2010年6月21日 星期一


This is not a school but a laboratory in which not the fact but
the process leading to the fact is considered important. We
depend on everyone of you to give all you have to further this
process. If you really give your best, the results will be extraor-
dinary. I have found the best in every man to be pretty good.
You as total human beings are the measure of our educational
approach not you as future furniture designers, draftsmen,
photographers or instructors. Your brains as well as your hands,
your emotions and your health, all this is part of the process.

故事發生在1930年代的英國。一位8歲的小女孩,她的考試成績與課堂表現總是落後班上同學一大截。老師察覺她上課時總是坐 立不安且無法專心,不時幹擾到其他的同學。學校於是聯絡了小女孩的家長,告訴他們小女孩有某種學習障礙,也許比較適合轉往 特殊教育學校就讀。

擔憂的母親帶著女兒找心理醫師,醫生花了二十分鐘詢問母親小女孩的「病情」。醫 生聆聽完之後,轉身對小女孩說他要單獨跟媽媽到外頭談話,請她乖乖坐在房間裡等待。離開之前,醫生打開桌上的收音機。

走到門外,醫生請母親透過窗戶仔細觀察女兒在房內的情形,此時,小女孩已然起 身,隨著收音機的音樂翩然起舞。兩位大人在外頭靜默的站著,觀看了數分鐘之久,然後,醫生對母親說:「妳看她跳的多麼優雅美妙,你的 女兒沒有生病,她只是有舞蹈的天分。你知道嗎?有許多的人跟妳女兒一樣,他們無法一動也不動的坐著,他們得舞動身體才能思考 (they have to move to think)。她是個舞者,請您送她到舞蹈學校。」

日後,小女孩成為一名頂尖的芭蕾舞者和編舞家,並與 Andrew Lloyd Webber 協力創作出歷久不衰的知名音樂劇:貓 (Cat)、歌劇魅影 (Phantom of the Opera)。她叫 Gillian Lynne
Design is not a profession, it is an attitude the attitude of
the planner Every high school in this country ha^ tatter equip-
ment than we have or Harvard has. It is simply prodigious.
And what do they do with it 9 Nothing. It is the spirit that
determines the whole thing. We have to develop, step lij step.
an educational procedure in which the creative abilities and
capacities of young people are used. That would mean general
education When any human being works with his hands, what-
ever he does will be translated into the brain & knowledge
This knowledge, m turn, will react on his emotional s_*|f. That
is how a higher level of personality is achieved



