2016年12月12日 星期一

網上大學平台 Coursera/EdX,《行銷典範移轉:變動中的消費世界》

萬眾期待、千呼萬喚,台大 EMBA 名師 Coursera 課程終於上線!!!
台大國企系教授暨台大 EMBA 執行長,謝明慧老師,她的行銷課程是台大最有口碑的!經過我們台大 MOOC 團隊的努力,終於讓謝老師願意在百忙之中為大家製作 Coursera 好課!
平常,若非 EMBA 學生,是沒有機會上到台大 EMBA 的課程。但現在,台大 EMBA 名師就在 Coursera 上面開課,讓每個想了解行銷的人都可以輕易上課。你還等什麼!!
臺灣大學 國際企業學系 謝明慧 老師 《行銷典範移轉:變動中的消費世界》 即將開課,敬請期待。 NTU @ Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/taiwan

edX is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in May 2012 to host online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide audience at no charge and to conduct research into learning. EdX has nearly 1.6 million users. The two institutions have each contributed $30 million of resources to the nonprofit project. The prototype course, Circuits and Electronics, began in December 2011, through MITx, the massive open online program at MIT.[3] There are currently 29 schools that offer or plan to offer courses on the edX website.[4]

台大線上教機率 全球2萬人報名
【聯合報╱記者陳智華/專題報導】 大學教授在教室上課,面對的是數十到上百位學生,網路讓教學模式徹底改變,錄製磨課師(MOOCs)課程,老師面對的是鏡頭,沒有學生,但上網學習者可能達上萬人或更多,學習者來自全世界。

Harvard Class of Forever

HarvardX for alumni helps graduates learn years beyond the classroom

When students leave Harvard for the world beyond its gates, they bid goodbye to Georgian brick, the glittering Charles, nights on Mount Auburn Street, Bartley’s Burgers, and more. Thanks to the Harvard Alumni Association, however, they do not bid farewell to social—and often business—bonds with their peers. And now, with the introduction of HarvardX courses restricted to alumni, they can hold on to intellectual connections as well.

EdX, an online learning initiative, offers classroom lectures to a broader Internet community in an effort to increase the spread of knowledge. We have praised edX and HarvardX, the University’s branch of the platform, before. The programs are a step toward ensuring education for those who do not have the time or funds to attend expensive institutions across the country, and so we hope edX continues to grow outside the Harvard community. At the same time, we are pleased to see it grow within. HarvardX for Alumni helps foster social and intellectual connections among graduates, furthering Harvard’s mission of lifelong learning.

Harvard students, whether spending their formative years at the college or expanding their horizons at one of the university’s many graduate schools, surely value the chance to draw closer to their peers through discussing common experiences. Those experiences may come in the form of late nights at final clubs or at Central Square bars. But they also might be afternoons spent huddled in Café Pamplona poring over and hashing out Nietzsche readings for a philosophy class. In fact, faculty director of HarvardX Robert A. Lue has noted that former students “really miss the connection to the courses, the new coursework that is going on, the intellectual life of the university.” HarvardX is a way to unite alumni over academic material and mutual understanding once again.

The Harvard Alumni Association grants Harvardians the ability to reunite casually or professionally with former peers. From smaller local and larger national reunions to business networks teeming with job prospects for newer graduates, chances abound for alumni to make Harvard part of their lives for as long as they wish. HarvardX extends those opportunities beyond the working world and the social sphere.
As we pack our bags after high school and move out of home for the first time, our parents often send us off with seemingly sage advice: “You’re only in college once.” HarvardX helps disprove that statement. We can take college—or some of it, at least—with us.

Coursera擴展授課空間  2012.10

Coursera的新合作夥伴包括布朗大學(Brown University)和哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)兩所常春藤聯盟(Ivy League)高校、專業院校西奈山醫學院(Mount Sinai School of Medicine)、公立研究型大學佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)以及墨爾本大學(University of Melbourne)、耶路撒冷希伯來大學(HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem)和香港科技大學等國際化學院。
原有合作夥伴則包括普林斯頓(Princeton)、斯坦福(Stanford)和賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)。這些院校的實力讓Coursera在高等教育領域獲得了信任,也樹立了威望,而且信任之深、威望之高讓一些大學校長開始擔 心,如果不和Coursera簽約合作自己學校的聲譽就會受到影響。
俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)是Coursera的新合作者之一,校長E·戈登·吉(E. Gordon Gee)說:“從合作夥伴就能看出一家公司怎麼樣,而Coursera的合作夥伴群體簡直就是紅衣主教團,其中包括一些美國最好的大學。”
哥倫比亞大學教務長約翰·科茨沃思(John Coatsworth)表示,他們將首先在Coursera上推出兩門工程學課程。他還預計,今後兩年將有其他課程上線,而且涉及多個學科。
新課程覆蓋面很廣,其中包括西奈山醫學院的三門系統生物學課程和伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)的四門課程——吉他入門、即興演奏入門(格萊美獎得主加里·伯頓[Gary Burton]將參與授課)、音樂製作入門和歌曲譜寫。
伯克利音樂學院負責在線教育的副院長黛比·卡弗利爾(Debbie Cavalier)指出:“我們也總想擴大學院的覆蓋面。本院一直設有免費在線課程,對此我們感到無比興奮。”
穆迪投資者服務(Moody’s Investors Service)上周公布的一份報告預計,MOOC的興起可能有助於頂尖高校擴大受眾範圍,提高聲望並最終通過提供教學內容或頒發證書的方式獲得收入。但 報告警告稱,免費在線課程越來越受歡迎可能會給小型地方院校和盈利性大學帶來一些問題。
Coursera由兩名斯坦福計算機教授——達芙妮·科勒(Daphne Koller)和吳恩達(Andrew Ng)創建。兩人目前都在休假。(另一名斯坦福計算機科學家塞巴斯蒂安·特龍[Sebastian Thrun]是另外一家MOOC公司Udacity的聯合創始人,這家公司也在蓬勃發展。特龍在斯坦福的人工智能課程去年吸引了16萬名學生。)
負責斯坦福在線教育事務的新任副教務長約翰·C·米切爾(John C. Mitchell)說:“我們真的想看到這些工作能取得成效。一方面我們從Coursera着手,這是家很棒的公司,跟他們合作感覺非常好,但還不能確定五年後我們最終採用的就是現在的授課模式。”

倫敦大學國際項目負責人基德(Jonathan Kydd)表示,通過Coursera平台,可以把課程推向全球的學生。

  1. Coursera.org

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