regular and irregularity
"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".
有一張指正職品管經理 regular qc manager 走了代替的replacement是怪胎
我一時對這錯綜複雜的糾紛說不上 (我對這簡短的報導有許多疑問 不過所謂6張certificates 表示.....)......
OF the many mistakes I have no doubt made over the last few weeks, two stand out: One cost me money and one cost me some pride.
━━ n. 付加, 増加, 加算; 付加物; 〔米・カナダ〕 増築部分. in addition (to) (…に)加えて, その上.
━━ a. 付加の, 追加の.
Albert William Tucker ... was chairman of the mathematics department at Princeton University in the 1950's and 1960's, but effectively presided over it during World War II. ...
An admired teacher, Professor Tucker had a somewhat atypical trajectory that stretched from Princeton's heyday of John von Neumann and Albert Einstein through the Cold War years of military research to the anti-war demonstrations on campus of the early 1970's.
Professor Tucker's best-known work, in which he created the mathematical foundations of linear programming, was the product of a second career in mathematics that did not begin until he was 45 and swamped with wartime work, administrative duties and three boisterous young children.
Linear programming, or operations research, grew out of the logistical problems of the Army and Navy during World War II. It is a handy mathematical tool for maximizing the use of some scares resource. It is now used by the AT&T Corporation to design communications networks, by oil companies to run refineries and by the Navy to route its supply ships.
As a skilled communicator, he solved the problem of explaining game theory to psychology majors at Stanford in 1950 by dreaming up one of the most famous examples in all mathematics: the so-called Prisoners' Dilemma. [MJO: Nasar's claim that the Prisoner's Dilemma is one of the most famous examples in mathematics is surely incorrect. It is, however, a famous example in game theory, without question the most well-known strategic game. Further, Tucker did not "dream it up". The game originated with others; Tucker invented its well-known interpretation.]
It is a story of two criminals confronted with the choice of confessing or denying their crimes. For each, the consequences depend on what the other prisoner decides to do. If they guess right, they can go free. If both guess wrong, they both have the book thrown at them. Dr. Tucker's tale spurred a vast literature in philosophy, biology, sociology, political science and economics.
Mostly, though Dr. Tucker was the intellectual soul of Princeton's mathematics department. Martin Shubik, a professor economics at Yale University, recalled in an essay that the math department under Dr. Tucker was "electric with ideas and the sheer joy of the hunt."
"If a stray 10-year-old with bare feet, no tie, torn blue jeans and an interesting theorem walked into Fine Hall at teatime, someone would have listened," Professor Shubik wrote.
Professor Tucker was the mentor of a remarkable generation of mathematicians, including Ralph Gomory, the former research chief at I.B.M. who is now president of the Sloan Foundation of New York; Marvin Minsky, head of the artificial intelligence program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Jack Milnor, of the State University at Stony Brook, L.I., a winner of the Fields Medal, mathematics's equivalent of the Nobel Prize. He also trained the first generation of game theorists, including John Forbes Nash, Jr., who won a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science last year.
Students flocked to Dr. Tuckers because of his willingness to back the more independent-minded ones. Dr. Von Neumann for example, disapproved of Dr. Nash's approach to game theory, but Professor Tucker, unfazed by Professor Von Neumann's glamour and prestige, encouraged Dr. Nash to pursue his own ideas. "He was extremely flexible as a thesis adviser and as an adviser in general," Dr. Nash said yesterday.
Dr. Tucker, a son of a high school teacher turned minister, came from a poor family in Ontario, Canada. No prodigy, Professor Tucker has to repeat his senior year of high school to retake the qualifying examination for a provincial scholarship he needed to attend college. After getting a B.A. in 1928 and M.A. in 1929 from the University of Toronto, he went to Princeton as a doctoral student.
As a first-year graduate student at Princeton, he taught calculus for a senior faculty member and protested that the professor was going too fast for his students until, finally, the professor tried to have him removed from the math department. After the dean of the faculty heard the particulars, however, Dr. Tucker was promoted.
After 1945, Professor Tucker never submitted a paper of his own for publication in a journal. He wrote conference papers with students, his son, Alan, said, but "he wanted to leave space in the journals for the next generation."
