2012年8月11日 星期六

顢頇和無知: 劉翔個案 台灣體委會 Olympic medal tests Singapore model


 同樣的  台灣體委會是另外一種顢頇和無知

倫敦奧運》劉翔跟腱手術成功 能戰2016奧運



倫敦奧運110米跨欄預賽,劉翔摔倒,被診斷出跟腱斷裂,倫敦當地時間8月9日下午,劉翔前往英國威靈頓醫院進行手術,這個手術方案分成兩個部 分,首先卡倫(Nicholas Cullen)醫生將為劉翔接上斷裂的跟腱,第二部分卡倫醫生將徹底除去上次在美國手術時跟腱部位的殘留鈣化點。



劉翔也在術後表示,希望自己能夠重返 2016年巴西奧運會的賽場之上。

 奧運獎牌考驗新加坡移民政策Olympic medal tests Singapore model英國《金融時報》 傑里米•格蘭特新加坡報導

When Feng Tianwei scooped bronze in the women's table tennis in London last week, it was Singapore's first individual Olympic medal in 52 years.
Yet amid the outpouring of pride in the city-state of 5.2m, a jarring note of resentment has surfaced.
Comments on social media sites were quick to point out that Ms Feng was born in mainland China and did not get Singapore citizenship until 2008. Meanwhile, 77 per cent of respondents in an online poll by Yahoo Singapore said they were “not proud” of a “foreign import” winning an Olympic medal.
“Honestly, I cannot bring myself to feel proud for a foreigner to win a medal for us, although they carry our Singapore flag,” one person wrote on Yahoo's Facebook page.
As Singapore yesterday marked 47 years since its founding – under the slogan “Loving Singapore, our home” – the reaction to Ms Feng has highlighted mounting friction over immigration. Much of it is focused on the wave of mainland Chinese immigrants that has landed in Singapore over the past two years.
昨日,新加坡以“愛在新加坡,我們的家”( Loving Singapore, Our Home)為主題,慶祝建國47週年。值此之際,新加坡人對馮天薇得獎的反應,凸顯了該國在移民問題上日益嚴重的意見爭執。爭執主要集中於過去兩年中來到新加坡的中國大陸移民潮。
Paradoxically, most of Singapore's Chinese population – its largest ethnic group – are descendants of immigrants from the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Guangdong.
Immigration has led to overcrowding on public transport and competition for lower-paid jobs, escalating housing costs and widening income disparities. Of the 5.2m population, 1.5m people are immigrants.
Resentment at the arrival of wealthy mainland Chinese, too, flared recently after a young Chinese businessman crashed his Ferrari at high speed into a taxi two months ago, killing himself, a local taxi driver and a Japanese passenger.
This is all causing a headache for the government, which is trying to balance a falling birth rate with the need to maintain a degree of population buoyancy to keep Singapore's economic miracle on track.
The government projects the economy will expand 1.5-2.5 per cent this year, compared with 1.7 per cent last year. But Singapore is increasingly dependent for growth on lower-income immigrant workers to help build infrastructure and foreigners working in areas, such as commodity trading .
“Immigration is the big thing now,” says Eugene Tan, a law professor ​​at Singapore Management University. “It impacts everything: property prices, rental, the cost of living and the sense of belonging and what it means to be a Singaporean.”
“如今移民是個大問題,” 新加坡管理大學(Singapore Management University)法學教授尤金•譚(Eugene Tan)表示,“它影響方方面面:房價、房租、生活成本、歸屬感,以及做一個新加坡人意味著什麼。”
In his national day speech, Lee Hsien Loong, prime minister, said a feeling of belonging and identity for Singaporeans had become “harder to nurture when we have new immigrants and foreign workers”.
新加坡總理李顯龍(Lee Hsien Loong)在國慶節演講中表示,“加上新移民和外國工人的引入”,歸屬感和認同感的培養“顯得更為複雜”。
Alarm bells were rung earlier this year by his father, the 88-year-old founder of modern Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who warned that increasing the birth rate was the country's “biggest challenge”.
今年早些時候,現代新加坡的締造者、現年88歲的李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew,李顯龍之父)向新加坡人敲響警鐘,提醒他們:提高生育率是新加坡面臨的“最大挑戰”。







