2007年8月27日 星期一

Girls prefer pink - or at least a redder shade of blue




主導此研究的教授安婭﹒赫歐博特(Anya Hurlbert)認為,人類可能從遠古時代起就開始形成這種兩性有別、顏色喜好的生理反應了。









Girls prefer pink - or at least a redder shade of blue

Date released 20 August 2007

A new study by scientists from Newcastle University gives substance to the old adage 'Pink for a girl, blue for a boy'.

Evolution may have driven women's preference for pink, according to the study published today.

'The explanation might date back to humans' hunter-gatherer days, when women were the primary gatherers and would have benefited from an ability to home in on ripe, red fruits. Culture may exploit and compound this natural female preference', says Professor Anya Hurlbert, Professor of Visual Neuroscience at Newcastle University.

The study, which is published in the latest issue of Current Biology, provides new scientific evidence in support of the long-held notion that men and women differ when it comes to their favourite colours.

'Although we expected to find gender differences, we were surprised at how robust they were, given the simplicity of our test,' says Professor Hurlbert.

The study is the first to show that colour preference can be broken down into two elements: red-greenness and blue-yellowness. These are the biological mechanisms that underlie colour. Girls and boys differ in the emphasis they give to these two fundamental components.

In the test, young adult men and women were asked to select, as rapidly as possible, their preferred colour from each of a series of paired, coloured rectangles.

While the test revealed that the universal favourite colour appears to be blue , the researchers found that females had a preference for the red end of the red-green axis.

'This shifts their colour preference slightly away from blue towards red, which tends to make pinks and lilacs the most preferred colours in comparison with others,' says Professor Hurlbert, who carried out the study along with research associate, Dr Yazhu Ling.

The test included a small group of Chinese people among the other 171 British Caucasian study participants to establish whether gender differences in colour preference depend more on biology or culture. According to Professor Hurlbert, the results among the Chinese participants were similar, strengthening the idea that the gender differences might be biological.

Overall, the differences between men and women were substantial enough that the seasoned researchers can now usually predict the sex of a participant based on their 'favourite colour' profile.

The researchers plan to modify the colour-choice test for infants to further test the 'nature versus nurture' theory.

However, Professor Hurlbert says she could only speculate about the universal preference for blue: 'Here again, I would favour evolutionary arguments. Going back to our 'savannah' days, we would have a natural preference for a clear blue sky, because it signalled good weather. Clear blue also signals a good water source', she says.

Reproduced with permission of Current Biology

Watch BBC Look North's news report on this story

2007年8月26日 星期日

Fellini 一輩子都試著治療教育的傷害



F. A. Herbig{費里尼自傳:夢是唯一的現實}Ichi, Fellini, 1994)台北:遠流出版,199632-4

2007年8月21日 星期二

トヨタ (Toyota) 工業学園等技能進修

うで 腕

an arm; 《腕前》ability ((to do, for)); skill ((in)).
~が立つ be able [adept] (at).
~が鳴るぜ I'm itching for action.
~に覚えがある be confident of one's skill.
~に縒(よ)りをかけて料理する cook to one's ability.
~のいい able; skillful; skilled.
~を上げる improve one's skill [ability].
~を組んで with one's arms folded; ((walk)) arm in arm ((with)).
~を拱(こまぬ) be an idle onlooker.
~を振るう use one's ability.
~を貸す help.
~を磨く improve one's skill [ability].
暖簾(のれん)に~押し It's useless, like beating the air.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 和英辞典


 団塊世代の大量退職に伴い、生産現場で技能をいかに継承するかが課題になる中、メーカーの若手技術者が技を競い合う「技能五輪」が注目されている。今年11月には、2年に1度の国際大会が静岡県で開かれる予定で、参加者は猛暑に耐えながら、腕に磨きをかけている。(経済部 小嶋伸幸)




















 厚生労働省が企業の技能訓練の状況などを調査し、7月に発表した「2006年度能力開発基本調査」では、団塊世代の退職に伴い、「技能の継承に問 題がある」と答えた企業は約3割を占めた。このうち、建設業(58・0%)、電気・ガス・熱供給・水道業(57・0%)、製造業(46・2%)は平均を大 きく上回り、技能継承の危機感が強い。



 全国大会は23歳以下、国際大会は22歳以下が対象。全国大会は毎年開かれ、国際大会には原 則として前年の国内優勝者が出場する。静岡の国際大会は約50か国・地域から約840人が出場予定。生産現場系に加え、洋裁、ウェブデザイン、パン製造な ど計47種目で競う。障害を持つ人による国際アビリンピックも開かれる。

2007年8月20日 読売新聞)

2007年8月20日 星期一

Textbooks Cost a Lot. They Shouldn’t.