For example, the well-known Kuhn-Tucker theorem, a basic result in linear programming, never appeared in a journal but rather a volume of conference proceedings.
After his retirement in 1974, Professor Tucker tried to recapture some of the magic of Princeton's mathematics department in the 1940's. He organized a novel oral history project involving hundreds of taped interviews with former faculty members and students. He also procrastinated, his former colleagues recall fondly. His last book, published recently, was in the works for 18 years.
Addition by Martin J. Osborne: During Tucker's time as chair of the Math Department at Princeton, instructors in PhD courses did not award grades. At some point, the Dean of Graduate Studies demanded that they start doing so. Tucker's response was to invent the grade of "N"---meaning "no grade"! [Source: "Mathematics in the Movies" by Harold W. Kuhn (paper to be published, in Italian, in the proceedings of a conference on "Mathematics and Culture" in Venice, Italy,Click here for European and world rankings for universities
Irish universities put in good performances on the global front in the recently published THES-QS World University Rankings. Some colleges rose more than 100 places in the space of a year, and one narrowly failed to make the top 50. On the face of it this was a good result for a small island but just how important are such lists?
Eight of Ireland’s third-level institutions featured in the fourth annual ranking of the world’s top 500 universities.
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) climbed to 53rd from 78th last year, following a concerted campaign by the college to hit the top 50.
John Hegarty, the provost of TCD, said he was surprised to have come so close to the target, believing it would take a few more years to get there. Hegarty insists, though, that the push towards the top has not had any detrimental effect on undergraduate learning. He said student-staff ratios at TCD ensure that all undergraduate students benefit from one-to-one support from lecturers and tutors while studying.
“The campaign had several fronts,” Hegarty said. “We employ the best minds in the world to educate our students, while simultaneously advancing knowledge. Research and education are two sides of the same coin. If there is excellence in research, there is excellence in education and learning”. He added: “People are taking these lists very seriously. We live in a competitive world, and we need to be pushing all the time.
Hugh Brady, the president of University College Dublin (UCD), said university league tables are a reality but shouldn’t be the driving force behind the way colleges operate. He said that UCD had just passed through a period of intense change that was challenging for all concerned, and that its ranking of 177th was extremely “gratifying”.
Describing it as a “great boost”. Brady said high rankings greatly improve a college’s chances of recruiting students from overseas, but admitted that there was a “natural tension” between undergraduate learning and so-called fourth-level university activity, the commercialisation of research work. “It’s something we have have to watch very carefully,” he conceded.
Dublin City University (DCU) saw its ranking rise by 141 places to 300th, the biggest improvement by any college. Ferdinand von Prondzynski, the president of DCU, said staff were pleasantly surprised by their performance, and the college hopes for an equally significant jump next year.
“DCU has given extra weight to research funding in the last couple of years and that is reflected in this year’s rankings. We jumped far more than we had expected to,” von Prondzynski said.
He said international league tables are useful when trying to secure foreign investment for research projects. But he warned
that significant increases in government funding are needed. “We’ve been very good at providing high-quality education at a low cost base, but there are limits to that. Unless there is a serious reappraisal of core funding, the quality of undergraduate learning will start to suffer.”
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) saw its position improve too, moving from 370th to 351st. But Frank McMahon, DIT’s director of academic affairs, said the college had little control over the outcome. “More than half of the allocated marks are given by peer review and by recruiter review. All we can do is our best and hope we will be reviewed positively,” he said. “It’s heartening to see that we are well-received, though, and it certainly has an impact on our attractiveness to both students and staff.”
DIT began to widen its research remit about five years ago in a bid to attract international students. It hopes they will soon account for 10% of its numbers. McMahon acknowledged that foreign students represent a cash injection into the college, through their fees, but added that they also enrich college life. “International students add diversity to the learning environment,” he continued, “and can share their wealth of knowledge from their own systems.”
The Department of Education said it did not “generally comment on the compilation of league tables for schools or other educational institutions”, but added that it had made a “massive investment” across the third-level sector in the past 10 years.
