for the Palm Beach County schools, the country’s 11th-largest school district. “We are taking away the typical stereotype of what P.E. used to be like.”
Across the country, P.E. teachers now post vocabulary lists on gym walls, ask students to test Newton’s Laws of Motion as they toss balls, and give quizzes on parts of the skeleton or food groups.
At Deep Creek Elementary School in Chesapeake, Va., children count in different languages during warm-up exercises and hop on letter mats to spell out words during gym class.
Chellie LaFayette, the physical education teacher at Roxhill Elementary in Seattle, used an iPad purchased with a federal grant to show her students pictures of the Iditarod sled dog race and maps of mountain ranges for which she had named routes on a climbing wall.
In some cases, homework and testing have accompanied the new gym content. Last year, the District of Columbia added 50 questions about health and physical education to its end-of-year standardized tests.
Not all parents are pleased with the changes. “I think there is such a thing as taking something too far,” said Kathleen Oropeza, co-founder of Fund Education Now, a nonprofit public education advocacy group in Florida. “If you’ve got children who are learning the joy of being a good goalie or learning that they want to participate as part of the team, why does that have to be overshadowed by the hard, high-stakes test environment?”
And at a time of increasing childhood obesity and diminishing recess time, some educators want to keep the focus on physical activity. “I’m more concerned that we don’t have enough time to be in the gym,” said Anna Allanbrook, principal of the Brooklyn New School, an elementary school that does not incorporate academics into gym time.
With parents and students rebelling against what they see as an excess of homework, some say that gym class assignments add to the busywork. “I never really learned anything from doing those papers,” said Annie Beyer-Chafets, 16, a sophomore in Westchester County, N.Y., who recalls being asked to write an essay about a relative’s lifetime sport choices last year.
Physical education teachers say they are not simply transforming gym class into another period of test preparation.
Instead, they say, P.E. helps students learn about lifetime fitness habits and other subjects previously taught in health classes. Students study the muscular and respiratory systems, learn to use pedometers and calculate optimum heart rates.
“We want to get kids moving,” said Paige Metz, coordinator for health and physical education at the San Diego County Office of Education. “But we want to make sure there is meaning to the movement.”
At times, the meaning seems to overtake the movement. In Kristina Rodgers’s gym class at Indian Pines Elementary School in Lake Worth, Fla., students spent as much time pondering pictures of broccoli and blocks of cheese to stick into pockets on a food chart as they did hopping or running.
Ms. Rodgers said that during a 30-minute class, it would be difficult for the children to keep moving constantly, so she interspersed cognitive tasks with fast-paced drills.
At another station she had set up, students jumped, kicked and ran to a pile of small cones that they stacked as quickly as possible.
“It’s fun,” said Keyli Castellon, 9, breathing hard after sprinting. “Because you get to do different moves, and it’s learning.”
A growing body of research shows that physical activity can help improve cognitive function.
“Some children just learn better through more movement than they do sitting at a desk,” said Janis Andrews, chief academic officer in Palm Beach. “Some kids are going to have that ‘aha’ moment not in the classroom, but the light bulb is going to finally go on outside.”
At an outdoor pavilion at Manatee Elementary School in Lake Worth, Shawn Roney, a gym teacher, showed fifth graders how to make chip shots with child-size golf clubs. Then he turned a club upside down and moved his palm across the club head. “Math majors, what is this?” he asked. Several children piped up with the answer he sought: an angle.
Some parents say that given how much students need to learn in a limited time during the day, sprinkling a few academic lessons into gym class makes sense. “They get the opportunity to play during recess,” said Renee Kelleher, a mother of four whose twin boys are in fourth grade at Manatee. “This is still class.”
During gym class.
Angel Valentin for The New York Times
Books shared space with basketballs in the equipment room at Manatee Elementary School in Lake Worth, Fla.
Angel Valentin for The New York Times
A game of tag was played with vocabulary words by Hervida Sanon, 10.
“I don’t work for Parks and Recreation,” said Ms. Patelsky, explaining the unorthodox approach to what has traditionally been one of the few breaks from the academic routine during the school day. “I am a teacher first.”
Spurred by an intensifying focus on student test scores in math and English as well as a desire to incorporate more health and fitness information, more school districts are pushing physical education teachers to move beyond soccer, kickball and tennis to include reading, writing and arithmetic as well. New standards for English and math that have been adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia recommend that teachers in a wide variety of subjects incorporate literacy instruction and bring more “informational text” into the curriculum. Many states have interpreted these standards to include physical education and have developed recommendations and curriculum for districts and teachers to incorporate literacy skills and informational text into gym classes.