Textbooks Cost a Lot. They Shouldn’t. (4 Letters)

Published: August 20, 2007

To the Editor:

美國大專教科書產業最發達 經常走火入魔

There is a very simple reason textbooks are too expensive (“Course Requirement: Extortion,” by Michael Granof, Op-Ed, Aug. 12): they have too many pages. In a typical college course, it’s usual not to use even half the text.

Publishers are making texts longer, more colorful and crammed with information, but it serves no purpose in the classroom. As a college professor of five years, I have learned that class time should not be about trying to use as much of a text as possible just so students will not feel that they’ve wasted their money.

In a true student-centered classroom, texts are used sparingly. Recently I’ve begun using much shorter texts that are so inexpensive that I can combine two. I feel liberated without a cumbersome tome, and students are thrilled at not having to spend a fortune and lug around a 900-page text. Publishers take note: less is more.

Cindy Wishengrad
New York, Aug. 12, 2007

To the Editor:

Michael Granof suggests a number of intelligent ways to cut the prohibitive cost of required college textbooks. I would like to suggest another — that professors cease teaching an entire course directly from a single textbook altogether.

In the four years I spent studying physical natural sciences at the University of Cambridge, I was never once required to buy a textbook, for the simple reason that my professors devised their own courses and wrote their own, unique sets of notes to accompany each course. A list of interesting reference texts was available in the library for any student who wanted to go the extra mile.

Maybe it is time that the tenure system placed less emphasis on research, and more on teaching, as a way to get tenure?

Beth Guiton
Philadelphia, Aug. 12, 2007

To the Editor:

Michael Granof’s suggestion that educational publishers and universities engage in the content-licensing of textbooks (like software) deserves further study. McGraw-Hill Education has begun to pursue this approach through a number of successful content-licensing arrangements with colleges and universities.

Our mission is to produce world-class intellectual content and deliver it in the form best suited to our customers’ needs.

In today’s digital environment, printed textbooks are one of several options available to publishers for delivering educational content. We are continuously working with colleges and universities to create the most efficient and effective learning tools that enhance teaching, learning and student achievement.

Digital delivery holds great promise for enhancing learning, lowering costs and making a system like Professor Granof’s a viable option.

Edward H. Stanford
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Burr Ridge, Ill., Aug. 15, 2007

To the Editor:

An otherwise excellent article missed a trick — why are students still asked to purchase printed math and science textbooks? As a middle school math and science teacher, I’m not constrained by my school to teach from textbooks. I can use a wide variety of tools to reach my students on multiple levels.

If college students had access to textbooks online, the cost of printing and distribution would go away. Multimedia academic training with built-in discussions and study guides would enhance learning. Such services could be subscription based, have built-in expiration dates and come as a bundled service with tuition. With near-zero marginal costs for adding students, publishers could still make a profit.

You could even print out a section to read in the bathtub ... which is much easier and less financially risky than balancing a $180 tome on the edge of your bathtub.

Doug Garfinkel
San Francisco, Aug. 13, 2007

2007年8月18日 星期六


U.S. News and World Report 是老牌的優質周刊
可惜水土不服 很快就停刊了

U.S. News and World Report 每年都會將美國的1900家"高校"排名
我認為Princeton HarvardYale 等等爭前幾名並沒有意思
你如果能讀英文 可以進去參觀
譬如說 對於美國醫院的排名 這很重要

2007年8月16日 星期四


他們感謝自己孩子 原本在他校被套上"問題學生"(被拒)
順利在那兒以" 一般幼兒"身分 "畢業"



Is an Early-Help Program
Shortchanging Kids?

August 16, 2007; Page B1

School districts have long complained about the high cost of special education. Now, spurred by changes in federal law, many are pursuing a contentious new strategy designed to reduce the number of children who need to be in such pricey programs.