The department said that ¤13 billion will be invested over the next six years to cover day-to-day funding of colleges, and that recurring departmental funding of third-level research stands at ¤94m. “Continuing to improve third-level education and developing ‘fourth-level Ireland’ is central to building a better economy and society,” the department said.
But Sean Barrett, senior lecturer in economics at TCD, said university league tables are little more than an exercise in public relations and said the move to increase the number of overseas students is set to deprive Irish students of college places.
“They are closing doors on Irish 18-year-olds, by selling places to foreign students,” he said. “They are actively excluding the sons and daughters of the taxpayers who pay their wages. Somebody should tell them to step back into the lecture hall.”
Cambridge and Oxford are the second best universities in the world according to the latest rankings, and British universities are closing the gap with those in the United States.
Oxford and Cambridge share the number two spot with Yale, with Harvard ranked number one in the latest league tables from The Times Higher Education Supplement.
The findings will bring cheer to the higher education sector in Britain at a time of growing concern among vice-chancellors and employers that British universities will lose students to better-financed institutions abroad and that business will then follow them with jobs and investment.
They are also likely to add to pressure from vice-chancellors for a rise in the £3,000 annual tuition fee cap at British universities to ensure that they have sufficient funding to compete on the world stage effectively John Hood, the vice-chancellor of Oxford, said that the success of the university in the rankings – Oxford had moved up – had been achieved “despite the fact that its resources are considerably more limited than its international counterparts, particularly in the US”.
Wendy Piatt, the director-general of the Russell Group of elite research-led universities, said: “We recognise that our universities must continue to rise to the challenges of increasing global competition and increasing investment by other countries in their universities if we are to retain our status as truly world-class institutions.”
Professor Rick Trainor, the president of Universities UK, representing vice-chancellors, added: “Our competitors are increasingly marketing themselves more aggressively so it is vital that the UK remains among the foremost destinations for international students and staff.”
Britain now has four universities rated among the top ten in the list of the best 100, according to the rankings.
University College London rose from 25th position last year to ninth in the table, entering the top ten for the first time and rising farther than any other major institution. Imperial College, London also improved its standing this year, rising from ninth place to fifth.
Harvard, whose endowment of $35 billion (£16.6 billion) is roughly equal to the combined annual funding for all English universities, tops the table, but its lead over its closest rivals has fallen from 3.2 to 2.4 points. Nunzio Quacquarelli, the managing director of QS, the careers and education group that compiled the rankings, said: “In an environment of increasing student mobility, the UK is putting itself forward as a top choice for students worldwide.
“They are taking a closer look at the quality of faculty, international diversity and, of course, to the education they will receive.”
The rankings are based on a survey of academics and companies employing graduates, international student and staff numbers and research citations. The factors were weighted and transformed into a scale giving the top university 100 points and ranking the others as a proportion of that score.
The presence of so many American and British universities at the top of the rankings reflects the dominance of English as the world language for academic publishing.
Top class
1 Harvard University US
2 University of Cambridge UK
2 University of Oxford UK
2 Yale University US
5 Imperial College, London UK
6 Princeton University US
7 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US
7 University of Chicago US
9 University College London (UCL) UK
10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US
People need to read the methodology of THES before commenting. The movement to a Z based criteria score meant that LSE being top of the international student criteria did not lead to it having disproportionate weight. in that criteria leading to an inflated global ranking. It is a specialist institution. which is reflected in it being 3rd world wide for social sciences, but not being able to compete with comprehensive universities.
More importantly, the bias which is the Ivy League has held long enough. American Universities have had a big propaganda machine (look what a good one did for LSE in such a short time). Propaganda does not make a university better, it just diverts funds and LSE (53rd out of 56th in the UK for teaching) suffered, like some US Universities.
However, research scores are skewed heavily this time. Not at Purchasing Power Parity, with the US Dollar weakening, UK institutions got a skewing boost from a strong pound. Same research, just worth nominally more.
Vishal Mirpuri, UCL,London,
1. Korea Univ
2. Harvard
ABC, Seoul, Seoul /Korea
The LSE not in the top 50???? How can an institution go from being safely in the top 20 for several assessments consecutively to jumping out of the top 50?? Surely the change in criteria does not truely reflect reality. Also
UCL ahead of MIT? Stanford not in the top 10??
