2012年1月11日 星期三

Phi Delta Kappa /Phi , Tau , Phi /Sigma Xi/Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa

() pronunciation

  1. An honorary society, founded in 1776, of college students and graduates whose members are chosen on the basis of high academic standing.
  2. A member of this society.

[From the initials of the society's motto in Greek philosophiā biou kubernētēs, philosophy the guide of life : philosophiā, philosophy + biou, genitive of bios, life + kubernētēs, guide.]

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society is a non-profit honor society which was founded in 1886 at Cornell University by a junior faculty member and a handful of graduate students.[2] Members elect others on the basis of their research achievements or potential. Despite the name, Sigma Xi is neither a fraternity nor a sorority, and today is open to all qualified individuals who are interested in science and engineering.

民國十年五月二十五日,我國天津北洋大學美籍教授愛樂斯 ( J . H . Ehlers )致函國內各大學發起全國勵學會之組織,曾名定為斐陶斐,即希臘艾字母 Phi , Tau , Phi 之譯音,用以代表哲學、工學、理學( Philosophia , Technologia , Physiologia ) 三種學術 。

哲學為科學之母 ; 工學即工藝之學,為應用科學 ; 理學即生理學,為純理論科學。本會籌備期間,由愛樂斯氏親任總幹事之職,教育總長范德源、南京高等師範學校校長郭秉文、國立北京大學教授胡適、南開大學校長張伯苓、燕京大學校長司徒雷登、聖約翰大學校長卜舫濟、金陵大學校長包文為第一屆董事會籌備會員。

Phi Delta Kappa (also known as "PDK" or "PDK International") is an US professional organization for educators. Its headquarters are located in Bloomington, Indiana. It was founded on 24 January 1906. Phi Delta Kappa also had a youth organization, called Xinos, girls, and Kudos, guys.[1]

Phi Delta Kappan

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