Known as "response to intervention," or RTI, it aims to bring early help to children struggling in regular-education classrooms and thus avoid having to provide them with special-education services later, when they typically cost 50% more per student. While few educators and disability advocates disagree with the theory behind RTI, some fear that, in implementation, it could become an excuse for shortchanging children with some of the most common disabilities.


Under 2004 revisions to the federal special-education law, states must permit the use of RTI, and districts can use as much as 15% of their federal special-education money to pay for help in regular-education classes.

Chicago, Minneapolis and dozens of Iowa school districts have already adopted forms of RTI. Illinois and Delaware have announced plans to make it mandatory for all of their schools, while California and Florida have launched related training campaigns for teachers. The fast-growing Elk Grove Unified district, near Sacramento, Calif., has used RTI to reduce its special-education rolls to 9% of its students, down from 16% when the program began a decade ago and well below the nationwide average of 14%.

The push for RTI is the latest chapter in a long-running battle over just how far schools should go to educate disabled students in regular classrooms. Observers say RTI could boost such mainstreaming to unprecedented levels by shifting resources away from separate special-education programs and requiring regular-education teachers to tackle tougher learning challenges in their own classrooms. "It's a real paradigm shift in the field," says Ronald Dumont, a psychology professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, N.J.

RTI has also gotten a big boost from the Bush administration's $1 billion Reading First program, whose literacy programs were designed to be part of RTI. Reading First has been controversial because some federally funded advisers who recommended the software and books for the program to school districts have financial ties to publishers of the curricular materials.

In most places, RTI is being directed at children with so-called "specific learning disabilities." Created under federal law, the fast-growing category includes dyslexia and other mental processing disorders that prevent children from listening, speaking, reading or computing up to their potential. SLD students account for about 46% of the nation's 6.1 million special-education students, up from less than a quarter in the 1970s.

[Cases in Class]

To determine whether a student has SLD, schools have traditionally looked for disparities between the IQ scores and achievement-test results of low-performing children. Usually, such disparities don't become apparent until the later years of elementary school.

RTI supporters call that a "wait-to-fail" approach. They maintain that many children now in special education are simply victims of poor instruction and wouldn't need expensive special-education services if they had gotten extra help as soon as their problems surfaced. They say minority students, in particular, are overrepresented in special education when they may just need better schooling. In some cases, school districts have adopted RTI-like strategies as part of a settlement of related civil-rights litigation.

Under RTI, children are generally considered for special education only if they don't respond to a gradually intensifying series of closely monitored interventions. "It's both more humane and more cost-effective to screen for problems early and intervene at younger ages than it is to attempt to treat problems after they are firmly established," says Daniel Reschly, a professor of education and psychology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.

Even so, the process can be confusing for parents like Karen Callender, of Long Beach, Miss. She encountered a form of RTI last fall when she asked local school officials to evaluate her third-grade son, Keith, for special-education services. He had recently been hospitalized in a psychiatric ward for two weeks, and physicians had diagnosed him with mood disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dysgraphia, a processing disorder that makes it difficult for him to write legibly.

Ms. Callender says school officials refused to evaluate Keith, saying they could handle his problems via interventions in the regular classroom. "I've still never gotten anything in writing saying what these interventions are," says Ms. Callender.

Long Beach school officials declined to discuss the case, citing federal confidentiality laws.

Researchers say various studies have proved that such interventions benefit younger children with reading problems. But when it comes to older children or other subjects, such as math, "we have precious little to go by," says Thomas Kubiszyn, director of school psychology training at the University of Houston.

Meanwhile, there are no standards for what the RTI process should look like or how long the various tiers of intervention should last. Without limits, some fear RTI could become a "gulag of general education," says Douglas Fuchs, a special-education professor at Vanderbilt.

Under the federal special-education law, parents could short-circuit the RTI process with a written demand for a full special-education assessment, but disability attorneys say many parents aren't aware that they have such rights. In the meantime, students in RTI aren't covered by the federal laws that require specific record-keeping, case monitoring and due-process rights for special-education students.

Disability advocates in Mississippi and Alabama say some school districts in those states are keeping sloppy records on interventions or using them to inappropriately deny special-education services. Chicago's RTI system, known as "school-based problem solving," has come under fire from advocacy groups and others. A 2005 report by a monitor appointed by a federal judge found that the system was "misunderstood and misused by staff, resulting in delays in referral for evaluation of students with disabilities."