Tony, Manchester,
To the Editor:
Re “50 City Schools Get Failing Grade in a New System” (front page, Nov. 6):
No doubt the mayor and the schools chancellor will now be the recipients of unending grief from those schools and principals who feel they were graded unfairly.
tr.v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates.Grading schools is as absurd as grading students. The criteria for both are equally detrimental to achieving the goals of a truly useful education: self-awareness, an engaged citizenry and the skills necessary to generate meaningful, dignified work.
Until we address the core societal conditions that now make such goals unattainable for the vast majority, there is little hope that obfuscating parlor tricks like high-stakes testing, free cellphones for every child and schoolwide report cards will serve as successful incentives. (紐約時報讀者投書)
obfuscating parlor tricks like high-stakes testing 注
ob·fus·cate (ŏb'fə-skāt', ŏb-fŭs'kāt')
[Latin obfuscāre, obfuscāt-, to darken : ob-, over; see ob– + fuscāre, to darken (from fuscus, dark).] v. tr. - 弄暗, 使迷亂, 使模糊
日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 困惑させる, 不明瞭にする, 混乱させる, 当惑させる, わかりにくくする
parlor trick (ちゃちな)お座敷芸, 隠し芸.
2007/11/7 午前師大書局來取SIMON書(折扣問題多多)
中午去書林 他們將The Human Web 翻譯成”文明….”(350元) 缺原書(500元)之索引
一時想起 應到RL家取書
不知何故 MOS漢堡生意好得不得了 六廚客家菜也好
RL 不在 我再走幾步 有 SUN SPACE DESIGN 再沿建國南路某巷 景甚佳
在大路上看”新疆牛肉伴麵”克制一下 看台糖生技店(蠔精等3500變2300?)
40多年前中山國小前只幾部三輪車 當時無教育媽媽
和平東路招牌英文 “某…讓居” FAMILY 拼錯
紫藤 warita (忘了 2.5小時前 out of short-term memory….) 巷道都高級
清真寺近觀 聖家堂遠景
台大牛肉麵 翻譯與後現代化
台大 史記
回永和 談史 世界史--地中海 傳統 暴斃稅
放眼歷來的國內建築名家,響噹噹的人物不少,不過,若要說起橫跨建築、教育、媒體、博物館、藝術甚至宗教各界,都能有舉足輕重的地位,除了現任宗博 館館長漢寶德,實在很難想出有同等豐富履歷的人物。出身於二戰前的漢寶德,輾轉從山東日照鄉下、青島大城、到國共戰後的澎湖馬公,到考上台南工學院(成大 前身)建築系,創辦建築刊物,留學哈佛建築、普林斯頓藝術,東海建築系主任,中興工學院院長,國立自然科學博物館創館館長,台南藝術學院(南藝大前身)創 校校長,台北當代藝術館草創時期館長,世界宗教博物館首任館長…。
