2012年11月24日 星期六

Swedish School’s Big Lesson Begins With Dropping Personal Pronouns



Casper Hedberg for The New York Times

斯德哥爾摩——在斯德哥爾摩老城鎮道邊的一個赭色外觀的幼兒園裡,老師不再使用人稱代詞 “他”或“她”,而將115名蹣跚學步的小孩們簡單地稱呼為“朋友”。專門指代男性或女性的用語成為了禁忌,通常被代詞“hen”取代,這是一個由人們生 造的無性別差異的詞語,雖然它並不為多數瑞典人接受,但在一些同性戀和女權主義人群中,這一詞卻十分受歡迎。


瑞典的平等主義可能和它的肉丸子或宜家(Ikea)家居那樣享有盛名。這家由納稅人資助的幼兒園叫Nicolaigarden,是以一位聖徒的名字 命名的,他的小禮拜室曾設在這座有300年歷史的建築里。瑞典為淡化性別界限——同時從更深層次來說,讓女性和男性享有同等機會——做出了許多努力,這家 幼兒園強有力地說明了這一點。

畫廊僱員馬琳·英格里森(Malin Engleson)在去接她15個月大的女兒漢娜(Hanna)時說,學校教孩子們“不僅女孩可以哭,男孩也可以。”



該中心和其他三家幼兒園園長羅塔·瑞嘉林(Lotta Rajalin)表示,“我們可以發現很大的不同。例如,在對待男孩和女孩方面。”她每天騎單車奔波於這幾家幼兒園之間。她說,“如果一個男孩子因為弄疼 自己而哭起來,會有人去安慰他,但安慰的時間會比較短。而女孩被抱和被哄的時間要長得多。男孩得到的答覆通常是,‘不要緊,沒什麼大不了的。’”


在進行大量的討論之後,幼兒園制定了一個包含七項要點的計劃來糾正這些行為。53歲的瑞嘉林說,“我們避免使用像男孩或女孩這類詞,並不是因為它不 好,而是因為他們代表着定式思維。我們只用名字——皮特,薩利——或‘加油,小朋友!’”我們在之前全是女性的教員隊伍中增加了男性教員。除了 Egalia之外,Nicolaigarden還從一個為同性戀和雙性戀人設立的機構那裡獲得了認證,該機構的員工對這些問題十分敏感。


譚雅·伯格維斯特(Tanja Bergkvist)便是一個堅定的批判者。她是烏普薩拉大學(Uppsala University)的數學家,時常在博客上攻擊瑞典的這種“性別瘋狂”。在她為《瑞典日報》(Svenska Dagbladet)所撰寫的一篇文章里,她質問孩子們是否“在3個月大的時候就已經被父母洗腦”。她還諷刺道,在郊遊中,“如果一個女孩去摘花,而男孩 去撿石頭,他們該怎麼辦?”
在Nicolaigarden工作了一年半的 36歲的卡爾-喬森·諾曼(Carl-Johan Norrman)說,這種批判“源於這樣一種錯誤的想法:我們希望把小男孩變成小女孩。這種流言蜚語像滾雪球一樣越滾越大。”
除了嘲弄聲之外,有人將這些舉措看作是北歐特有的理念,而且值得稱道。29歲的卡米拉·弗洛丁(Camilla Flodin)說,“我覺得這種方式很瑞典化,很好。”卡米拉是倫敦人,在斯德哥爾摩居住了兩年半。她說,如果她男朋友妹妹的女兒收到了非常女性化的禮 物,做母親的會不高興。

36歲的麻醉師皮特·魯德伯格(Peter Rudberg)有一個3歲的兒子,名叫哈爾瑪(Hjalmar),在上幼兒園。皮特將性別中立的做法稱之為“恩典”。然而,他跟很多瑞典人一樣認為這個 國家已經不存在這一問題。他說,“在現在的瑞典,性別平等已經不是什麼問題。”然而他並不贊成那些極端的做法,例如“禁止男孩玩男孩的遊戲。”

在斯德哥爾摩巨大的磚砌市政廳,較為保守的聯合政府完全支持性別政策。主管學校的副市長羅塔·艾德爾摩(Lotta Edholm)說,“重要的一點在於,孩子們,無論性別,都擁有同等的機遇。問題在於自由度。”