But some parents say they object to the way testing is creeping into every corner of school life. And some educators worry that pushing academics into P.E. class could defeat its primary purpose.
While generations of bookish but clumsy children who feared being the last pick for the dodge ball team may welcome the injection of math and reading into gym class, the push is also motivated by a simple fight for survival by physical education departments.
As budget cuts force school officials to make choices between subjects, “it’s just a way to make P.E. teachers more of an asset to schools and seem as important” as teachers in core subjects like language arts, math and science, said Eric Stern, the administrator in charge of physical education for the Palm Beach County schools, the country’s 11th-largest school district. “We are taking away the typical stereotype of what P.E. used to be like.”
Across the country, P.E. teachers now post vocabulary lists on gym walls, ask students to test Newton’s Laws of Motion as they toss balls, and give quizzes on parts of the skeleton or food groups.
At Deep Creek Elementary School in Chesapeake, Va., children count in different languages during warm-up exercises and hop on letter mats to spell out words during gym class.
Chellie LaFayette, the physical education teacher at Roxhill Elementary in Seattle, used an iPad purchased with a federal grant to show her students pictures of the Iditarod sled dog race and maps of mountain ranges for which she had named routes on a climbing wall.
In some cases, homework and testing have accompanied the new gym content. Last year, the District of Columbia added 50 questions about health and physical education to its end-of-year standardized tests.
Not all parents are pleased with the changes. “I think there is such a thing as taking something too far,” said Kathleen Oropeza, co-founder of Fund Education Now, a nonprofit public education advocacy group in Florida. “If you’ve got children who are learning the joy of being a good goalie or learning that they want to participate as part of the team, why does that have to be overshadowed by the hard, high-stakes test environment?”
And at a time of increasing childhood obesity and diminishing recess time, some educators want to keep the focus on physical activity. “I’m more concerned that we don’t have enough time to be in the gym,” said Anna Allanbrook, principal of the Brooklyn New School, an elementary school that does not incorporate academics into gym time.
With parents and students rebelling against what they see as an excess of homework, some say that gym class assignments add to the busywork. “I never really learned anything from doing those papers,” said Annie Beyer-Chafets, 16, a sophomore in Westchester County, N.Y., who recalls being asked to write an essay about a relative’s lifetime sport choices last year.
Physical education teachers say they are not simply transforming gym class into another period of test preparation.
Instead, they say, P.E. helps students learn about lifetime fitness habits and other subjects previously taught in health classes. Students study the muscular and respiratory systems, learn to use pedometers and calculate optimum heart rates.
“We want to get kids moving,” said Paige Metz, coordinator for health and physical education at the San Diego County Office of Education. “But we want to make sure there is meaning to the movement.”
At times, the meaning seems to overtake the movement. In Kristina Rodgers’s gym class at Indian Pines Elementary School in Lake Worth, Fla., students spent as much time pondering pictures of broccoli and blocks of cheese to stick into pockets on a food chart as they did hopping or running.
Ms. Rodgers said that during a 30-minute class, it would be difficult for the children to keep moving constantly, so she interspersed cognitive tasks with fast-paced drills.
At another station she had set up, students jumped, kicked and ran to a pile of small cones that they stacked as quickly as possible.
“It’s fun,” said Keyli Castellon, 9, breathing hard after sprinting. “Because you get to do different moves, and it’s learning.”
A growing body of research shows that physical activity can help improve cognitive function.
“Some children just learn better through more movement than they do sitting at a desk,” said Janis Andrews, chief academic officer in Palm Beach. “Some kids are going to have that ‘aha’ moment not in the classroom, but the light bulb is going to finally go on outside.”
At an outdoor pavilion at Manatee Elementary School in Lake Worth, Shawn Roney, a gym teacher, showed fifth graders how to make chip shots with child-size golf clubs. Then he turned a club upside down and moved his palm across the club head. “Math majors, what is this?” he asked. Several children piped up with the answer he sought: an angle.
Some parents say that given how much students need to learn in a limited time during the day, sprinkling a few academic lessons into gym class makes sense. “They get the opportunity to play during recess,” said Renee Kelleher, a mother of four whose twin boys are in fourth grade at Manatee. “This is still class.”