一碰到在研究所時期就創《破報》與同為建築背景的黃孫權,漢寶德便開始滔滔說起自己年輕時同樣對辦刊物的熱情。從大學到任教時期一共辦了四份刊物, 大四時便辦了份《百葉窗》,到東海建築任助教時則辦了《建築》雙月刊,在當年成為第一個建築的期刊。在他留美回國後幾年,他所策動的《建築計畫》雙月刊再 度出爐,「《建築與計畫》那時資金有些吃不起,便找了些建築師來幫忙。這個經驗我就跟你講,『要靠建築師的話,鐵定會出問題的!』果然,過了一段時間,有 的建築師就跑來問我,怎麼他們的作品不在裡面?」漢寶德這時說起往事,露出雲淡風輕的自嘲微笑,也顯見他對於媒體公眾平台和利益關係人切割的重視。
後來,《建築與計畫》報導大阪萬國博覽會中國館的設計(李祖原年輕時的團隊競圖選入而獲得貝聿銘的指導),遭到業界相當大的吃味與不滿,漢寶德因此 憤而停掉《建築與計畫》。隨後便辦了《境與象》,當中參與編輯的還有他的得意門生—現在台大城鄉所的頭牌學者夏鑄九,除了介紹建築概念,也觸及了社會文化 思想的多重議題。
「有『建築人』這件事,而沒有『文化人』這事情…而我覺得文化人是一個被創造出來的名詞,什麼樣的人可以被稱作文化人?」漢寶德認為,文化人是一個 很寬鬆的定義,所有各個和文化相關的範疇都可稱之為文化人。「所以說,從事文化工作的可以說是文化人,關心文化的人也可以叫文化人,是不是?」他進一步強 調,文化人應該是在文化下屬其中一脈支葉下的行業,從而去關心文化的整體性。
至於從事文化研究或文化批評的人,在漢寶德的理念中,「做文化研究和文化批評不是憑空掉下來的,它是在文化當中各個分項下的一個專業,也就是它必須 建立在專業中的專業,批評本身必須奠定在一定的基礎下,例如藝術、或建築等,然後融合了史觀、哲學的觀念。」他以建築為例,認為一個專業的設計者不光是在 本身的專業就可以與社會共謀,而是在文本(context)上問題的溝通與釐清。「當視野拉高,由上往下看的時候,一個接著一個的問題與個案,才會串連到 文化評論的產生。」他也執此一認知,期許文化評論要有深度則必需建立在對圈內專業的理解。
漢寶德繼續延伸建築人的例子︰「如果一個建築師就只是出來蓋房子,那就是商人而不是文化人。你要我蓋哪樣的房子,我就蓋怎樣的房子,紅包拿了就繼續 幹,這種缺乏對文化知覺的建築人,當然不能說是文化人,只能說是技師。」《破》總編則提問︰「所以您的意思是建築的領域,對於文化有覺醒就是文化人?」 「文化人是別人講我的,如果要用這個角度來看,當然我也可以稱之為文化人。」漢寶德如此解釋。
在投身第一個建築作品前,漢寶德在1976年先參與了彰化孔廟的修復案,這也開啟了他傳承與學生至今長逾三十載的古蹟修復工作室,也因此才有後來在 國內信譽卓著的古蹟修復師陳益宗。1978年到1983年間則先後完成了天祥和溪頭青年活動中心,對他而言,天祥和溪頭青年活動中心是完全兩種不同的設計 理念,前者是他60年代赴美進修著迷的立體派幾何形,後者則是在和蔣經國溝通後改採情境主義的原木建築。而和救國團接觸到這兩個建案,漢寶德笑了笑,「我 本來根本不認識什麼救國團!只因為那時(宋時選)任內台中團部總幹事王先生是我的山東老鄉,這樣才引薦的。」
「我很早就考到建築師執照,但可以說是放在抽屜裡好幾年都沒用到…」漢寶德笑著說,「我認為做建築是要憑著一些運氣,即使擁有才能和實力的人,也不 見得能保證你成功。如果以畫家和建築師來相較,一個畫家開了畫展如果受歡迎,畫作就可以賣出。但是,畫家是畫他自己想要畫的東西,建築師不一樣,一個業主 他欣賞你、喜歡你而要委託你去蓋一棟建築,可是,你怎麼知道他喜歡你哪一個東西呢?這個就是很討厭的一點…建築是要有一個人信託你,信任你去蓋個房子才能 成事。」漢寶德強調,「機會」是很重要的,當沒能獲得機會,作品也無從產生。這也間接證實到建築業界很流行的一句名言︰「一切等案子接到再說吧!」
從東海、中興、南藝這些橫跨建築到藝術背景的教育經驗,自稱「悲觀」經驗的漢寶德則是如此看待任職教育文化機關和學生之間的關係︰「傳統建築教育是 要培養出一批對於建築美感有苛求的人,嚴格說來,並不被主流文化所接受,所遇到的困難非常的多。基本上,我便是受到美育教育的牽累(苦笑),一直到現在, 我都還是很想去推廣美學教育。」漢寶德一面苦笑,一面調侃地說︰「如果放棄這種自恃,其實應該會過得蠻『舒服』的。」