Stockholm Journal

Swedish School’s Big Lesson Begins With Dropping Personal Pronouns



STOCKHOLM — At an ocher-color preschool along a lane in Stockholm’s Old Town, the teachers avoid the pronouns “him” and “her,” instead calling their 115 toddlers simply “friends.” Masculine and feminine references are taboo, often replaced by the pronoun “hen,” an artificial and genderless word that most Swedes avoid but is popular in some gay and feminist circles.
斯德哥尔摩——在斯德哥尔摩老城镇道边的一个赭色外观的幼儿园里,老师 不再使用人称代词“他”或“她”,而将115名蹒跚学步的小孩们简单地称呼为“朋友”。专门指代男性或女性的用语成为了禁忌,通常被代词“hen”取代, 这是一个由人们生造的无性别差异的词语,虽然它并不为多数瑞典人接受,但在一些同性恋和女权主义人群中,这一词却十分受欢迎。
In the little library, with its throw pillows where children sit to be read to, there are few classic fairy tales, like “Cinderella” or “Snow White,” with their heavy male and female stereotypes, but there are many stories that deal with single parents, adopted children or same-sex couples.
Girls are not urged to play with toy kitchens, and wooden or Lego blocks are not considered toys for boys. And when boys hurt themselves, teachers are taught to give them every bit as much comforting as they would girls. Everyone gets to play with dolls, and while most are anatomically correct, some are also black.