Carlette Boler, a mother of three, says that despite the classroom struggles of her daughter, Octavia, she had to hire an attorney last year to get the Chicago school district to assess the eight-year-old for special education. According to records filed as part of related administrative-law proceedings, the case manager at Octavia's elementary school thought the girl had to first undergo problem-solving, though because the manager had never received any related training, nothing was done.

A spokesman for the Chicago school district declined to comment on the case but said staff at the school involved did receive training during the 2005-2006 school year.

Teresa Garate, chief of staff for Chicago's office of specialized services, says the district's initial attempt at RTI, launched in the late 1990s, was plagued by high staff turnover and the lack of a computerized system for tracking the progress of students undergoing such interventions. She says the system is being revamped with stronger monitoring tools, adding: "I guess you learn from doing."

Write to Robert Tomsho at rob.tomsho@wsj.com


measurementevaluation 是 教育管理者的最愛
不過 我們可以說 這是教育界最"誤盡蒼生"的

我幾年前就知道英國的 The Times等等有全球/全英國大學的"排行榜"

台灣報的 都是"台大"是華語圈第一.....


".....文章介紹,“2007世界大學學術排名”主要採用國際認可的學術成果與學術表現作為主要評比指標。該指標分為下列 四大類——教育品質、教師品質、研究成果及機構規模,共包括六項指標內容——畢業校友及教師獲得Nobel及Fields獎情況、教師論文高度被引用情 況、Science和Nature論文發表情況、SCI與SSCI論文數以及機構規模。

筆者是門外漢,不知道文中所述的這四大類指標是否確係國際認可,倘若真是國際 認可,也應該由人家國家認可的部門去做這項工作,上海交大便不該趟這個渾水。倘若這四個指標權威性、科學性不夠,那麼以此四指標給全球高校排名,便在原則 即錯的情況下進行,結果自然就不必看了。

上海交通大學高等教育研究所研究員稱,這一排名是根據一些具體的指標,因為工 科更容易出論文,偏重文科的大學可能會“吃點虧”。這說明上海交大的研究人員也意識到這個排名存在的硬傷,既然知道了,為何不把偏重文科的學校摘除出去? 或者說僅弄個工科大學排行榜恐怕會更科學些吧?

其實,一所學校的好壞,往複雜了說,是個很麻煩的系統工程,包括方方面面的指 標,絕不是一個簡單的活。但往簡單了說,最主要的應該是它的畢學生的就業率及成才率以及它招生的吸引率(全球、全國)。當然,這些都是相輔相成,相互作用 和影響的。如果學生的就業率、成才率提不上去,不管它的教師發了多少論文,它的校園環境多麼地優美、建築多麼地豪華、圖書館多麼地氣派並有多豐富的館藏都 無濟於事。畢竟教育的第一目的是育人,拼到底,拼的是誰育出的人才多,這才是最最關鍵的。任何一個科學研究的目的在於揭示真理並推動生產發展。如果一個研 究結果得不到大家的認可,對實際工作起不到任何推動作用,能存在5年,實在是一件荒唐的事。說到這,該怎麼做,我想大家應該都心知肚明瞭吧?(作者:察己 今)"






这个上海交大的世界500强大学学术排名榜却逐 渐地站稳了。德国各大媒体基本上都对此作了报导与评论。“明镜周刊”说:“教育专家们认为,这个2003年首次发布的上海排名榜属于严肃的、透明的大学比 较之列。”“南德意志报”说:“一开始中国研究人员就是对中国大学与世界级大学的差距有多大感兴趣。在各国的朋友对这个上海做的大学排名榜表示出兴趣后, 那里的科学家们开始在网上发表他们的比较结果。现在不仅是朋友们每年紧张地期待着这个排名结果。”

果然如此,在网上简单地检索一下,就可以看到, 不少国家、大学对此十分重视。举几个例子:新西兰Messey University的副校长尼格尔.朗表示,新西兰有5所大学能够进入“受到尊重的上海交通大学排名表世界前500名”是让人高兴的事,“对这个伟大的 结果,我向Messey大学全体科研人员表示祝贺。”这家大学今年被上海交大排在第305至401之间。


