2011年11月7日 星期一

當教授作假 性親 剝削.....時/「四不」十大基本素養

我今天午餐在台灣大學 對面兩位男同學一直在講某位該系的名師

繼「四不」後 台大推十大基本素養

台灣大學繼校長李嗣涔提出「四不」後,學校再推出「台大人的十大基本素養」,包含落實溝通表達與團隊合作、培養美感品味、履行公民責任和獨立思考與創新 等,要求台大同仁和學生熟記、落實,以「能符合社會期待」;台大學生認為,十大素養儼然是軍隊口號,與其喊喊,學校應該提供資源,讓學生在課程中自然融 入。

李嗣涔在新生典禮要求學生「考試不作弊、作業不抄襲、上課不缺席、腳踏車不亂停」,這學期再推出「十大基本素養」連同「四不」印製成行事曆,送給大一新 生,並在校務會議上要求學校行政人員協助學生熟記十個素養內容,另外六個素養有:道德思辨與實踐、身心健康管理、專業知能、人文關懷、團隊視野、了解尊重 多元文化。






Prominent Social Psychologist Faked Data For Years

Diederik Stapel was the man behind a number of headline-grabbing experiments.


Can meat eating make you more selfish? Do messy rooms make you more racist? Uh, no.

As it turns out, the prominent Dutch social psychologist who conducted those media-friendly experiments faked data for most of his career, in dozens of separate experiments going back to the mid-1990s.

The Associated Press reports that Diederik Stapel was fired from his university job after his fraudulent body of work was dismantled. His former employer, Tilburg University, said Thursday that it will press charges against him for forgery of documents and fraud.

He was unmasked when his own doctoral students called shenanigans. According to the investigation’s interim report, released this week, Stapel often refused to allow his students to participate in the experimental process. They were instead relegated to analyzing and writing about the data Stapel said he collected himself.

The AP explains that Stapel apparently coasted on his reputation – even co-authors of his papers would trust his "elaborate" setups for experiments that never happened. Siegwart Lindenberg, the co-author of Stapel’s April paper on stereotyping and messy environments told PRI’s The World that he had "no reason to be suspicious in any way about what he presented to me as the results of the experiments he conducted."

The World spoke to Lindenberg before the revelations, back when they did a story on the study’s findings. At the time, Lindenberg explained the experiment that may not have taken place:

Researchers questioned people and watched their behavior at a Dutch train station, during and after a strike by janitors that left the station a mess.
"In the messy condition, people stereotyped a lot more and they actually and they sat down much further from the person who was actually sitting there, when it was a different race," explained Lindenberg.

Science published that report back in April, and like many of Stapel’s experiments, it received a lot of press attention. According to the AP, they’ve since flagged the article with a note to readers.

At the request of the investigating committee, Stapel provided journal articles containing fabricated data. The articles date back to 1994.

The disgraced psychologist has apologized. In a public statement, Stapel writes: "I realize that via this behavior I have left my direct colleagues stunned and angry and put my field, social psychology, in a poor light."