Casper Hedberg for The New York Times
Sweden is perhaps as renowned for an egalitarian mind-set as it is for meatballs or Ikea furnishings. But this taxpayer-financed preschool, known as the Nicolaigarden for a saint whose chapel was once in the 300-year-old building that houses it, is perhaps one of the more compelling examples of the country’s efforts to blur gender lines and, theoretically, cement opportunities for both women and men.
瑞典的平等主义可能和它的肉丸子或宜家(Ikea)家居那样享有盛名。 这家由纳税人资助的幼儿园叫Nicolaigarden,是以一位圣徒的名字命名的,他的小礼拜室曾设在这座有300年历史的建筑里。瑞典为淡化性别界限 ——同时从更深层次来说,让女性和男性享有同等机会——做出了许多努力,这家幼儿园强有力地说明了这一点。
What the children are taught, said Malin Engleson, an art gallery employee, as she fetched her 15-month-old daughter Hanna from the school, “shows that girls can cry, but boys too.”
画廊雇员马琳·英格里森(Malin Engleson)在去接她15个月大的女儿汉娜(Hanna)时说,学校教孩子们“不仅女孩可以哭,男孩也可以。”
“That’s why we chose it,” she said. “It’s so important to start at an early age.”
The model has been so successful that two years ago three of its teachers opened an offshoot, which now has almost 40 children. That school, named Egalia to suggest equality, is in a 1960s housing project in the Sodermalm neighborhood.
What has become a passionate undertaking for its teachers actually began with a nudge from Swedish legislators, who in 1998 passed a bill requiring that schools, including day care centers, assure equal opportunities for girls and boys.
Spurred by the law, the teachers at Nicolaigarden took the unusual step of filming one another, capturing their behavior while playing with, eating with or just being with the center’s infants to 6-year-olds.
“We could see lots of differences, for example, in the handling of boys and girls,” said Lotta Rajalin, who directs the center and three others, which she visits by bicycle. “If a boy was crying because he hurt himself, he was consoled, but for a shorter time, while girls were held and soothed much longer,” she said. “With a boy it was, ‘Go on, it’s not so bad!’ ”
该中心和其他三家幼儿园园长罗塔·瑞嘉林(Lotta Rajalin)表示,“我们可以发现很大的不同。例如,在对待男孩和女孩方面。”她每天骑自行车奔波于这几家幼儿园之间。她说,“如果一个男孩子因为弄 疼自己而哭起来,会有人去安慰他,但安慰的时间会比较短。而女孩被抱和被哄的时间要长得多。男孩得到的答复通常是,‘不要紧,没什么大不了的。’”
The filming, she said, also showed that staff members tended to talk more with girls than with boys, perhaps explaining girls’ later superior language skills. If boys were boisterous, that was accepted, Ms. Rajalin said; a girl trying to climb a tree on an outing in the country was stopped.
The result, after much discussion, was a seven-point program to alter such behavior. “We avoid using words like boy or girl, not because it’s bad, but because they represent stereotypes,” said Ms. Rajalin, 53. “We just use the name — Peter, Sally — or ‘Come on, friends!’ ” Men were added to the all-female staff. With Egalia, Nicolaigarden sought and obtained certification from an organization for gay and bisexual people that its staff is sensitive to their problems.
在进行大量的讨论之后,幼儿园制定了一个包含七项要点的计划来纠正这些 行为。53岁的瑞嘉林说,“我们避免使用像男孩或女孩这类词,并不是因为它不好,而是因为他们代表着定式思维。我们只用名字——皮特,萨利——或‘加油, 小朋友!’”我们在之前全是女性的教员队伍中增加了男性教员。除了Egalia之外,Nicolaigarden还从一个为同性恋和双性恋人设立的机构那 里获得了认证,该机构的员工对这些问题十分敏感。
Criticism was not long in arriving. “There are a lot of letters, mail, blogs,” Ms. Rajalin said. “But it’s not so much arguments; it’s anger, basically.”
A persistent critic has been Tanja Bergkvist, a mathematician at Uppsala University whose blog consistently attacks Sweden’s “gender madness.” In an article for the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, she questioned whether children were not being “brainwashed by our parents already at the age of 3 months.” On outings, she mocked, “what do they do when a girl is picking flowers, while a boy collects rocks?”
谭雅·伯格维斯特(Tanja Bergkvist)便是一个坚定的批判者。她是乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)的数学家,时常在博客上攻击瑞典的这种“性别疯狂”。在她为《瑞典日报》(Svenska Dagbladet)所撰写的一篇文章里,她质问孩子们是否“在3个月大的时候就已经被父母洗脑”。她还讽刺道,在郊游中,“如果一个女孩去摘花,而男孩 去捡石头,他们该怎么办?”
Such criticism, said Carl-Johan Norrman, 36, who has worked at Nicolaigarden for 18 months, “starts from misconceptions: we want to turn little boys into little girls. It’s a whispering game that snowballs.”
在Nicolaigarden工作了一年半的 36岁的卡尔-乔森·诺曼(Carl-Johan Norrman)说,这种批判“源于这样一种错误的想法:我们希望把小男孩变成小女孩。这种流言蜚语像滚雪球一样越滚越大。”
Despite such gibes, others see the efforts as somehow peculiarly Nordic, and admirable. “I think it’s quite Swedish, it’s good,” said Camilla Flodin, 29, a native of London who has lived in Stockholm for two and a half years. Her boyfriend’s sister gets annoyed, she said, if you give her daughter a gift that is overly feminine.
除了嘲弄声之外,有人将这些举措看作是北欧特有的理念,而且值得称道。 29岁的卡米拉·弗洛丁(Camilla Flodin)说,“我觉得这种方式很瑞典化,很好。”卡米拉是伦敦人,在斯德哥尔摩居住了两年半。她说,如果她男朋友妹妹的女儿收到了非常女性化的礼 物,做母亲的会不高兴。
Peter Rudberg, 36, an anesthesiologist whose 3-year-old son, Hjalmar, attends the kindergarten, called its gender-neutral approach “a boon,” though, like many Swedes, he believes the country has moved beyond the problem. “In modern Sweden, gender equality is a nonissue,” he said. Yet he cautioned against extremes, like “boys prohibited from playing boys’ games.”
36岁的麻醉师皮特·鲁德伯格(Peter Rudberg)有一个3岁的儿子,名叫哈尔玛(Hjalmar),在上幼儿园。皮特将性别中立的做法称之为“恩典”。然而,他跟很多瑞典人一样认为这个 国家已经不存在这一问题。他说,“在现在的瑞典,性别平等已经不是什么问题。”然而他并不赞成那些极端的做法,例如“禁止男孩玩男孩的游戏。”
At Stockholm’s immense brick town hall, the moderate-conservative coalition government fully supports the gender policy. “The important thing is that children, regardless of their sex, have the same opportunities,” said Lotta Edholm, the deputy mayor responsible for schools. “It’s a question of freedom.”
在斯德哥尔摩巨大的砖砌市政厅,较为保守的联合政府完全支持性别政策。主管学校的副市长罗塔·艾德尔摩(Lotta Edholm)说,“重要的一点在于,孩子们,无论性别,都拥有同等的机遇。问题在于自由度。”
On the other hand, she said, parents will always play a larger role in children’s development than day care or school. “Preschool is a couple of hours a day,” said Ms. Edholm, who has a 16-year-old son. “Most of the time, children are with their parents, and the values parents impart to their children tend to be the values they adopt.”
As the Christmas season approaches, Swedes are preparing for the Feast of Lucia, on Dec. 13, when children march in processions accompanying St. Lucia, traditionally portrayed by a teenage girl in white robes and crowned with a wreath of lighted candles.
Could a boy now portray Lucia?
In fact, Ms. Edholm said, in recent years in a town outside Stockholm a teenage boy did seek the role, but was refused. Evidently, she said, women in modern Sweden can more readily slip into male roles than vice versa.
“The interesting thing is that it’s not a problem for a girl to be Santa Claus,” she said. “But it is a problem for a boy to be Lucia.”