土耳其媒体Todays Zaman对土耳其历史最悠久的大学伊斯坦布尔大学进入上海交大排名榜的前500名表示祝贺(说是第469名)。这篇报导说,以往象希腊、爱尔兰、匈牙 利、波兰、埃及、智利、斯洛文尼亚这些国家都有大学进入前500名,但却没有一所土耳其大学。伊斯坦布尔大学校长帕尔拉克听说这个消息后,表示很振奋。






此外,德国还有35所大学进入了500强。但德 国媒体特别注意到,柏林两所大学-洪堡大学和柏林自由大学居然都跌出了500强。“明镜周刊”分析,原因是这两所大学在争夺1911年至柏林自由大学建立 期间几十年里,原“柏林大学”的那些诺贝尔奖得主应该归谁所有,至今没有定论。

对德国大学在世界500强里的处境,各媒体的读 者什么说法都有。有不少读者说,这个排名榜表明,那些已经被评为德国中坚大学(相当于重点大学)的几所大学并不是货真价实的,它们并没有都进入100强; 而象海德堡大学、波恩大学,没被评为中坚大学,却在世界上被看好。还有读者说,德国有许多科研成就不是出自大学,而是出自马克斯.普朗克、弗劳恩霍费尔等 世界名牌研究机构。



尽管中国和印度都没有一所大学进入上海交大这个排名表的前100名,但欧盟教育专员杨.菲格尔(Jan Figel)却对英国泰晤士报说:如果欧洲英国、法国、德国等国的大学不努力现代化,不获得更多的资金,它们就会被印度和中国的大学在10年之内超出。



英国大学委员会主席德拉蒙德.本 (Drummond Bone)也发出了类似的警告。他认为,欧洲大学要联合起来制定措施,来吸引学生和投资。他说,否则,在榜单上的下落会导致经济下坠的螺旋,“海外学生将 不再来英国或欧洲,而我们的学生也被吸引到其它地方去。假如学生到别的地方去了,生意也就跟到别的地方去了。”



在这个排名榜里,中国大陆只有清华大学进入了前 200名,跟台湾大学一起位于第151位至第202位这个组里。位于203至304之间的有香港中文大学、香港城市大学、香港大学、香港科技大学、南京大 学、北京大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、中国科技大学。位于305至401之间的有复旦大学和吉林大学。

于是,一些人提出了异议:南京大学怎么可以排到 北京大学前面去呢?上海交大怎么可以把自己排到复旦大学前面去呢?北京大学负责人说,北京大学不发表评论,“只想做好自己的事儿。”显然不满。复旦大学方 面表示,对各类排名会理性对待,会把各类分析作为进一步发展的动力。说得理智一些,但同样做出不当回事的姿态。




要说这个排名表的意义,从不同的角度看,自然有 不同的。从德国的角度看,没有一个德国大学排在前50名里,从欧洲的角度看,远远不如美国,甚至有多少年后被中国和印度超越的可能,要抓紧现代化和投资, 这是一个意义;从一些国家(如土耳其)的角度看,能够进入500强就是胜利,是突破,也是一个意义;从中国的角度看,跟世界教育大国差距还很大,在 2015年要走到最前列,很艰难,要付出很大努力,这又是一个意义(不过,仅诺贝尔奖得主数量这个标准,对中国来说就非常难)。

然而,德国之声记者认为,这个排名表特别有意思 的一点,也可以说是一个特殊的、而且不可谓不大的意义是:中国一个机构的世界排名居然获得了一定的世界权威意义。这似乎还是以前没有过的。美国福布斯的 500强企业,世界公认。而中国的什么世界排名被世界公认过呢?正如那位中国作者说的:这至少也应该是联合国教科文组织的事啊。

上海交大的这个排名表能够得到世界的认可,一方 面是由于工作的国际化,透明化,标准的可信和有据可查。但是,这个排名表从2003年就开始搞了,为什么在这之前就没有听到过,而今年,仅在德国,就有那 么多媒体报导、评论,甚至欧盟的教育专员也把它作为一个依据呢?显然:第二方面,水涨船高。这件事本身证明中国在国际上的地位更被看重了。



既然世界上挺重视这个排名,上海交大其实可以做得更细一些,比如,现在在100名后就不具体排名了,而只是50个、100个分成一组。完全可以做到具体化的。 平心




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