「到了後現代盛行的年代,我們對於美學的要求就完全地鬆開了,那種對於傳統美學真善美的觀念,就幾乎是完全沒有了。所以說,當你不去定義文化教育的 時候,你怎麼去做文化教育?」漢寶德從傳統美學,引申到晚近藝術圈奉之為天物的後現代主義︰「我的理論很簡單,傳統古典的論述,那到今天都還是一種價值, 因為它是一種『人性』。而愛美就是根於人性,追根究柢來說,古代的學問沒那麼多,所以越是古典的學理,就越是基本的。」
漢寶德也順便虧了一下目前高等教育的素質不均和亂象︰「一有了大學,世界就亂了,有那麼多在寫博士論文的,你要寫博士論文,一定就是要否定別人,然 後說自己是對的,就搞得亂七八糟。套老子的理論,那應該把博士論文通通拿去燒掉。」「回到最原始,人不就是希望有那麼一些美和小小的愛心嗎?」他對於後現 代將「個人價值凌駕於傳統核心價值觀」的個性伸張態度,認為如此是許多失序的根源,感到不以為然。他並強調︰「越是多元的社會,越要強調核心價值。」
「建築幾乎是沒辦法影響城市的發展,而城市有90%是政治所影響的產物,而只有10%是都市計劃的技術。」漢寶德表示,都市計劃又被相關的利益團體 所綁住,「都市設計原本是期待建築師將藝術帶到城市當中,但現實是建築師要去改造或打造一座城市簡直是個夢想。」他悲觀中還是帶點古典的期待,「這些作夢 的人很傻,不過這世界是需要一群作夢的人,當然,這和現實無關了。」
「當你看到一個城市的建築很混亂的時候,就可以知道這城市的價值是很混亂的。」漢寶德說得有些無力,他認為台灣的中小學需要基本的美感教育,一些關 於環境、生活空間的美感。「台北市每次的滿意度調查都很高,可是學建築的一看,台北市怎麼那麼醜滿意度還那麼高?因為住在裡面很舒服嘛,門上掛個鐵窗感覺 很安全,到樓下沒走兩三步,什麼都有得買有得吃,附近也有公園,似乎只要長樹就可以了,是不是?因為,沒感覺嘛,就是到後來各種不同階層的美感價值混搭在 一起,形成一種混亂。」
「巴洛克基本上就是有錢人喜歡的東西,那你看故宮現在也展著《華麗巴洛克》。」從80年代自然科學博物館創館、90年代台南藝術學院創校到近幾年的 台北當代館與世界宗教博物館的他,對於博物館的現況有另一種期待。「我到故宮博物院,就跟他們說,你們展出那麼多宋朝的盤子,有沒有人看啊?大家過了那些 玻璃櫃,連看都不看一眼。觀光客進來,看了一個「翠玉白菜」就走了,因為他們在家裡,就吃那個白菜嘛。然後,現在的故宮就特地把「翠玉白菜」給它突出、特 別擺設,好像它是非看不可的東西,旁邊還放一塊肥豬肉,剛好豬肉燒白菜配一塊兒。」漢寶德認為,當故宮在文物常設展做成這樣,價值幾乎等於零。
「博物館做為一個教育機構,必須要做到藝術普及傳達給大眾。」漢寶德說,當文物或是藝術品需要被宣揚它的「貴重」,藝術的價值就等於零。「好像看到 什麼很值錢的東西就賺到似的,《華麗巴洛克》現在不就在大力宣揚那些作品多貴重嗎?藝術本身的精神價值就在價錢的衡量中給抹滅了。」
與漢寶德這位老前輩訪談的過程,讓人感受到那股曾經很用力的丰采,那種丰采不在於他曾有的頭銜、尊稱或是權力位置,而在於他停不下來的空間理想。或 許,對於前衛的自由派覺得有些老古,卻又看得見力尊古典核心美學下,切中要領的批判論述。若果他所言一切為真,當美學的建築無限量地在腦海中搭起,那或許 就像漢寶德一樣,都是畢生難以窮盡、追不完的夢想。
手上是淡金色封面的世界宗教博物館「虛擬聖境」—世界宗教建築縮影手冊,偌大的空間裡,人們大約都體驗了對於一個六、七樓博物館展場,如何突破時空 結構的侷限,如何規劃平衡流動觀者與宗教命題的戲劇性光線投射,組織口述歷史,如何與在地藝術家合作,明牆、暗牆、揭示、隱藏與心理暗示。博物館如何回歸 教育本質、展示敘事、安排物質文化並且架構自不毀壞的博物館知識系統,作為傅柯心中累積事物、建立存檔、企圖包含所有時間、時代、所有形式、所有品味的異 質空間(heterotopias),然而自身卻相當自外地、永不毀壞、但具幻覺的姿態;而或博物館僅止於傅柯所批判的?
對漢寶德自身理解建築相當重要的建築師萊特,提出建築的「草原風格」,主張建築物像樹一樣,「從地下自自然然長出來」。萊特將有機理論發揮到極致, 室內室外是一體的設計,部分元素即整體,整體即部分元素;萊特反映出一個建築師如何修養詩的精神,取得和諧,並與神聖共存。宗教博物館在規劃概念上,回到 許多基本的命題。何謂博物館的教育精神?博物館自身如何自外於當代社會輕薄價值判斷尋求實驗與改革?
近代博物館的產生和殖民主義的擴張有其歷史上的必然關係。1753年,大英博物館收購史龍恩(Sir Hans Sloane)所珍藏的八萬件古物,博物館開始以建立世界博物館(universal museum)為目標,以空間分配為其繪圖學,進而排序世界文明史。而大型博覽會的成型來自帝國主義與殖民者心態操作的萬物博覽會。1851年,英國倫敦 齊聚世界各地的科技工藝與民族文物,帝國殖民者將歐洲世界觀與空間感擴展到第三世界與新大陸,將征服感具體而微的收納在珍物櫃或是展示空間。但是這種霸權 式的收藏到了1884年有了轉變。牛津大學內的彼特瑞福博物館(Pitt-Rivers Museum)嚐試了一種令人振奮的實驗。彼特瑞福將軍蒐藏一萬四千件武器、古董、船的模型、錄音,他不以近代人類學博物館以年代、地區、國家區隔,彼特 瑞福將軍發展出獨特的類型學(typology),將來自世界各地的同一類型物件擺放在一起,如弓箭或樂器的展示區,將世界文明史轉化成互相援引、關聯演 化。而此博物館數百年來陸續接受許多考古學家與人類學家的捐贈,2007年目前的特展,即以世界各地獨特服飾印染技術、編織工法為主。
漢寶德20年前曾在中央副刊發表過一篇文章,「只有一幅畫的美術館」。介紹俄國鄉間的一座畫廊的展示方法,一種深度展示美術品的方法,當時不受任何 博物館的重視。而20年後,所有人仍舊習慣於輕薄展覽法的時候,宗教博物館進行《聖誕圖:一幅畫的故事》特展,以17世紀巴洛克時期,義大利畫家喬丹奴 (Luca Giordano, 1632-1705)為歐洲皇室繪製的聖誕圖為主軸,輔以劇場動畫、十張不同年代的同名複製畫作、文物陳設、人物角色分析、藝術史評論、以及利用多媒體的 展場空間,去理解一幅畫。漢寶德笑說,「我不喜歡那種觀眾看完『翠玉白菜』,釀豬肉,回家以後,白菜還是白菜,觀眾還是觀眾的那種走馬看花的感覺。」
教育很可能是極其簡單的文學,只不過當多數博物館與美術館另俸流行派系與世俗主義之時,博物館經驗變得難以自外於僵化想像或是反映想像僵化的城市活 動,近似有著鮮豔大花票卷、價廉物美、講究穿戴的兒童樂園。要想在博物館內做什麼實驗,甚至以十大宗教為主題進行溫和美學實驗,新博物館學的人文主義提供 但具幻覺的部分真實。
Can it really be that no non-English speaking university can make this grade?
Mark Runacres, Delhi,
the list ...to my opinion.
1.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US
this should be the first!
2.University College London (UCL) UK
this should be the second.
believe me.
9. University of Cambridge UK
10.Harvard University US
so is correct.
gianni, munich, germany
Harvard above Oxbridge?!! You're having a laugh!!
margeret, london,
Second EQUAL? Are you sure the list wasn't just made up to rankle alumni of Both Places?
Ian Kemmish, Biggleswade, UK